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Bill S
Lv 4
Bill S asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsCancer · 1 decade ago

What do you think about this?

What do you think about this?

4 Answers

  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I didn't actually take the time to watch the video you link to - but I'm familiar with the arguments and with Rick Simpson's videos.

    There's no actual scientific proof at all that marijuana prevents or cures cancer. There has been a study that indicates that cannabinoids ( the active ingredients in marijuana) can help prevent prostate cancer.

    There has also been research into the treatment of cancer. Complutense University in Madrid and the University hospital of Tenerife carried out research a few years ago into the use of chemical cannabinoids to help treat one type of brain tumour, glioblastoma multiforme.

    There were promising results, but the number of patients involved was very small (9), and much more research is needed.

    There's no suggestion in any of this research that smoking marijuana can either treat or prevent cancer; the research has been done using man-made chemicals that mimic the compounds found in cannabis, rather than unpurified marijuana.

    There is some evidence that marijuana is a risk factor for testicular cancer.

    As for Rick Simpson, who gets a mention in the title of the video you link to, I've watched his Run From the Cure more than once, and find it less than convincing. For one thing, claims that a single substance can cure anything from cancer to weight problems to insomnia has to be regarded with suspicion at best.

    What I recall most vividly from it is a number of unsubstantiated testimonials - no way of knowing if these people had ever had the conditions they claimed, and certainly no way of knowing if they'd been 'cured'.

    But I'll accept they had those conditions. And as I've had cancer, the ones who'd had cancer were the ones to whom I paid most attention. And you know what? - they'd all had conventional treatment too, but had chosen to credit the hemp oil with the improvement in their condition.

    This often happens with alternative treatments and cancer - a patient has chemo and feels crap, because chemo makes you feel crap. After the chemo is over, s/he takes some 'alternative' medicine; soon s/he begins to feel better. Well, that's no surprise, you do begin to feel better when chemo is over. But s/he chooses to give the credit for feeling better, and for subsequent improvements in her/his condition, to the unproven alternative rather than to the conventional treatments.

    As I said, less than convincing

    Probably you will receive some answers claiming marijuana's effect on cancer has been suppressed in the interests of profit because 'they can't patent a natural substance'.

    In fact it's common for synthetic derivatives to be made that are an improvement on the original, and it's also common to get patents on the methods of isolating or administering the substance.

    So even if a pharmaceutical couldn't make money directly from hemp oil or marijuana, if either were effective they could make plenty of money and get plenty kudos from developing a safer, more effective derivative. The chemotherapy drug Taxol is derived from yew. And remember that the research into cannabinoids and cancer has all been done using man-made chemicals that mimic the compounds found in cannabis.

    If hemp oil and marijuana had been proven effective against cancer, pharmaceutical companies would be all over them like a rash. But so far they haven't, so drug companies don't bother with them. They're after profits, after all

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting to see exactly where all of the studies lead and to see if the human brain acts the same as the brain of a mouse.

    I am a believer that everything having a purpose and it could be that marijuana's purpose is purely medicinal, sadly it has been used as a recreation drug to the point that it has been deemed to be illegal.

    No, I do not think that marijuana should be legalized even if it proves to cure certain types of cancer it should then be treated the same as any other Rx drug like morphine or Darvon.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Agree with lo-mcg.

    Analysed well.

    World need to wait more for large patient studies and there out come before proclaiming well.

    Source(s): WW
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just be a stoner and live cancer free.

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