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When atheists control a country, how do they behave?

33 Answers

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Atheism Fails Again" gave an excellent answer, but he or she appealed to facts instead of reciting atheist propaganda, which is why the answer was voted into oblivion.

    Countries like Britain, Sweden, and Australia are not controlled by atheists. They are countries powerfully influenced by Christianity for centuries. Whatever atheist bloc might influence policies is limited by Christian influence. For example, they allow religious freedom, which is a Christian idea completely foreign to nations outside of Christian influence.

    There is a reason why atheist nations reject freedom, equality, and human rights. Freedom, equality, and rights are given by God so that governments can only secure them or fail to secure them. Denying the reality of God invariably undermines objective claims about freedom, equality, and human rights, freeing the government to impose totalitarian rule.



  • 1 decade ago

    Many people think that it is beneficial for most people in a society to believe in a creator — that the more faithful a society is, the more likely it is to be safe and peaceful. However, a 2005 study by Gregory S. Paul shows that a high level of religious belief correlates with more crimes and other social problems. From the study's abstract: “Large-scale surveys show dramatic declines in religiosity in favor of secularization in the developed democracies... Data correlations show that in almost all regards the highly secular democracies consistently enjoy low rates of societal dysfunction, while pro-religious and antievolution America performs poorly.”

    Atheism works well for free societies. Free nations with high levels of atheism — such as Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, Switzerland and Japan — are among the healthiest, wealthiest, most educated, and most free societies on Earth. Sweden, with a population that is least likely to go to church, has the lowest crime rate in the industrialized world. Denmark, estimated to be between 43% and 80% atheists and agnostics, is listed as the happiest nation in the results of a 2008 poll by The World Values Surveys. It's also interesting that Denmark legalized gay marriages in 1989.

  • 1 decade ago

    TO everyone saying 'it doesn't work' and making the religious look like ignorant bigots, take into account places like Australia. The Australian prime minister, Julia Gillard, is an atheist. has australia been pushed into turmoil? NO, when you have a democratic system that has to be followed and reasonable people in power their personal beliefs matter very little. NORTH KOREA IS A BLOODY DICTATORSHIP, that has very little to do with ones religious beliefs (i'm aware that their official religion is Juche).

  • 1 decade ago

    to the christians who confuse atheists with communists, shame on you for violating the "do not bear false witness" commandment because the two are very different

    its like saying hitler was a teetotaler and a non-smoker and at least a partial vegetarian so all people who dont smoke, drink alcohol or eat meat are fascists

  • 1 decade ago

    The only examples are the Communist takeovers in which no dissent was permitted and believers were persecuted or 'supervised"

    Mass murder and oppression freed from the need to use theistic rationalizations for evil now done in the name of "liberation of the mind","abolition of bourgeois morality", "progress of humanity" in the freedom of "might makes right"

    These atheisms killed and tortured at least 500 million people

    The secular governments of western Europe are not atheistic, even though they grow more and more hostile to 'traditional morality" as the Communists did

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The most civilized countries on earth are also the most atheist.

  • Blank
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well we would

    -seperate the church and state

    -stop all religious wars

    -ACTUALLY TRY to bring a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine

    -Stop putting Israel as our first priority

    -Ban drinking and smoking as they can be more dangerous than pot (also make pot illegal too)

    -Still allow teaching of creationism BUT IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS ONLY

    -Teach evolution

    -Accept criticism, and attempt to respond WITHOUT CHRISTIAN CONFUSION TACTICS OR CIRCULAR LOGIC

    -Educate all that Hitler was Catholic and Stalin may have been Eastern Orthodox

    -Accelerate the advancement of science and technology

    -Bye bye right-wingers

    -Educate the true nature of terrorism (8 out of 14 domestic terror acts are committed by right wingers, while only 6% are committed by Muslims)

    -Significantly less association with Faith Based Organizations, but more so with the Secular nonprofit orgs

    -Etc... In other words, bash myths and seperate the church from the state further.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Logically and without passing laws just because of what they believe. They also tend to show much more tolerance towards other peoples beliefs than theists.

  • 1 decade ago

    Another name for Atheist is Humanist. We care more about others than theists. Most believe that people should have basic human rights, w/o interference from Fundies (that have agendas). We love life because we know it's the one and only life we get.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, they pass laws outlawing certain aspects of religious life - no public meetings, no printing Bibles, that sort of thing.

    Then, once they've enough power, they murder the clergy. Stalin was the most efficient at this, but Mao and Polpot killed their fair share, too, albeit with far less drama.

    Then, they begin butchering ethnic minorities, political opponents or religious believers themselves.

    Then, they rule with an iron fist until they die, get deposed, etc.

    This is how history has shown atheist leaders to rule. Perhaps an atheist will change the trend, but it is what it is. Atheist leaders have set the record for most people killed in a single century, at over 100,000,000.

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