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Would love to know one thing?

I am an atheist from Northern Ireland. My small country went through decades of religious turmoil & came close to the brink of civil war in the name of religion. I lived it. Yet when I reference it in answers against religion I automatically get a thumbs down. WHY? Is it too inconvenient that a religious war occurred when Christianity believes it is at an all time high (even tho it's not), or is it simply a case that people can't handle the truth?

Or is it the fact that religious war left me an atheist, too logical to pander to dogmatic views?

Either way, I have lived through religious intolerence and hatred that most of you have not even begun to understand, yet I am constantly marked down for this. What does that say for the religious who have given me thumbs down and I have spoke to by email on this site?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer




  • Andy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think religion was used as a tool for terrorists to kill people. Northern Ireland was about the unity of Ireland. Do you think that if there was no religion in Ireland there would not have been a war ? This was a war over who owns Northern Ireland. I remember the Northern Ireland war as well and I lost count of the number of prominent religious leaders both catholic and protestant who denounced it. Take a look at Korea now....there is no religious problem there in fact the North is communist who claim to be was the same in the end of the day it boils down to man's greed for money and power. Religion is just a convenient front used by politicians who don't have the guts to get up and fight for what they believe in, they prefer to get someone else to do their dirty work and like to blame someone else so they look squeaky clean.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was born in County Armagh. I know and have seen and heard what you are referring to. But when anyone starts to speak against someones religious beliefs they will always find themselves on the receiving end of criticism and hatred. A wise man once said you can do anything to most people and get away with it, but if you cut across their religious beliefs then you will see fire in their mouths.

    I am a christian and yet I too have lived through religious intolerance etc. From those in the church!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am living in a Buddhist country and I have been a practicing Buddhism for over 28 years now. On the whole, Buddhists are opposed to war. Buddhism believes in the absolute dignity of human life.

    However, there may be times when our lives are threatened and we have to defend ourselves. In such cases war is inevitable. We have experienced such case in our country too. Some times we cannot do much about these things. This world is not a perfect place to live in. That is how I interpret the whole thing. We must try our best, up to the humanly possible limit. to live in peace and harmony. If something or someone goes beyond that limit that can be considered as the most harmful act against the humanity.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It says a lot doesnt it? these are the same close minded people who dont believe the crusades ever happened. Or that the Holocaust was faked. These are the people who walk into a church hand out 10% of their wages every week, to their all mighty fictious story. Only for the Clergy men to have the nice things in life and a bigger church to drag more sheep into. Im sorry you went through all you have. I too am atheist, though not swayed by religious civil war as you have... Its sad that something can have such a huge impact on people that it can drag them to civil unrest, and cause wars. Its even sadder when those people turn their backs and pretend it never happened? And for what? For fear of death? A drive to explain everything so that the natural cycle of life leading to death is easier to swallow? I for one who have been dead on a few occasions can say for a fact, NOTHING HAPPENS... its Black... like your a sleep. No St. Peter. No God guiding you. No family waiting for you to help you with your journey... just Black.. Again Im sorry you had to witness and go through the things you did.

  • WL378
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Word of advice you have to judge the room before you post your answer lol sounds goofy but it is true. Look at other comments if they are answered mostly by Christians your atheist like responses will get a thumbs down. If more atheist like questions are getting thumbs up then yours usually will too. I posted a question on here earlier and got one person to agree with me. If I post it again during an Atheist friendly time the situation will reverse. It all depends on who is on when you post your question or answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to be religious too once upon a time. But now I can make choices for myself and similarly, everyone has the right to make a religious choice WITHOUT any pressure from any individual or organization.

  • 1 decade ago

    We all get thumbs down for our answers. Don't take it so personally.

    And don't blame it all on the faith, rather the political leaders masquerading as church leaders; or the lesson of intolerance may have been too well learned by you.

  • LillyB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Although religion was the colours, the troubles in northern ireland were surely about power not religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    As soon as someone forces another in the name of religion, he loses his "religion" and he is not religious except in name only.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's the "If you're not with us, you're against us!" mentality. Dualism is the simplest form of mental organization, and simple is all that most people want... good/bad, us/them, black/white... and their fervor stems from fear. Simple cowards. Sad answer, huh?

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