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Eric asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 1 decade ago

What is the motivation for "what is all about Breaking into the Solar Industry?"?

Why do we get these weirdly-phrased questions every day? I'd say it's spam, but there are no links. Who keeps asking these questions and why? New accounts keep getting created and a rapid-fire series of these "questions" ensues. There must be an angle somewhere. :)


Roderick - that makes sense; maybe it's just half of a scheme left running via script somewhere, the other half forgotten. :) BTW I found your site on your solar setup last year when I was researching plans for my own. Very nice job! In the end I hired a pro, but I'm impressed with the job you did and the documentation of it!

Lexenstar314 - not paranoid, just curious; I find it odd, is all.

Update 2:

Roderick - that makes sense; maybe it's just half of a scheme left running via script somewhere, the other half forgotten. :) BTW I found your site on your solar setup last year when I was researching plans for my own. Very nice job! In the end I hired a pro, but I'm impressed with the job you did and the documentation of it!

Lexenstar314 - not paranoid, just curious; I find it odd, is all.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the past, I've tried to be helpful towards that kind of question, trying to anticipate what the asker really wants. Later, I found my answers copied to other websites, with my name attributed to them. These sites hosted Google ads (a lot of people do, no fault there), but also, some promoted scams like Earth4Energy, which I vehemently oppose. My guess is that someone is trying to get search visibility by providing answers to questions people commonly ask about solar, but that person has no knowledge or research of their own.

    Another possibility that I haven't seen for a while is that someone is creating accounts just to ask questions, which they answer themselves through another account, directing the reader to their particular web site or product. That scheme has died off though - the guardians here are fairly good at spotting obvious spam and reporting it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    careful friend eric, your paranoia is showing. If they aren't breaking any rules then just ignore them. I will keep an eye out to see if I can spot any tends likewise.



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