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? asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Tell me about your horse/experience?

Hello Everyone,

So I finally got my very own horse!!!! After Years of looking I finally got my own horse!

So I love asking people about their horse stories! I want everyone to share; even if you don't have your own horse (I was horseless before November of 2010 too).

-How long have you been riding?

-What discipline do you ride?

-If you jump, how high?

-How old were you when you got your first horse?

-Tell me about your experiences looking at different horses before your got one.

-How did you know that your horse was the one for you?

-Tell me about your horse (or your favorite horse, if you don't have one).

-How many falls have you had?

-Anything else you want to say about your equestrian life.

For me:

-I started riding when I was 13; I am now 18, but I had one year off due to broken ribs:4 years

-I am a jumper and do dressage; eventually I want to do eventing

-I have jumped 2'9"

-I got Reggie (my horse) in November 15, 2010; 10 days before my 18th birthday

-Oh boy...the first horse I went to see was in March of 2009, so it was a long, long search! I looked at so many horses and was nearly about to give up when I found Reggie. I had lots of interesting experiences especially since the majority of horses that I looked at were OTTBs...I was riding this one horse that I was looking at, Monty: He was adorable, but absolutly HUGE for a TB (big boned, not tall). He was 2 years off the track and the slowest TB I have ever ridden. The ride was normal (other than me being used to riding quicker horses with less training) and all of the sudden I must have found his energy button because he took off rearing and bucking. It was the funniest moment of my life! And my mom actually got it on film!!!! It was awesome!!!!! The funniest thing was that I appologized after I got him to settle down.

-Honeslty, I don't know how I knew that Reggie was right for me. I had given up on ever finding the right horse. I saw her ad on and couldn't get her out of my mind; I tried to just ignore her ad because she was nothing I wanted (other than a OTTB). I thought I was going to get myself killed when I went to see her. Well, I didn't and there really was no discussing getting her, no crying or screaming (as my other friends said they did when they found the right horse); we just started making preparations for buying her.

-Reggie (Reggio's Rockette) is a 3 year old OTTB mare. Her last race was October 14th, 2010 (the first time that I went to see her and rode her, she had been of the track for 2 weeks). Reggie is grey (solid steel grey). My picture is the second time that I rode her (I rode her in a big field W/T/C). She is the sweetest horse that I have ever met. She is 15.3hh, but she looks much smaller because she is so petite and just tiny! She has a cute little dish face. I could just go on and on about her! Here is a race of her's (she ends 3rd)

-I have fallen 3 times: 1 off a spooky little mustang; once off a green paint (I kind of fainted....), and then off Reggie on the thrid day that I owned her; I was so excited to see her, that I forgot to check my tack...I had the bit in backwards....oops

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, I'm going to say that I'm so happy for you, I also have always wanted my own horse! :)

    - I have been riding for 6 years, I started when I was 9 years old and have loved every minute of it.

    -The discipline I ride is mainly dressage (well more flat-work lol) and sometimes jumping.. I'm still trying to get my confidence back with jumping after a bad fall a few years ago :/

    -At the moment I am jumping around 65cm? Which is good for me because a couple of months ago I wouldn't even jump 20cm without feeling really scared because of my low confidence.

    -Never had my own horse but I have part loaned some lovely horses :)

    -Well I will tell you about how I looked for a loan horse, I spent months and months looking on the internet and a lot of people didn't call or email me back and I just about gave up until I found something that changed my riding by a long shot..

    -I could tell that any horses I have loaned were right for me because they listen to me and respect me as soon as I ride or lead them to the field :)

    -My favorite horse... I miss him more than anything. He is retired and I grew up with him basically... I loaned him for just over 3 years and I loved him to death. I still do even though I don't see him.

    -I've had 5 falls I think? that includes a horse falling right over me,being reared off,got flung off at a jump,somersaulted over a horses head when she fell and yeah I think you got the message lol :P

    -I would love to say that riding has changed my life, it has helped me through ALOT of tough times and I couldn't live without it <3 x

    Source(s): my riding life :)
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My most traumatic horse experience was when I was in college and took my horse out on the trails. We went through some woods with a lot of leaves on the ground and suddenly she goes nuts. I jump off and see she had snagged an old strand of barbed wire on the front of her back leg and the way she was pulling at it it was only sawing deeper into the front of her hock. I'm trying to back her up but she won't budge. Then, somehow, she is leaning and has me pinned between her shoulder and a very rough barked tree. At the same time her head is going side to side and she's making huge bites into the air (she'd never bitten in the 8 years I'd had her before then). I really thought she was going to crush me, I was stuck and couldn't push her off me. Finally I squeezed towards the front, missing the biting teeth but getting some huge scratches on my back from the tree. I still couldn't back her up so ran into the open garage of a nearby house and started rooting through their tool boxes for some wire cutters. The owner came out and was helpful, but by the time I returned to my horse, she had pulled free and had a big flap of skin hanging down in front of her hock. She damaged but did not completely sever her extensor tendon, and became completely sound after recovering. I'm not sure what my best experience would be. I've been riding for 33 years and have had lots of great experiences.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) i took lessons every so often starting when i was seven . bit i have consecutively been riding for about four years .

