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blue317 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Did anyone see what Nancy P. said about Obamacare on 1-4-11?

She said...."if every American was happy with their health care provider....they (Democrats) still needed to have Health care reform"....What?....and....Why? Please explain this logic to me? Is it really about Health care or is it about power and control? This is the reason we need to repeal obamacare....

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I hope she stays around for awhile, at least when she speaks her mind she does a disservice to the Democrats by revealing their true intentions and colors..................................

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is not quality of health care. The problem is the price and the fact that while some of us cannot afford some health emergencies we will receive treatment for most of them anyway and pass the cost to the hospital. The Hospital will send a bill to the government and (lately) the government will file in a dusty box somewhere in a backroom for some future date when they can afford to pay the hospital.

    Now I realize that most of us have insurance. But what many of us don't seem to get is insurance can't operate if it pays out more than it takes in. If you have a really good policy and your paying 500 dollars per month just for yourself that is about 6,000 dollars per year right? If you have a heart attack tomorrow the bill your insurance company will pay is closer to 120,000 dollars. That means unless you have been paying for 20 years and never used your insurance at all your company just took a large loss on you.

    120k is around average for a heart attack in the US. That includes hospitalization and averages the cost of the major heart attacks that require surgery and cost themselves closer to 200k or even more than that. Of course many times the heart attack is much less severe and the cost is only around 50,000 but still that's 10 years of payments to your insurance company. A heart attack is the most common medical emergency but far form the most expensive. Cancer treatment for instance makes the coronary cost look like paying for a happy meal.

    Why is it so expensive? Because there are a lot of people in the country without insurance and our laws say that hospitals must stabilize them whether they can afford to pay or not. A hospital has to pay its people, pay for or rent equipment, keep their building operating and keep supplies and drugs on hand. They cannot do that on credit most of the time. The government is supposed to pay them back for their cost if patients cannot pay but have you paid attention to our governments financial woes lately. We are borrowing just to get by another year. The government has not stopped paying the hospitals but lets just say its not a huge priority to pay them on time. Hospitals are sometimes going over 6 months or more between payments and they still have to pay their own bills. What they do is raise their prices to offset their losses. They pass the cost to the insurance companies. The insurance companies cannot pass all the cost to their clients since frankly most of us can't afford it.

    Rising health care cost are threatening to destroy the insurance companies. That is the problem. If those companies start going bust than we will, most of us have no health care at all. Hospitals will close. You will be left with hoping your neighborhood doctor can take care of you and lets not even go into malpractice suits and what that is doing to doctors.

    Thats the reason anyway but the government solution is not a solution. Nancy Pelosi and her party did us no favors with the health care bill. Its too little too late and does more damage than good.

  • 20/20
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Pelosi told the nation just yesterday that congress represents their own constituency.

    Look at hers? ------San Francisco. That's who voted for her, that's who her mouth supports , that's the only reason she does and says what she says. During the health care debate when 75% of the nation at the time SAID NO.......she stated "this is what the people want". I THOUGHT SHE WAS BALL SACK NUTS FOR SAYING THAT. But San Francisco people is who she meant. So from a Pelosi perspective, the folks in her city speaks for the entire nation.

    How does that make you feel?????????

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pelosi is stupid so she lets the truth slip sometime. It's totally about the democrats getting their holy grail. Which is the government (democrats) gaining control of your health care decisions. They've had a hardon for this for a 100 years +.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Pelosi doesn't realize that when her Communist utopia is achieved she will be one of the first ones to be rounded up and shipped off to a re-education camp.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ObamaCare is all about power and control. It always has been.

    They just needed to sell it to you

    It's kind of like selling you on the idea of drinking cyanide laced cool-aid

    If you really buy the arguments, you're really not paying attention

  • jj
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    simple logic really....

    Any person who has ever needed a majory implant just to be denied by their insurance company for not crossing a T or dotting an I knows they were happy with their current insurance until it turned its back on them when they needed it most.

    Its too bad people like you live in a world that is so simple that you can't even see reality.

    See right-wingers thinkt hat if you become displeased with something you can always buy it somewhere else. This is not true of health care coverage when you are lying in the hospital needing a kidney transplant and your insurance declines to pay for it because they want to preserve profit.

    Realistically speaking, many of the largest scams in the world left people walking away feeling like they got a good deal only to realize later that they been scammed.

    The mark of a good scam is that people don't realize they been scammed for a long long time, like our current health care insurance companies are doing.

    They charge you for a service of protecting your health, and when it actually is going to cost them alot, they deny you service after you have been paying for years. If you weren't happy up until you were screwed, you would have already switched companies.

    Source(s): Jdman13 the cap on insurance company profits over pay out of benefits will cut insurance coverage costs. The entire bill was designed to cut insurance costs for employers and consumers, but yet right-wingers keep lying to you about the bill.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nancy Pelosi is irrelevant. You can start ignoring her now.

  • 1 decade ago

    What did you think it was about? There is NOTHING in the bill to bring down costs, yet Olbermann still refers to it as the "affordable healthcare bill". Pelosi is an idiot anyways, her favorite word is,,,,word,,???? whatever that means.

  • Moe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's a psychosis and most democrats are infected.

    Alex...if you don't understand the context then don't answer the question.

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