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? asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

I was so sad and embarrassed today?

Today i didn't put any deodorant and usually i don't even stink! But i guess today i did.Ok here's the full story of what happened pretty much i was kinda late for school but still made it and its winter here i wore alot of shirts t shirt, school shirt,school sweater,and jacket so yea bad move on my part because it made me smell like a skunk(i know gross but i never ever smell gross so i kinda gave myself i bad rep of being "stinky girl" probably) anyways people kept saying stuff like EWWWWWWW!?!? whats that smell i couldn't even raise my arm up a little bit :(.I thought maybe they were trying to hint to whoever they thought stinked.

Even one of my good friends told me whats wrong(i had a sadish face on)i lied a little and said my stomach hurts because the lunch and she was like ooh it happens to me all the time too.But i tried to hide it a little by when our bathroom breaks came i took some toilet paper and i wiped it my arms a little.I know it was even worst my teacher likes to joke and stuff when he came by our row he was like hey and stuff he bent down a little and i knew he smelt me.He even told me i didn't want to say this but(my heart started pounding)blah blah blah i thought he was gonna tell me i stinked.

Also tomorrow i have gym we do warm ups so everyone gets a little sweaty how can i sneak some deodorant my deodorant is big so maybe cut a piece off or something without bringing the whole roll.Also i think i have social anxiety disorder so i thought people were talking about me like these 3 girls i thought i overheard them whispering stuff like yea yea she defiantly stinks i might not hear great but im sure people were talking about who stinks.Please answer :) and also by the way for anxiety .

I get scared for nothing(scared of talking sometimes because i don't talk at school or around certain family members besides parents so much that when i talk its all quiet.Sometimes i get sad easily(crybaby like)and its crazy because when i got in trouble when i was like 4 years old i got spankings on my hand and stuff(never hard)but i just laughed or didn't cry at all but now i fear my parents because they threaten to whoop me for bad behavior.That's all i can think of but also i have stuff like skin picking disorder but my parents don't even know about this or the anxiety even though they could of researched about it (eating the skin around my nails because it's kinda thick so it's not like it hurts or getting the nail clippers and cutting it off and eat it.

I eat my nails and even chew them.I have trichotillmania(i been knew i had this but my mom had to research it so she could tell me)don't worry you don't have to tell me to stop because im stopping my mom even told me they're growing back i tried some petroleum jelly once and the next day i say 1 hair grew in even though if i know it works i should use it more often and also i do pluck every once in a while but not into bald spots again.

One last thing was this a panic attack? my dad was irritating me and i finally got fed up and starting yelling back and walking away he just kept following me and yelling at me i started crying going to my mom and she wouldn't back me up not even once even though i back her up so i left and starting crying on the couch in another room and i was crying for like 30 mins the kind of cry when you try to stop but it feels like you can't breath almost(another time he hit me when i was trying to get something out his hair kinda slapped his head he hit me and i got under the covers and cried forever)anyways my mom came in and said honey stop crying your gonna make yourself threw up and i kinda stopped i just had to sniffle.and sometimes when im sleepy or late at night when i get up close to the tv to turn volume up i feel dizzy.


im 10 and im in 5th grade which is elementary so everyone sees and the teacher leaves last so he will see me so can i take a cut piece of deodorant in my school jacket i dont wanna bring the whole thing to school also my tops got sweaty i put air freshener and perfume own but i can just switch my shirt and keep a bra on

Update 2:

if you mean stopping my skin i just keep my hands busy sometimes but i still do it just not as often anymore

Update 3:


Update 4:

also we get our back packs checked and when lunch over we can't go to our bookbags unless our lunch supervisor says so

Update 5:

ty piper most parents think it's manipulation trick to win them over but were human and have feelings too

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hi joe i understand you or a friend are looking for a solution to panic or anxiety attacks . I understand that panic away course is very good and cures these problems after minutes.It is reputed to have helped thousands perhaps this can help you good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, panic attacks can and do come on with no warning and seem to take control of our life. I think at one time I would almost have an attack worrying about when the next one would come.Now don't that sound crazy? Anyway, I kept looking for things to help and found this really neat book online that has been a great source for me. Maybe it will answer some questions and be some help for ya.

    Good Luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi there I see that you are looking into tips and methods to help with your panic attacks.

    I understand your dilema as my friend Matthew was going through the same thing and he had

    tried to overcome his anxiety but he was really not getting nowhere until he came across

    this website called No More Panic and he says that it has had an overwhelming affect on

    his life. He can now go for a drive in his car which he couldn't do for years. This could

    be just what you are looking for to cure your panic attacks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My worst panic attacks were happening in the car !and Now i can drive far away out of my

    old safety zone laughing to myself alone in the car and enjoying

    it like i never did before.I now this will help you.

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  • Don't worry about it. To be completely honest.. since it's Janky January.. I rarely put on perfume/much deodorant. I also think people are talking about me but.. people are always going to talk about you. Either they're jealous or just complete b*tches. People need to get over yourself. So, smile, laugh, and live life. =]

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    id say it was a pannic attack

    i have GAD so i get them all the time they kinda sound like mine but everyoens differetnt

    just put some deordant in your backpack and put it on before gym

    if you ever need any advice or anything go to my formspirng(:

    thats the link

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    how old are you!? i have the same skin picking disorder. except i also do it to my toes too. how did you stop? email i know how u feel about the crying thing. sometimes you just have to cry really hard for hours at a time. just do it. its good for you to cry sometimes.

  • rob d
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    tell your parents you need some deodorant.

    also tell them

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