    2) english and western .

    3) a 2'9" oxer

    4) twelve

    5) to be honest with you ,, i really didnt know what i was looking for . all i knew was that i needed a horse big enough for me , and thats what i got . i was so inexperienced and people were still looking for a horse for me . its all good now , dont get me wrong , and i dont think i would re-do it any other way .

    6) i didnt . infact i was scared of him . haha .

    7) my horse .. the real question is what is he like now .. or then ? haha . bailey is a 16hh , 13 year old , chestnut , registered appendix . he has been trained in just about everything . and when i say that i mean : western pleasure , english pleasure , hunter under saddle , trail , barrel racing , etc . the only thing that i know he doesnt know is halter . which is both good and bad the way you look at it . we dont have the patience for it .. so it all works out .

    8) not too many . ive only had maybe three real ones . ant others were too small to remember .

    9) just have fun(:

  • A
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    -How long have you been riding? Nine years

    -What discipline do you ride? Dressage mostly. Jumping also.

    -If you jump, how high? I used to jump 4 foot. My horse I have now is only comfortable up to one foot so far.

    -How old were you when you got your first horse? Sixteen, pretty much seventeen.

    -Tell me about your experiences looking at different horses before your got one. I didn't look, we were offered a horse that I had known for six years and always loved, and we bought him :)

    -How did you know that your horse was the one for you? I'd loved him for years.

    -Tell me about your horse (or your favorite horse, if you don't have one). His name is Whatta Wise Guy RWF (Wisey for short). He's an 8 year old Haflinger gelding.

    -How many falls have you had? Three. Once I was jumping a really high jump, and the horse twisted in midair, landed funky and took off running, so I kind of bailed out. The second time I was trotting bareback and my horse spooked and I kind of just plopped onto my butt :P Third time I had no stirrups or reins and the horse was galloping around the ring like a mad man, and I stayed on for a few laps but when I got hold of my reins he dropped his head and I went over his shoulder.

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  • 1 decade ago

    - I have been riding for about a year and a half.

    - I used to ride english and jump, but now I'm western.

    - I used to jump, but not anymore. The highest I ever jumped was 2ft, but that was just once last summer. Otherwise I would normally jump about 1-1.5ft.

    -I don't have a horse yet, but I am hopefully getting one this spring! I am 15.

    - I haven't actually looked at horses yet, but I have gone on a lot of websites looking for them and my riding instructor has mentioned a couple of horses for sale at other barns.

    - Don't have one yet, but I hope it will be love at first sight!

    - The horse I ride is Picasso. He is a 10 year old dun quarter horse gelding. I think about 15hh. He is like a big lovable teddybear! He does challenge me sometimes, though. He is like my own horse, since I am basically the only one who rides him. Right now I am teaching him to bow!

    - Ive fallen too many times to count! The first time I fell, I was riding a mare who kept randomly bolting when we cantered. She had never done it before, so I have no idea why she was doing it. One time she bolted, we were going toward a wall and for some reason she didn't turn, but instead stopped too fast and I flew off of her, doing a flip in the air going over her neck. I didn't get hurt, but I was freaked out!

  • 1 decade ago

    -How long have you been riding? 2 years, I think?

    -What discipline do you ride? English. Hunt seat. I can ride western, but I don't find it as enjoyable. (no offense to western riders, to each his own)

    -If you jump, how high? I just started, but 2 feet.

    -How old were you when you got your first horse? I don't own one, but I will before March of 2012. :D

    -Tell me about your experiences looking at different horses before your got one. N/a

    -How did you know that your horse was the one for you? N/a

    -Tell me about your horse (or your favorite horse, if you don't have one): Her name is Sophie. She's a Welsh. I'm a bit big to be riding her, but despite both that and the fact that I lean towards 16hh horses, I still love her! She's chestnut with 2 socks, a blaze and a flaxen mane/tail.

    -How many falls have you had? 3. The first was when I was bucked off, 2nd was a stupid fall when I should've been paying more attention, 3rd was for my own safety when the horse I rode almost flipped over.

    -Anything else you want to say about your equestrian life. I can't wait to get my horse!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Congrats getitng your own horse!!!!!!!!

    How long have you been riding? since I was 7, I am 16 now

    -What discipline do you ride? English

    -If you jump, how high? 3ft

    -How old were you when you got your first horse? 14

    -Tell me about your experiences looking at different horses before your got one. None. I bought the first horse I saw.

