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Christians, what personal experiences do you have that justifies your belief that God/Jesus exists?

Please be specific...

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had an experience back in the 1980 when I was in California with my husband living in a old air force bus along the streets. Two men came inside the doors of the bus as I had them open it was a hot night. They told me to give it to them? I asked what did they want? Again they repeated give it to me. I had no idea what they were talking about. My husband woke up and came in to the kitchen area of the bus and one of the men told us to lay down on the floor. My husband refused and I got down on my knees and began to pray to my Father in Heaven. Next thing I knew one of the men said she's calling on the Lord...Both men apologized and left.

    I believe in God Almighty. He alone is our Savior. God is One. No man, being or Angel can die for another person's sin. The Old Testament the true Bible, is full of how our salvation is thru God not Jesus. Jesus is never mentioned in the Old Testament. No prophecies mention him or his name.

  • d.k.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why do I have the feeling that you are looking for something specific -- like visitations by

    angels, or something?

    I don't know that I could offer you anything that would "justify" my personal belief in God and

    in Jesus Christ to you, that you would believe, anyway. Other than the testimony of how I became a Christian -- which you

    could look up in my previous posts. To sum that up, I heard the Gospel, and believed it, because

    it sounded to me like something that God would want to do and would "find a way" to accomplish.

    Like He had a smart plan to defeat what has gone awry in the world and in Man, and He went with it. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior send by God from Heaven to restore Mankind to God if they will believe in God and seek the truth of God.

    Nothing much has occured in the 40 years, give or take, since to substantially sway my

    decision. I've had doubts, sometimes, pretty heady ones, caused, for the most part, by my

    own emotions, and unpleasant, or unhappy circumstances or events, or by my own failures and

    failings -- but I BELIEVE that God is true to His Word, and does not lie, and being God, has

    the authority and the ability to perform what He has promised according to His Word.

    And, that's the crux of the matter. If He is true to His Word, my salvation stands, accordingly.

    In gratitude for that, I try, poorly, for the most part, to follow the Word of His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many things! When I was 12 I went to the doctor for scoliosis and had it not bad, but bad enough to be in constant pain. Then a year later I was playing soccer and was pushed into the crowd onto one of those foldable chairs. IT HURT!! I had even more constant spasms/pain from where my muscle hit the chair's arm rest. It sucked! One day while in church my pastor had an alter call for people who had back problems. I went up and we prayed and guess what? I have no more back problems! No pain or spasms related to scoliosis or the injury! He healed me! Also, countless times He has provided for me, healed other people I have prayed for, and many other things.

    One woman in my church was in a car wreck Christmas eve. A pipe went through her face, giving massive trauma to the brain. The doctors saw her and said she would be dead in five minutes, but her husband was there so they tented to her. She kept on defying all of their reports. They said she would be brain dead, but there is 100% blood flow to her brain. She (through God) keeps on defying all the expectations of the doctors, to the point where one of the doctors told her husband that there is no way other than God that she is alive and that he "hopes they believe in the same God!" because of how well she is progressing, through what Jesus did on that glorious day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus gave me peace about a serious problem the moment I was saved. Got me off booze and cigarettes the following day. Countless answered prayers regarding marital, job, health and other problems. Gave me joy and peace. He is faithful. I recommend Him to you.

    John 3:16

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus got George W Bush off booze and told him to become President.

    What more proof do you need that God is real, but has a sadistic sense of humour?

  • 1 decade ago

    That's personal. We're all reflections and children of God, so you can find the truth within yourself as well.

  • anon
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I met Him, but before that I relied on the measure of faith He has given to everyone else too

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i ve done every sin in the book but killing i didn't but i didn't mind to do that too if someone got my nerve. i done all that and i never felt guilty and i came from a catholic back ground. i never went to church only few times and didn't feel anything.

    when i was a child my grandpa used to be in church every sunday,he never missed a mass even when he was sick.he used to tell us stories from the bible and always told us to pray before bed night i didn't pray i was tired from playing,i went to bed and after midnight something came up in my mind that was so urgent like a matter of life and death,it was that important i had to tell my grandpa about it.i used to sleep with my older brother always next to the wall so i don't fall from the bed as it happened few times before.that night in the darkness with my eyes shut i saw everything clear as the light was on. i jumped over my brother but very carefully not to wake him up,then i saw my slippers put them on and went to where my grandpa sleeps to tell him about the urgent matter i had in my mind.his bedroom door was locked and was made of timber and i started knocking and shouting with all my might just to wake my grandpa and tell him the matter.after that my grandpa with a voice of thunder said"which devil is on my door step",when i heard his voice i forgot what the urgent matter was so i left him yelling and cursing the devil and i went to my parents room when i switched the light of their room on my eyes opened and i didn't know what to say.

    i realised that i was possessed just to disturb my grandpa because he was GOD's servant and very loyal to him.i grew up till about 33 years old iwas away from GOD, but i became so depressed in one stage losing some of the loved ones and started thinking about death and life ,i had nothing left i didnt fear noone not even death. i used to laugh when i see people still loved life and enjoy living i used to call them idiots.and i started searching for the truth .i realized that the truth was next to me but i was blind couldn't see it because i ignored my real father JESUS and followed the one who possessed my body when i was a child just to disturb one of GOD's servants,then my whole life turned around satisfied with what i have and what future holds .im no more concerned about losing loved ones because i know they are in a good place but im concened about the loved ones who did wrong and didn't GOD.i pray for them so GOD can have mercy on their souls.

    i was a pebble of sand in the desert of satan his wind takes me back and forth,

    now iam aROCK because JESUS the father of my fathers filled me with his wisdom and showed my the path to heaven and told my "i am the gate of heaven,no one will enter but through me".

    by the way who ever comes and knock your door to preach about JESUS shut the door on their face and do not let them in, because JESUS won't force people to believe in him.

    if you are thirsty go and drink from the well,because the well will not come to you and offer you water.

    lanamoon when JESUS left earth to join the mighty was accopmanied by moses and elyiahu because both were taken to the lord with their bodies and soul.

    go and refresh your memory ,may GOD punish me if i said wrong.

    moses and elyiahu couldn't turn around stubern people like the people of isreal to obey GOD,that's why GOD himself came down as human"JESUS"to be the last and final chance of our salvation

    king of kings was among you and you cried to him we need a king like other nations ,he was sad to hear that and gave you many kings but all failed,because no king will be as him,this is why you suffered then and this is why he allowed the devil to do his work through hitler to destroy your stuberness and cruel hearts,this is why you 'll always be shattered and divided among the nations.

    this why you are the people he chose to complete the prophecy and the covenant he made with your fathers fathers.

    till you break the crust of cruelty and stuberness that covers your hearts, you 'll be rejected and wandering among the nations without a leader.

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