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Question for Liberals and Conservatives regarding the deficit in the U.S.?

As an Independent voter with mixed views on certain issues. I'm all for lower taxes, less regulation, and more freedom. However there are certain issues I agree with on the left. And I hate the way we only get to hear from the 2 main parties during debates.

The simple fact is that Ross Perot scared the Democrats and Republicans so they decided to come together and fix the future Presidential debates in the early 90's so that we would only hear from the big two parties. I think Jessie Ventura says it best when he says it's come down to a selection between Coke and Pepsi. I say let the people decide. The more the better. Furthermore there needs to be term limits. You go in, you come out, and you're done. There is far too much corruption in Washington, as much of us know. That's all I'm going to say on that though. That said:

To the Conservatives that complain about spending money on universal health care (which I believe is the right of every citizen on a fair and balanced tax across all classes and should always be for taxes) and the latest stimulus package (which I was against as well) worsening the deficit I ask this:

Why is it okay that we fund wars that should have never happened (Vietnam, the 2 Iraq wars, Korea), maintain way too many military bases all over the globe in several regions, and continue to police the world, and give away lots of money in foreign aid (in all fairness, the Dems are bad too in this regard). It's come to the point where it almost doesn't matter which party you choose. They both spend about the same in the end, but we can't afford to run this empire (not to mention, we shouldn't be interfering with other countries affairs unless it is a threat to us, period). Face it, Obama and Bush put our country far deeper into debt.

To the Democrats who complain that we need these huge stimulus packages and government jobs, strict regulations, high taxes to impede growth in the private sector, running a welfare state, and bailing out companies.

Are you okay with the fact that our children and generations to come are going to have to pay for this if they even have a country anymore? Don't you think it's time to take a good look at ourselves and see what's really important? Big government is not the answer. We need to cut costs and cut them now.

In the end, a good start would be to bring all our troops home and close all our foreign bases. Do you see other countries with bases in Turkey, Germany, Cuba, Guam, Japan, Kuwait, South Korea, Italy, Israel, Iraq, and Bulgaria to name just some? Mark my words. If we continue on this course, we will follow in the Romans footsteps. We've overstretched ourselves plain, and simple.

I look forward to hearing from your responses. Interested to see how others feel.


Just wanted to add one more thing. The war on drugs is a big waste of money. Legalize drugs. People are going to do them no matter what. It's like prohibition. Ending the war on drugs and legalizing them would eliminate a lot of issues on the boarder war, gangs, and violence. Instead fund programs to teach children of the dangers. It's each parents responsibility to teach their own kids of the dangers. We spend far more fighting it than just having each parent teach their own children and raise them properly.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Legalize marijuana and heavily tax i

    2. Stop the wars.

    3. Stop giving millionaires and billionaires huge tax cuts

    There's the solution to the debt

  • I believe most Americans that love the Country want to see her strong and successful through Free Enterprise and the Private Sector...and then you have the Liberals and Obama agenda supporters who love Big Govt to control EVERYTHING and want to give the Country away to terrorists and illegals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pretty simple..the democrats balanced the budget...and were poised to reduce the debt when Bush came in

    Then tax cuts and two unpaid for wars..and now the republicans want to cut spending in EVERY AREA EXCEPT tax cuts and war...pretty ironic

  • Pascha
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You want those who control the major parties to just give their power away?

    It would be better to figure out how to be more effective in establishing new political parties and how to get alternative media reports to the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Long post, some good thoughts, one key point,

    National security is a direct item mentioned in the Constitution. Wealth redistribution and health care is not.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I definitely agree with almost all of what you have said here. Unfortunately, most politicians are so one-sided that we will always be in a mess for one reason or another.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Korean "conflict" was mandated by the United Nations.Vietnam and Iraq were both brought to us by republicans.


    Iraq.......bush and company.

  • 5 years ago

    I withdrew my help for the Democratic occasion a couple of years ago. I am now unlabeled. I belong to no celebration. I'm an independent thinker, and after gazing both events for a number of years now, I cannot support both. We fight with our contemporaries, typically over non-disorders, at the same time the rich and robust run off with the candies and go on killing sprees, with we the persons offering the our bodies, the weapons and the cash. The wealthy have too much vigor serving to deprave our executive. This will not trade as long as we are divided.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yep, I agree. The deficit is Ross Perot's fault.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



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