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Why are we allowing the Democrats to sell America to the Marxist and Unions?

Why do I say Marxist...Go to the Black Panther web site and look up their 10 Points...Is it or isn't it the Democratic agenda?

Unions...How many more union members can Obama put in the White House with him...look and see SEIU

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are totally correct and those who are in the know are speaking out.

    In this video entitled "Marxism in America" General Jerry Boykin discusses his background and training in understanding Marxist insurgencies and how current government actions parallel Marxist tactics.

    Watch this informative 6 Min. video.

    Find out more about The Oak Initiative at

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because a lot of Americans are Marxists. They democratically elect Marxists in South America and Africa. Nelson Mandela's political party is very outwardly a Marxist party, the African National Congress, and he won by a landslide.

    Our demographics now are such that we have more races/cultures/tribes that openly support Marxists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your question is based on a presumption made without evidence.

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