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Hinduism - Gita, Srimad Bhagavad - Meaning of "Yudhya Cha" (not Yudha Cha)?

Gita - tasmat sarveshu kaleshu mam anusmara yudhya ca mayy arpita-mano-buddhir mam evaishyasy asamsayah


Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me at all the times and fight the war. In this way, with your mind and intellect dedicated to Me, you will attain Me undoubtedly


Therefore, always think of Me is advised . In this way, with your mind and intellect dedicated to Me, you will attain Me undoubtedly. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT FIGHT. I need your comments to stop all miscreants in the name of Gita.


Utter mistake on Gita study and Utter rubbish words. The Chapter 8 IS'Akshara Brahma Yoga' means Attainment of Salvation. How a Lord Krishna can say to fight while he is advising one to achieve the Salvation. The previous verses ( 1 to 6) say that He become the object, which is in his mind, while leaving this body, And if Lord advised to fight, it is an advise to die and attain Brahma as soon as possible. This is the literary meaning and I challenge - Hindus misguide their own Religion and Sanatan Dharma. So, Gitas has to be banned as it inspires War and not Peace. ?????

Update 2:

Again I repeat, it is not Yudha, but Y U D H YA. Gita do not inspire anybody to do fight or war,

When Arjuna (pandavas) are in loss of e v e r y t h i n g, and still denied even a house to stay in his own mother land - Hastinpur - Lord reminded and advised him how to regain and make up his losses. The first and best revolutionist who deserves BHARAT RATNA -much higherer than Jesus, Prophet, Marx or Fidel Castro - who advise how to gain peace and harmony - not war. The time was just before a war and if Arjun resign, from war, the whole life of Pandavas and their world might be dominated by Adharma. It was only a part of defence and not war. Of-course, it was followed by a War, but not the advise of Lord. Lord had a lot of commitments and He has to train Arjun for that.

6 Answers

  • anvita
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are absolutely wrong-not BHAGWAT GITA.gita is considered as the first greatest book on spiritual awareness in the world.gita was originally written in sanskrit-later it was translated into many languages

    it is the personnel view of the person who translate it-in gita krsna mainly discuss about karma and dharma of a person-don't read GITA' with a critic mind read it with love on KRSNA' you will know the difference.blaming GITA or challenging others or using revolutionary words on holy book shows your disrespect towards the greatest treasure of the world.better do research on other subjects.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gita should not be isolated from the context. It is basically for Arjun at the time of an unethical war. It is meaningless to consider those advises today and tomorrow.

    If you follow Gita, you should kill your corrupt father, brother and all immoral women etc. But it doesn't happen. We have the most corrupted politicians and adminstrators who read Gita every day. We produce world largest HIV population. In every dance bar and brothel house there are pics of Krishna worshiped. So do not think too much on Gita.

    Be practical and allow people do what they want to do. That is India.

  • 1 decade ago

    Human life is great on earth and as far as everyone knows, man is the ultimate head of all the lives. Thus he is called "Purusha". There are two concepts - siddhanta - Dwait and Advwait. According to Dwait (two are there behind all creations) 'Purusha' and'Prakriti' are complimentary to each other and all creations are from these two. But According to Adwait - No two (but One) Purusha was there before creations and after 'Pralay'. He is the ultimate and He is the only One immortal (anaswar - without spoil or destruction). From this concept of Adwait, Lord Krishna, explained the philosophy of human life - the life style to be adopted by human life.

    Lord Krishna advise the Human to do 'Karma' without any consideration of the person, but the situations. As the proverb says, the most important for a person is his own life and then only he has his relatives or wife or children and it is the real fact. Everyone lives for his own enjoyment after food . So he has to take up the security of his environment as the first duty.

    According to Lord, every live - creature - (srishti) or person has an ultimate feeling of "himself" and the secret of existence on earth is this 'self'. It can not be defined in any other way than the 'remains' of relinquishing every valuables and then this physical body. As we know, during sleep, actually each of us is sleeping, we do not understand anything in this world, until we awake. This awakening is not real, but a fall into the dream. As soon as we die, it is equal to permanent sleep. So, Lord says, there is a permanent awaken state, which is the attainment with Brahma - the ultimate immortal behind all the creations and destructions and existence.l This Brahma is called as God by devotees, as Brahma by mendicants, every live according to their likely-hood, but all reaches unto Him - like the rivers and streams reach the Ocean. So once ultimate goal of life is to know Him - the Salvation - where the life on earth becomes matured.

    However it is a sad fact that there are a lot of people explains the Gita to their whims and fancies - as a Rule of the world life - to influence on others through the philosophical touch. There are a lot of people who live with Gita translations.

    Though each word has different meanings and each sentence has also so, the meaning of each word and sentence, in normal course is taken according to the circumstances. There are several translations word-by-word irrespective of the background or without keeping the chain updated. Thus the word "Yudhya" or "yudya' or even "yujya'. This is the reason our ancestors were saying that "knowledge without a qualified teacher to a qualified disciple' is not going to do any good to one's world or his life.

    The Chapter 8, Verse 7 - means nothing other than what you say. " ...... 6 verses and meanings and then .. ... ... therefore, always and at all times, .remember me is the solution, the mind and wisdom that submitted to me would be looked after by me, do not hesitate".

    Since the situation is for preparation of a great war at Kurukshetra, many read the spelling mistakes of the copy of Gita received by them, and translated with closed eyes - the principle of justice.

    Source(s): Has Any one of them, ever thought about the advantages and disadvantage of Lord Krishna, who is the Hero of Mahabharat, did many thing without doing anything himself. For the Lord, all are same, but when Pandavas suffered a lot and depended upon Him, He just guided them and nothing more. But since the other group - Kaurava - was rich and arrogant, they did not as they were fully aware that they were just and justifiable in their administration. So, Lord has supported, but did not fight or avoided anyone. .
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Rehem Karo allah - is right. The veda was actually One and was later separated in to 3 and then four. (he seems to be some intelligent man trolling for a purpose) Veda means "as gathered from a Vision". Our rishis saw the truth and that truth they presented in Veda. Hence the rishis are called Seers not writers of Vedas. Rig Veda is my favorite as it has all about Mother Shakti Jai Mata Di

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  • 1 decade ago


    One line can have many meaning depending upon state of Mind of human being reading it. That's why theory mostly misguides people.

    You want to stop them but it can't be .

    First of all redeem yourself then try to redeem others. Just try to apply these words in your life and do not waste your precious time in all these .

    Best of luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    It simply gives message to man to " Perform one's duties( At that time war was the duty of Arjun) and recitation of the Name of God as well while rendering one's duties."

    As per Gita , one's duties ( also known as SWADHERM) is the foremost worship to God.

    "SWAKERMNA TAM ABHIARCHYA" means " worship That God with one's duties".


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