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Lv 4
? asked in Science & MathematicsAstronomy & Space · 1 decade ago

Do you believe in the multiverse/black hole theory?

It makes perfect sense to me. It's kind of like a family tree. Maybe, the universe started with one small little molecule, who knows? So, I basically believe that we have parent universes, and that we give birth to new universes. I think that every black hole contains a universe. Well, the universe is constantly growing, yes? A black hole is constantly sucking things up, so where do those things go? They don't just disappear, you know. No matter can be created nor destroyed. What creates a black hole? A supernova creates a black hole. Isn't the supernova the biggest explosion, besides the big bang? Well, what if the explosion created by a supernova, is actually a new universe's big bang? Again, this makes perfect sense to me, but I could be wrong, I guess. I'm only a teenager, so what would I know, right?

P.S. - Isn't there a huge black hole at the center of ever galaxy? Hmmmm...


Thanks to everyone so far! It's great to hear your opinions on the matter.

To Black Christian Scientologist: Remember, black holes are constantly sucking things from our universe in. So, that's where it would be getting the matter. :) Where do we get the matter to expand our universe? I believe we suck it in from the universe that gave birth to us. That universe got it from the universe before it, and so on. I think that the reason the expansion of our universe can slow down, is because of all the black holes our universe is creating. All those black holes are taking away our matter. So, maybe our universe could eventually decrease in size, and be swallowed up by all those black holes (baby universes). We live in a big place of possibilities.

9 Answers

  • DLM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't have enough knowledge in Quantum Mechanics to really have a deep enough understanding of the multiverse theory. It seems very unlikely to me, but I haven't been exposed to that area of cosmology, so my opinion on the matter should not hold a lot of weight.

    Black holes giving birth to universes? No. From what we know about black holes, they evaporate from Hawking radiation.

  • 1 decade ago

    I started out with the exact same queries. According to the Big Bang model proposed by George Lemaitre, the Universe composed of all the matter, antimatter, dark energy and dark matter, all compressed in the space smaller than that of the smallest particle. Such a particle would have near infinite density, making it unstable. So it exploded outwards, and 13.8 billion years on, is still expanding. There may be parallel universes, but this theory has some serious flaws.

    I have done extensive research in the topic of black holes. So here's your answer. When a star having at least 1.44 times the mass of sun (1.44 is the Subramaniam Chandrashekhar constant), it has the capacity to collapse in on itself so fast that all the mass is drawn inside a very tiny sphere.Naturally, this would have a very great density, and therefore a very high gravitational field. Any body having mass has gravity, and objects need a certain escape velocity to escape the field. The earth has an escape velocity of 7miles/sec or 11.6 kilometres/sec. Black holes have a gravity far higher that anything normal, so it's escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. Then Light itself is unable to escape. There is no creation or destuction of Mass or Energy involved.

    Of the matter sucked in a black-hole, some goes right into the event horizon, and the rest revolves around it, forming an accretion disc around it. These particles get ejected at high speeds at the rotationary axises as jet streams, or high energy X-ray/Gamma particles. The matter which goes inside the black hole contributes to the size of the black hole (same reason as above, more mass, small radius). For more info, I suggest "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. He explains this much better than I do.

    There are explosion of varying magnitude and energy. There are Novae, Supernovae, and hypernovae. According to estimates, a hundred supernovae occur somewhere in the universe every second! But these supernovae are nothing, NOTHING compared to the Big Bang. Supernova is only one star. The Big Bang was the whole UNIVERSE!!! Imagine!

    Source(s): PS-I'm also a teenager, with an unusual aptitude for physics. I'm fifteen now, and I know this from two years. My point being, it's never too early or too late to start learning and research.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well there are some flaws in your theory. First of all matter cause a universe to shrink, not grow. It is the dark energy that makes it grow. Right now most scientists think that the growing increases with time (acceleration). And matter can be created and destroyed. Its the energy that cant be created and destroyed. Matter can be converted to energy (E=mc^2) . And btw its space that expands, not the matter in our universe. I could be wrong, but Im pretty sure the total energy in our universe is constant. Space is the thing getting bigger, not the matter. You need to differ between matter and space. The matter actually wants to collapse our universe in a big crunch, but luckily its not big enough and the cosmological constant saves us. I personally believe that black holes are portals to other universes. I believe in higher dimensions. Didn't not really see the valid argument the guy tried to make about non existence of higher dimensions. You cant prove nature using just mathematics, infact you cant prove anything. I believe in string theory and small curled up dimensions. A black hole may influence space in a way that makes a portal along dimensions we cant usually access. Thats why I think black holes are portals between parallell universes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Multiverse - yes, black holes containing universes - no. However, I like the idea that our universe can "give birth" to a new universe... not through black hole but perhaps through quantum effects.

    Check this out:

    As for black holes, we know little, but so far we know that a black hole forms when a massive star runs out of "fuel" and is unable to support itself from gravitational collapse. Basically, the star's titanic mass squeezes itself until the star shrinks into a point, called singularity. The gravitational pull of this singularity is so strong that up to a certain distance from it not even light can escape it.

    There's no evidence that supernovae create any universes. All we see is a lot of material is thrown out into space, creating a supernova remnant. The material that was thrown out can become part of new stars and new planetary systems. The Sun, our own star, is believed to have formed out of such material.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your theory is not unreasonable, but I do not believe that a single star's explosion could start a whole Universe.

    A supernova is just a star that blows up.

    It would be exaggeration to say that this explosion can create a whole universe.

    Where does the extra mass come from?

    Our heavy elements- say, Gold- come from supernova explosions.

    Our mystics believe that we live in the least of eight Universes.

    Seven Heavens in which God dwells, and this Universe in which we dwell.

    Speculation along these lines is not worth much unless you can organize your thoughts.

    With Total Recall, you will acquire a permanent sense of the scale of the Universe.

    "If 100,000 tons was to you a light weight,

    your conception of space would have to be HUGE;

    you could put the Earth in your hip pocket,

    and walk off with it!"

    . -L. Ron Hubbard.

    "The value of a supposition is determined

    by the number of things it can explain."

    . - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  • 1 decade ago

    some parts of the theory don't make sense to me. like 'the universe is always expanding'. the universe can't make more nothing to put stuff in, the nothing is already there. also, i believe a black hole just compresses everything inside, and noone will ever know what is inside unless the black hole somehow dissipates to show everything it has compressed.

    also, i don't think parent universes exist, it's all just one universe, one dimension, everything here is everything everywhere

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Does Swiss Cheese Theory=Trinity doctrine? No, but the "so many holes" label fits.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you believe in god and that he has created this universe ?!?! If you do, and you believe that god created this whole world in 6 days, then imagine what he could have created during this earth's life.....if you don't believe in god; thinking about such issues might lead you to some point you will reach a point of no explanation !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes there ARE

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