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blue317 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Was there anything we could have done to prevent the shooting in Tucson?

Who is the blame...other than Jared himself...

1. Police

2. The College he attended

3. His parents

4. Mental Disorder Laws

5. Gun Control Laws

6. Political Climate

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He himself is to blame... but maybe somewhere, somehow it could have been prevented, but unfortunately we live in a society where we do not tread on others toes for good.. only for bad.

    Had he cut us off in traffic , well probably sooner or later someone would have cleaned his clock.. but if he merely acted weird, mostly we just try to ignore it.. we don't want to get involved.

    Perhaps it is time we all took a second look at the troubled person that lives in out neighbourhood, our town etc.. but mostly we all just have to start caring more about each other.. before the tragedies.. not after.

    We all come out and whine and cry and wring our hands after fact.. but we do nothing before.

    Like our president.. we are a country of hypocrites!

  • 1 decade ago

    It is very easy to look back and place blame when something like this happens. It is nearly impossible to predict that it would happen in advance.

    1. The police stopped him that morning and had numerous contact with him previously. However, we can't go around locking people up because we think they might do something in the future.

    2. The college dismissed him because they thought he might be a danger to other students. They did everything they could to keep their students safe but again it was only an opinion.

    3. His parents knew nothing of his plans and he was a legal adult. They were limited in what they could do.

    4. Many people have said he is mentally disturbed. The only evidence they show is that he had some ideas that people found strange.

    5. Gun control laws are an easy target. It remains that the only people that the laws affect are the law abiding people. Criminals will still obtain guns if they want to commit a crime. How are the drug laws working on preventing anyone from getting drugs?

    6. The political climate is another easy target. Military, hunting, and sports terms have always been used in political speech. This isn't going to change and should not be used as a scapegoat especially when it is directed in only one direction.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he was expelled from college for threatening teachers, he had been reported to police for death threats. Yeah i think even the bare minimum of police work would have seen to it that he would have had a more difficult time committing this act. It is not like there is not a plethora of laws on the books already to have him declared mentally ill and deny him the right to purchase a firearm.

  • Not vote for Democrats.

    > The Democrat Sheriff intervened SEVERAL TIMES to prevent him being banned from buying his gun . . .

    > . . . because his Democrat mother is a local politician.

    > The College he attended REPORTED him and the Sheriff LIED on his behalf.

    > Mental Disorder Laws REQUIRED he be entered into NICS but the Sheriff repeatedly shielded him from it.

    > Gun Control Laws FORBID him buying a gun but the Sheriff prevented them operating.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To paraphrase Forrest Gump

    "Crazy is as crazy does"

    In Canada however, he would not have been able to buy a hand gun at all. He would have qualified for many many mental health programs, he would have probably acted differently.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WE held no obligation to do anything.

    HIS PARENTS should have had their nutcase kid institutionalized.

    HIS COLLEGE should have informed the police they had a scary nutjob on their hands.

    The POLICE should have recognized him as a threat and involved Social Services to engage the parents and find out why their kid was running free.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not according to the author of this article.

    You hit all the points.

    Jared is responsible for his own actions, and all of the hate spewing from the left doesn't change that fact.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing could've realistically stopped the shooting.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The killer is solely responsible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Exactly, thank you.

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