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What is guys preffrence in girls hight?

Do guys usually find a girl more attractive just because they are tall or short.? If I'm 5'2 and I'm being compared to another girl that's is just as cute as me but taller, would guys find the taller girl cuter? What's the hight guys seem to be more attractive to or preferred?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it doesnt matter she has to be shorter than him so he can prove his fake masculinity

  • hedden
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    relies upon on the mans height. i'm 5ft5 a million/2 (Being Scandinavian that is actual kinda short lol . We person-friendly 5ft8-5ft10 ) i'm a lesbian yet decrease back after I did not comprehend that i'd basically date adult adult males 5ft9 to 6ft1. Tall adult adult males scare me lol . 4in a fantastic distance in height for a relationship. maximum adult adult males do like females about 5in shorter then they are. Their is someone out their for you i'm particular ^_^

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