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Anonymous asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Was it wrong for WWE to make Kaval a NXT winner...?

Knowing that WWE had a different outcome for him once he won NXT?

Make of this as you will but -

'copied and pasted from a spoiler site'

Brandon Silvestry (a/k/a Kaval/Low Ki) requested his release from World Wrestling Entertainment after being frustrated with his position in the organization. The company's creative department was told to bury him after winning the second season of NXT, until a decision was made that he was built up for a few weeks for an Intercontinental Championship Match against Dolph Ziggler at Survivor Series. After losing at the pay-per-view event, creative was told to resume burying him.

Following his quick loss to Drew McIntyre on the Dec. 21 episode of SmackDown!, he reportedly asked WWE management if he had any heat with them, to which he was told no. He then queried if they had any future plans for him and was told they really didn't at that time. He subsequently asked to be released from his contract, which was officially granted two days later

- We can make hook or crook about this news but even if they were going to bury him each week, why make him a winner of NXT if they were gonna do this?

BQ - Why has there been only 2 outstanding breakout stars from NXT in general? Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett? Let's face it, unless one Nexus guy does something that's worth mentioning, no one has really made more of an impact from NXT than Bryan and Barrett, to be brutally fair

BQ2 - When will Kaitlyn get released? Come on, who really has any aspirations for her?

BQ3 - IYO, who has been THE most boring NXT star ever? Like there was nothing there and they couldn't entertain for s*it

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Wrong?" That can't be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". NXT was only ever about season one and the creation of that Nexus faction. The WWE put some real effort and, ahem, creativity into season one. Season two didn't get the...attention that season one did and the show suffered. Season three was a joke and got the show taken off the air. Season four...does anybody care about season four?

    Younger fans likely won't agree with me, and they seem to not like it very much when I tear down their sacred idol, Vince McMahon, but they don't know Vince McMahon except by what they see on TV. Vince McMahon is a very strange man. Nah, "strange" isn't the right word. Vince is a fairly normal man who just has too much money and power, and too many people kissing his a*s all the time. Vince has created a public image for himself as some sort of benevolent god and the "WWE universe" soaks it up like a sponge. Fans believe "Kaval" got a huge break out of the goodness of Vince's heart. Not hardly.

    The "plan" for NXT (as I see it, and I've been watching Vince McMahon for 26 years) was the Nexus faction and the destruction of Bryan Danielson, the IWC's favorite son and the "internet darling" Vince's talking head commentators kept emphasizing. Danielson's reputation was such that even "WWE fans" who don't watch any other promotion knew the name Bryan Danielson. Frequently called "best in the world" all over the world, everybody knew Bryan Danielson. Vince wasn't going to bring in Bryan Danielson as the "American Dragon"; Vince didn't create HIM. So he "nerded" him up, bastardized his name, and had Cole tear him down constantly. That got the desired effect. The fans didn't buy it and got behind Danielson more than they probably would have otherwise. "Daniel Bryan" got over. Vince then moved him to RAW to take him out on the big stage.

    Vince made him even geekier, stuck a couple of chicks on him, emphasized his "nerdy" lifestyle, gave him a cutesy-named WWE-type "finisher", and basically de-fanged him. Sure, he put the U.S. Title on him; Miz didn't need it anymore. But Vince now has the "best in the world", the ferocious and dangerous "American Dragon", the man with the lethal kicks and endless submission holds, the man who main evented all over putting on 5-star wrestling matches with the best wrestlers in the a mid-card nerd who rarely gets TV time except to stand there awkwardly while a couple of Divas "fight" over him, and the occasional short TV match. Cody Rhodes gets treated better.

    Vince's not-so-subtle message? Best in the world? Internet darling? "Yeah, right. He's just a mid-card midget I turned into the Bellas' pet."

