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Conducting Flu Poll:?

Have you had the flu this year 2011 after having the flu shot? If so where did you get flu shot?. I did have the flu months after the flu shot and have seen many others that did the same. Seems many more than normal this year. I received my flu shot at Walmart.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I did have the flu shot at the last part of November,and I did have some flu like symptoms but nothing I couldn't live with.I think my arm hurt the worst of all it took a good 2 weeks to where I couldn't feel it.I had my flu shot at Medical Associates clinic.

    Source(s): no source besides me
  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, I highly doubt your poll is going to be very scientific.

    Secondly, you can be infected with a strain of the flu not included in the vaccine.

    Thirdly, the vaccine is not 100% effective in everyone.

    Fourthly, many people have misconceptions about what the flu is. Influenza is a respiratory virus characterized by high fever and coughing. Other types of viruses can cause upper respiratory infections that some people mistake for influenza (especially when everyone's talking about flu). Also, some people are confused and think that nausea and vomiting are flu symptoms. These are not flu symptoms. They are symptoms of gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract), which can be caused by a virus. At some point, people started calling this "the stomach flu."

    Fifth, a lot of people mistakenly complain of flu-like symptoms after getting the shot. EVERY injectable vaccine, from measles to flu, produces general symptoms of inflammation as your immune system gears up and starts to produce antibodies. This is why you can experience soreness, fever, etc. The injection does not contain actual virus particles, and you don't get flu symptoms, just as you don't get measles symptoms after the measles shot, and you don't get hepatitis symptoms after the hepatitis shot. You get general symptoms of inflammation.

    Hopefully this information helps.

    Source(s): medical school
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