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Do questioners here take their talking points from media outlets?

I find it interesting that both those on the left and especially the right seem to ask questions that are directly related to whatever their favorite talking head is ranting about at the moment. Today, for example, I've noticed a spate of questions about President Obama's birth certificate. Are these individuals incapable of formulating and asking more original questions?


ADDITIONAL NOTE: Suthrnlyts: it's a good retort, but one does not have to use editorial opinion as a means of facilitating discussion. This is different from topical news. One would hope that someone could look at the news--whether from a left or right or some other news source--and form one's own opinions.


9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How else can people get their talking points? Without media outlets, blogs, etc., would there be ANYTHING to discuss? Serious retort to your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would seem to me that a person is better asking questions based on what they have heard in the media or on talk shows, which both sides of the political fence do, that it is to take your talking points based on questions that are asked on Yahoo Answers.

    I don't see anything wrong with asking a question based one what one has heard and in fact the very question of Obama's birth certificate was first suggested by Hillary Clinton and as a Senator would not have been part of the House's vetting process. The first lawsuit was filed by Phillip Berg, a long time democrat and a Hillary Clinton supporter. Now Berg may not be a reliable source because he also filed RICO charges against GW Bush and 150 + others for complicity in the attack on 9/11.

    Berg does have some interesting points to ponder because it is known that Obama's mother traveled to Kenya somewhere near the time of his birth and according to the laws at that time she would have been 3 months short of meeting the qualifications necessary to confer US citizenship upon him.

    So I would say that there are valid reasons to wonder about his true place of birth. Yes there is a birth certificate displayed at but when originally placed there the certificate number was blacked out, after people complained the blackout was removed. Worse yet it is the short form and there has been reports that he was born in 2 different hospitals.

    Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie said that he was going to clear this up once and for all and release the certificate but he was stopped dead in his tracks by the Attorney General when he was told that would be illegal unless he had Obama's permission, for that matter he could not release your birth certificate without your permission.

    This certainly makes one wonder why, with all of the controversy Obama wouldn't just give the OK and put an end to all of the speculation. Is Obama so naive to think that the questions will just go away if he decides to run for re-election? Thus far Obama has fended off all legal actions based on a lack of standing. In 2012 any person running against Obama would have standing and the courts would not be able to just toss the case out.

    Berg also says that because Lolo Soreto adopted him, Obama lost his citizenship. Well, US citizenship laws make it extremely difficult for a minor to lose citizenship. Not even your parents can sign away your citizenship. I do know though that it would also be impossible for Obama to hold dual citizenship because Indonesia does not recognize them, so if they do not the US will not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seriously, how much do those on "the left" obsess about a particular topic and how much do those of a more, shall I say, conservative leaning harp on and on about some silly issue that was proven to be a lie a year or 2 ago?

    They've been squawking about President Obama's birth certificate since he first ran for president. It's a good issue to rally their uneducated sheeple about, gets them all fired up and excited.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously. Most of the questions posted here are regurgitations of whatever the commentators have had to say on any given day. This section is dominated by conservatives -- hence, the large percentage of right-wing propaganda statements disguised as questions. You don’t have to actually listen to or watch Rush or Glenn to determine what they’ve been talking about.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, my questions are too good. Funny thing is, I have a pretty nice TV with all the trimmings - my employer pays for it. But I hardly ever use the thing. My computer is on all the time when I'm not working though.

  • I am just here to show how dangerous Liberals and Obama agenda supporters are to the USA

  • 1 decade ago

    I see the right doing that all the time. The left rarely does that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not always, sometimes they just make things up.

  • 1 decade ago


    Source(s): JESUS
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