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Lv 4

If the universe is just one big purposeless mistake, why do we have to be aware or conscious of it?

Why do we even have to be conscious of anyting at all?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, lets examine this using logic (from geometry proofs, hehe) :

    If (A) the universe is a mistake, then (B) we shouldn't have to be aware of it.

    That makes perfect sense. Except:

    If (not A) the universe isn't a mistake, then (not B) we should be aware.

    Now lets reverse it (hold on to your pants) :

    If (B true, or not) we are aware that the universe exists, should we (A true, or not) realise that it wasn't a mistake?

    That was probably confusing.. Let me try and explicate further.

    If the universe wasn't a mistake, then we would be aware of that, right?

    Well let's take the theory of Evolution (which states the universe was a mistake) and figure out whether or not that statement is true.

    Evolution: all life started from a single speck of tightly compacted matter, which exploded and created the universe by chance/mistake.

    Sounds simple enough. BUT, how did that speck come into existence? Something had to cause that speck, possibly another speck, of more infinite smallness. You quickly realise that for every reaction, there has to be an action. This would result in a pretty hefty paradox, unless something caused the first motion and that thing had no instigator.

    In order for that to be even remotely true, anything that exists (any capability) must be compacted into that First Cause. Because if it took so many million years for a blood system to form, at what point did the brain form to tell the heart to pump the blood? or at what point did the blood begin flowing to the brain so it could power the heart? or at what point did the heart form? We, humans, have always had these abilities.

    Again, in order for this to be true, the First Cause must have had attributes that are evident in the entire universe:

    1. Because the universe is without limit, the First Cause must be infinite in vastness.

    2. Because time is endless, the First Cause must be eternal and immortal.

    3. Because the universe moves in an organized motion, the First Cause must have power, or the ability to control.

    4. Because the universe has intelligence, the First Cause must be intelligent.

    5. Because of the existence of feelings and emotions, the First Cause has to have emotion.

    6. Because of the existence of ethical and moral values, the First Cause must be of good morals.

    7. Because of the existence of a sense of right and wrong, the First Cause must be without fault.

    8. Because of the existence of love, the First Cause must be loving.

    And finally,

    9. Because of the existence of life, the First Cause must be alive.

    This brings me to my conclusion. I hope I have left no ends open.

    Out of everything that I have seen or come across, the only thing that has ever fit this description perfectly is the God of the Bible. And in fact, this Bible said "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." (that's in Romans 1:20)

    I, am also left without excuse. I cannot prove myself wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't have to be; we just are. That's part of the big, purposeless accident thing...

    I also feel like I should point out that the word "mistake" is misused in this case because it implies that our universe is a bad thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't 'have' to be conscious of anything, we just HAPPEN to be conscious of things. Awareness isn't dictated, it's a side effect of being sentient. At least, in some of us...

  • 1 decade ago

    Most people don't care about anything outside of this planet.

    "Why do we even have to be conscious of anyting at all?"

    Because if we weren't we wouldn't have gotten to this point in time.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    its a q most of us hav asked, usualyl the only answers we can come up with are, cos thas just the way it happened, we evolved consciosness, and so we have it

    or we have some spiritually related higher purpose that lead to us needing to be conscious

    thats really the only 2 answers we have, otherwise we just go kinda insane trying to figure it out

    as its an insane making question

    we just tend to go with what eve ranswer fits with us and helps us understand things a little

  • Marc R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Everything has a purpose but 99.99% of reality is hidden from us. We are confined in our five senses in our will to receive. Standing opposite to us is the will to bestow, all of nature but it is hidden from us because we are in a opposite quality. The closer we come to be like the quality of bestowal, through a conscious process we will come to know the purpose of our lives and know infinite fulfillment.

    If you would like to learn more about this process that we are undergoing and how to accelerate it, follow the links below:

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't have to be conscious or aware. We just are.

    Just because life is an accident doesn't mean we can't enjoy it!

  • 1 decade ago

    1.We don't have to.

    2.Why a mistake? A mistake implies someone who was mistaken; there is no such thing. The universe is not a mistake; it simply IS.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because if you're not "aware or conscious of it", you become a ward of the state and the taxpayers, (who ARE aware and conscious) will have to subsidize your irresponsible choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    For no reason. The fact that we are conscious does not imply or suggest that there is a reason for it.

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