    -How did you know that your horse was the one for you? Leased it for 6 months

    -Tell me about your horse (or your favorite horse, if you don't have one). Do you have all day ?? :) Epic: Saddlebred, 12, rescued. Emma: Thoroughbred, 8. Pilot: Appaloosa X, 8 mo. freebie

    -How many falls have you had? Like five billion. I've fallen off jumping, been bucked off, dumped, reared on and just plain clumsy.

    -Anything else you want to say about your equestrian life. I love it!!! All the hard work and effort is SOOO worth it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Congrats on getting your own horse! :D

    -How long have you been riding?

    On and off for about 6 years but started learning properly 8 months ago when I got my first horse :)

    -What discipline do you ride?

    English, bit of everything

    -If you jump, how high?

    Only a little bit, and teeny little jumps right now (like <2ft6) back in the day I used to jump around 3ft

    -How old were you when you got your first horse?


    -Tell me about your experiences looking at different horses before your got one.

    Ugh it was awful-- I kept finding 'the perfect horse' and then the sale would fall through for whatever reason.. I shouldn't have even been looking, I wasn't thinking straight, eventually I got so sick of it all that I just settled and bought a random cob :L luckily it was the best decision of my life!

    -How did you know that your horse was the one for you?

    Like I said before, he wasn't! Not at the time anyway but now I know he is because I've changed- tailored myself to match him. And because I can jump him without wanting to pass out :)

    -Tell me about your horse (or your favorite horse, if you don't have one).

    He's beautiful <3 his name is Blue, he's an 8 year old blue and white cob. who stands at 14.1. I've known him since he was 2 years old but I wasn't lucky enough to get to work with him as a youngster (N) he has bags of character and he's really funny. Not many people can ride him, as he has a few weird habbits which I wouldn't change for the world. He's slow and lazy, he loves to gallop (but never at appropriate moments) and he bucks. He stops before and after jumps. His scope only reaches about 3 and a half foot when free lunged.... In other words he's perfectly imperfect :) You will never meet another horse like him.

    -How many falls have you had?

    I used to work a bit backing and bringing on green horses so... ALOT. Ima go for too many to count but it must be about 20? Most were my own stupid fault and I've never gotten badly injured yet (touch wood)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    -Been riding since I was 7 years old, has been 17 years.

    - Mostly Western Pleasure, reining, and trail. I've done hunter and some Dressage.

    -When I was in hunter, I was doing 2'9"

    - Got my first at 12, 2nd at 16, 3rd at 18. Sold the first 1, 2nd had to be put down after colicking severely. Bred the 3rd one when I was 21 and got my most recent one in September.

    - When looking for my 2nd and 3rd, I was looking for a show horse. I looked at a couple OTT horses but didn't like them. I looked at some nice Paints, but didn't click with them. Most horses I looked at just weren't what I was looking for. With #5, I really wanted a reining prospect. I was hoping for a 2 year old, but most just made me think "meh...Not right". I saw my weanling advertised and fell in love.

    -When I got my first, I'll be honest and say I was too excited about getting a horse and went for the 1st one I saw. I really don't recommend it.

    My 2nd one took longer. I tried out several and saw him listed on I called on him and the owner interviewed me. She sent a video, I tried him out and we clicked instantly.

    My 3rd is my Arab mare. I wanted to move away from QHs and I saw her listed for sale. She is a super cute western pleasure horse. She's very hot and a blast to ride. I fell in love from the first time I rode her.

    My 4th was bred, so technically I chose his dad. I looked for a nice Arab stallion with a good mind, conformation, and show record. I found him nearby and had my mare bred. She produced a very nice colt who is now 2.

    My 5th, I saw her when I was looking at another horse the owner was selling. I was drawn to her and bought her.

    -I'll just tell my current ones

    Ayah- 10 year old bay Egyptian Arab mare. I show her in Western pleasure and trail

    Scotch- 2 Year old chestnut Egyptian Arab colt. Showing in halter, Western pleasure prospect.

    Hayley- Weanling/yearling bay roan AQHA filly reining prospect.

    -Fallen several times. Worst was when a horse reared and flipped over on me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love horses My horse is a Pure Arabian Stud named Hope( I didn't name him)

    I cant jump and have never tried on him,

    I've only had experiences riding western started riding at camps when i was 15 (now 27)

    I've fallen twice in about 30 mins. of riding on Hope one day I changed his saddle pad cause his other one fell apart when i washed it. and his saddle didn't fit properly i guess or it just wasn't tight enough. Other than that Ive only fell off 1 other time it was at camp and we were ridding bareback I only fell off cause my horse was all sweaty and I slid off.

    I have always loved horses and now I own 15 all Arabs but i only ride hope

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