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Yahoo UK asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

What could you do to make 2011 special?

New Years is a time people make resolutions, so there's no better moment to consider how you can set off on the right foot in 2011. What are you planning to do to make a difference to your year?

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113 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Finally start working on my list of 107 things to do before I die :) Some of which are:

    105. Leave Flowers on the Grave of Someone I Don't Know

    106. Finger-paint with a class of kindergarteners

    107. Build an awesome snowman

    89. Help someone do something that they’ve always wanted to do

    90. Call customer service just to thank them for their service

    73. Eat with a complete stranger

    74. Throw a surprise party

    62. Go to Sleepy’s in your PJs

    63. Wink at a policeman

    64. Send flowers to a florist

    Source(s): My awesome list.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The main new years resolution for me is to quit smoking. I smoked my last cigarette last weekend and I feel so much better for it.

    I have smoked since I was a teenager and looking back I realise that much of what I did throughout the day revolved around cigarettes.

    For me the main reason for stopping was so that I can get fitter and healthier, in the past I worried that by stopping that it would make me put on weight, in actual fact since stopping I actually prefer to eat healthier food especially fruit which helps take my mind off the cravings that I still get from time to time although it is starting to get easier and I also feel like I want to exercise so I can't wait until the weather gets better, but until then I am going to just spring clean my house and throw out any old junk.

    So now I can look forward to living my life without this disgusting, expensive and anti-social habit that has been such a big part of my life, and at the end of each month which I go without a smoke I plan to treat myself with the money that I will save.

    I also am beginning to feel so much more confident and so much more capable of achieving any future goals.

  • Zheia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    For me 2011 is about moving forward. There are several reasons for this, but the main two concerns are:

    in November 2009 I witnessed a nasty assault take place. I gave a witness statement to the police, and attended an ID parade to identify the four suspects who were arrested in January and February 2010. My neighbours also witnessed this same assault. The problem now is that I have heard nothing since - were the assailants convicted? Is a trial due to come up where I and my neighbours will need to attend as witnesses? I simply don't know, and there is no sense of closure on this, just a sense of trauma and anger at what happened. I have contacted my local constabulary enquiring about what has happened since, and things can move forward again.

    Where I work there has been a whistleblowing investigation leading to two senior members of staff leaving. A new manager has been recruited, so hopefully things will move forwards from what has been a pretty difficult period.

    So the difference I want to make, is to support my new mamager; and put some sense of closure on the event of November 2009 - both unconnected.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depending upon a person's age and abilities, self improvement is always a great challenge to set for ones self. It doesn't have to be anything earth shattering, but start by asking: what is one area of my life that can best be improved? Some suggestions may be the obvious ones such as lose weight, reduce stress and become more organized. But any check-out stand women's magazine at your local grocery store already covers those topics--every single month, (coupled with the newest luscious recipe for double chocolate ganache fudge brownies!) Think of these ideas for self improvement instead.

    1. Improve reading speed and comprehension. There are online tutorials you may check out, among all of the other speed reading programs for purchase. Try to challenge yourself to not only increase the speed and comprehension levels at which you currently read, but also to read more often. Pick an interesting topic, say 'learning styles', and then do a bit of research.

    2. Get rid of your "stuff". Got junk in storage? Closet filling to the brim and beyond? The best way to downsize your stuff--and free up your mind thinking about it--is to take everything out of a closet and place it in one of 3 boxes, each labeled "toss", "donate" and "keep". Be painfully honest with yourself knowing that you may not keep everything that was in that closet. After you have sorted the contents of offending closet, IMMEDIATELY dispatch the garbage and second hand store bags to their appropriate destinations. Wipe down and disinfect closet before the next step which is, of course, re-sorting the "keep" box. This is actually the fun part. You may decide toreorganizee/repair/ rearrange the closet in the process of restocking it ONLY with clothing or treasuresnecessitiess you really must keep.

    Source(s): Various books on the subject that I have read over the years.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I have been with my partner for 15 years this June, and engaged for 2 years this February so I would like to make 2011 the year we finally set a date for our wedding. I love him dearly and probably don't tell him often enough, but I hope I have the next 12 months to show him. I was kind of hoping to get married on the 11/11/11 but perhaps 12/12/12 will be more

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Instead of thinking about making the year special, try thinking about making you and your families or friends special. The year always change, so when this become the past, you can look back that year and remembered how you made a special day for your and everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    - Not give people so much importance, when they don't deserve to be an issue in my life

    - Follow my dream career path and make a difference to other peoples' lives, after four years of trying out different things.

    - Enjoy life more, go abroad and spend a couple of months in the sun this year

    - Surround myself with positive people, not negative or abusive people

    - Learn how to be happy with myself, not seek validation in others

    - Be more assertive, if I don't want to do something I simply won't do it.

    - Now for the superficial...drop a dress size :P

    oh...and use Yahoo Answers more and move up about two levels this year =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will make this the best school year for myself by :

    Starting A reading Routine

    Keeping an eye out of Trouble Sports,cartoons and television

    Not skipping back to school nights

    Keeping myself sit still

    Attending parent teacher meetings regularly

    Getting the right student planner for me

    I will get to know my school's staff,administration and everything to my parents

    Keeping a school year calender

    Schools are not open yet,but when It will be opened,I will surely make this year my best schooling year.This is my new year resolution also.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would make the New Years Special by doing little things everyday that can change your life. For example, do a little something nice everyday for your loved ones. Even helping around the house to make your family live in that fresh and wonderful environment so they feel welcome! School wise, I would like to stick to deadlines and product work to the best of my ability! I would also reduce my carbon footprints. Turning lights off when I leave a room and switch off the TV when I'm not using it! Stay close with your family! A New Year is a new beginning for everything - life, love and future! I will need to prepare for college!

  • 1 decade ago

    I started this year by planting two trees on the street where I live, I find it very important. I intend to continue planting many more trees in other locations. If everyone did the same thing I'm doing, this world would be much nicer, with more life, with better air. Global warming is a problem global and all countries must cooperate more with the planting of more trees, this problem should be solved with attitudes how this I'm doing and not just with speeches, with beautiful words that are said but that if they lose in the air. The environment does not of need more speeches, the environment needs more trees and that's what I'll make of special in 2011. Planting lots of trees.

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