    "Kaval" was another "internet darling" Vince "showed" the world wasn't good enough to make it in the WWE. Though he didn't have the name-recognition and reputation Danielson had, Low Ki was still one of the best indy wrestlers in the world with a following of his own. Vince stuck "Kaval", too, with a couple of Divas and made a pet out of him. Once Lay Cool were done playing with him, "Kaval" lost his hook. The "WWE universe" doesn't care about wrestling skills so all the cool kicks and stuff he did in the ring only mattered while he was doing them. Outside of the ring, without Lay Cool, nobody cared about "Kaval". Vince "neutered" another "internet darling".

    Vince is a very vindictive man. He will spend weeks, months, even years, and a LOT of money to get even, get revenge, put somebody out. He did that with Bryan Danielson and Low Ki. He showed the world that those "best in the world" "internet darlings" are really nothing when they get into Vince's little fantasy world. The fantasy world most fans believe is the only promotion that matters.

    BQ: "Daniel Bryan" is not the star he should be, as I discussed above. He was Vince taking a well-respected favorite performer of fans all over the world and making a joke of him. Vince has put championships on jokes before "Daniel Bryan". Santino, for example. Hornswoggle, is another. Barrett was Vince's "breakout star" all along. The other interchangeable Nexus members are just window-dressing to make Barrett seem more important for "leading a stable". I'm not saying Nexus is a waste, but it's initial purpose was to get Wade Barrett over. With a lot of help from John Cena, that succeeded.

    BQ2: Who? Well, she's pretty so she'll most likely wind up some "superstar's" on-air girlfriend then eventually get released.

    BQ3: Eli Cottonwood. Come on. The "Deliverance" gimmick went out in the 1980's.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was wrong knowing that they were gonna do that. Why not make a superstar that will do something for WWE instead of burying him? Just make him into a star, like what they've done for Barrett and Bryan, not the other way around

    BQ - WWE are only trusting the ones who actually have talent. That's the fact

    BQ2 - June 2011

    BQ3 - IMO, it has to be either Eli Cottonwood or Jamie Keyes

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it was. If they had no plans for him, make someone win NXT that will get pushed.

    BQ1 - Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett thus far.

    BQ2 - Hopefully not. I think given time she can get better. She has a great personality that translates well on TV.

    BQ3 - Arksana

  • Despite what they would like us to think, the WWE isn't always the slick, well-oiled machine they portray themselves as. The WWE is run and operated entirely on the whims of one man, Vince McMahon, and while over the decades he's more than established himself as a visionary and a very intelligent individual, he's also demonstrated time and time again that he is remarkably indecisive.

    You won't find a better example of that than Kaval. He wins the second season of NXT against a relatively deep field of other wrestlers, he comes out of that show with quite a following and a wildly entertaining style. He lands on Smackdown, the show where it's easier for younger, newer talent to establish themselves (as opposed to the star studded roster on RAW) and everything looks bright for Kaval. And then...nothing. Nothing at all. Like you said, why give him a springboard for a big push with the NXT victory if he was just going to be buried and released? Why have him win on such a grand stage, in a situation that is clearly designed to act as a career launching pad, if there were no immediate plans for him? What's the point of that? Why not just have Alex Riley, a guy who they clearly have and had plans for with The Miz, win instead?

    I think that it really comes back to Vince McMahon's mindset. How many angles, storylines and feuds over the years have we seen that have looked promising, only to simply vanish the next week with little or no explanation? I think that Kaval is just another example of that line of thinking. It's sad, because Kaval was (and is) a highly skilled performer, and in a company where Rey Mysterio can become a major star for close to a decade, it isn't unrealistic to assume that Kaval could have followed down a similar path. He could talk, I thought he was connecting with the crowd, he was superb at portraying the underdog role, he was incredibly exciting and fun to watch. After he won NXT, I truly thought he was in line for big things. Instead, we see not only wasted talent in Kaval, but a hugely wasted opportunity in NXT.

    BQ - Because the RAW and Smackdown rosters already have a number of big names on them. It's difficult to launch a number of new careers so quickly and have them all make an impact. When you think about it, RAW already has John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, The Miz, Wade Barrett and a whack of other guys. Remember, there's only so much television time. Now, we can argue all day about who is more talented and who "deserves" a spot, but I think that's what it comes down to, a simple lack of space.

    Personally, I didn't think there was a thing wrong with slotting some of those guys in as middle card types, like what they seemed to be doing with Kaval, but that just didn't happen. There's still Alex Riley though. I think he'll be around for a while.

    BQ2 - The Divas division in the WWE is a rotating cast that is thrown onto T.V. in order to give the fans a break and get charged up for the main events. There is virtually zero effort put into the Divas division and I have no reason to suspect things will be any different at all for Kaitlyn. Myself, I actually like Kaitlyn (although I thought A.J. was by far the best girl on NXT), and I wouldn't mind at all if she stuck around for a while, but I'm certainly not expecting anything big.

    BQ3: This season is chalk full of them. Conner O'Brien, Derrik Bateman, Jacob Novak, all three of those guys seem to possess nothing worth holding onto. The first two seasons were both pretty deep and the third season at least had Kaitlyn and A.J., who I thought were both outstanding, but this season seems to have a pretty shallow talent pool.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, obviously is this statement is true which is very likely, then of course WWE were wrong and stupid to have him win NXT. NXT was created to promote rookies and potentially create them into future WWE stars. Judging from this statement and others, WWE had no intention of creating Kaval into a future WWE star, therefore there was no need for him to win. Season 2 had some other talented rookies like McGuillicutty and he does better than the actual winner? It's crazy but actually it's happening in most of these voting show things. Like in the UK's X Factor, the runner's up ALWAYS seem to do better than the actual winner. NXT is the exact same, the runner's up like Husky Harris and McGuillicutty have clearly done better than Kaval because theyre now members of Raws biggest alliance, the Nexus.

    It's a big shame because Kaval was talented. WWE seem to be doing it to prove a point though and I think it's a game and it's plying with people's emotions and general well-being. Because Kaval won't struggle to find work, but going through NXT, winning, going to SD and getting buried must be somewhat stressful. To know that you are in the biggest promotion yet going nowhere and being buried on purpose when deep down you know you are probably one of the most talented on the roster.. It's pathetic on WWE's part, and lucky for Kaval that he got out.

    BQ: Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett have been the only real NXT stars to talk about. Although WWE seem to be trying to create stars in all the other Nexus members like Otunga and Gabriel.

    BQ2: I wouldn't be surprised if it was soon. WWE are wasting their talent and ruining the concept of NXT. The general idea of NXT and the general concept is really awesome, but they've just wasted it and ruined it, but not sticking to the rules. The rules are that one guy wins, one guy gets hired? They also screwed the guys after NXT, like Kaval.

    BQ3: IMO, I actually think the most boring was Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield combined. I find them soo dry and boring, I really did not care for their segmnts in NXT season 1 at all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was defintately wrong. It shouldn't of happened since they just released him in the end. It was a waste of time and talent.

    BQ; Justin Gabriel has been pegged the greatest (skill-wise) one from Nexus so you can't really say he's not a breakout star just because he hasn't achieved too much on-screen. He's mentioned quite a bit from the IWC so I consider that enough.

    BQ2; I don't think she will. Which sucks because she really has no talent and everyone knows Naomi should've won NXT.

    BQ3; Considering I didn't watch NXT much, I can't really say.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because WWE and Vince are idiots. The only people that really get pushed are the big guys like Sheamus and Cena. The only exception to that may be Rey Mysterio but thats simply because he sells alot of merchandise. Hopefully he will go to a company that will use him like TNA or ROH.

    BQ - I don't understand the point of NXT in general. I watched it when it was on TV but when it went to the internet only I didn't think it was worth it. I keep wondering when it will get canceled but they just keep making more seasons.

    BQ2 - They should get rid of her plus half of the other divas. The WWE doesn't use any of them except for Natalya, Melina, and Laycool. The rest are all just jobbers that don't do anything but lose to make them look better.

    BQ3 - Hmm I thought Michael Tarver was pretty boring.

  • 1 decade ago


    Kaval was probably one of the most talented superstars

    BQ-Gabriel and Slater?

    BQ2-Hopefully soon........Naomi was better


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes because he won nxt then he got released

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