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Theology vs Atheism, the argument?

I would like to know if the religious amongst us can dispute the following as a logical debate;

Atheists TRY to be logical because logic & reasoning are the only way to intelligently come to ANY conclusion. Hence the THEORY of evolution & the big bang THEORY. NOT the FACT of evolution, nor the big bang FACT. The religious simply take any usable theory as being true, because it suits their beliefs and arguments and they have already taken a theory (theology anyone?) as being completely true. I.e. religious people state that atheists believe 100% in the FACT of evolution and the FACT of the big bang, even thought the very words in their title provide the evidence to the contrary. They do this because they believe that what they believe must be 100% infallible. Therefore, the opposition must also do the same.

For example, if you were in court charged with a murder that you did not commit, would you rather have a jury made of people who were logical & reasonable and thereby able to examine the facts presented to them and come to an intelligent conclusion, or would you rather have a jury full of people who simply believed what they were told to believe by one side of the argument? If you chose option B, the people who simply believed what they were told to, because they were told to, then congratulations! You've just put yourself on death row. Or at least in prison for life, even tho you were innocent of the accusation to begin with.

Do you see how it works? Only logic, evidence, science and reasoning can provide the truth. NOT a misguided belief in what you were told to believe. Otherwise we are all doomed.

So, to get back to the original question, can the religious amongst us please provide an explanation as to how religion can provide a logical debate to their atheistic counterparts?

Please DO NOT provide biblical scripture as some kind of "evidence" to the contrary as this is always open to (mis)translation. Only intelligent logic & reasoning from the religious will be accepted (and VERY much appreciated).

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    its called a theory because we're not 100% if its true. no one was around millions of years ago to see how animals changed through evolution. there's huge amounts of evidence for it though.

    I hate it when Christians use the Bible as evidence, because its not. Its like using Of Mice And Men as evidence for a murder that happened today, they both have nothing to do with each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love how the theological answers involved either insulting atheism or claiming that some Christians do believe in the theory of evolution (btw to everyone who doesn't know this, a scientific theory is different from a layman's theory. It isn't just some random idea someone came up with. It has lots of empirical evidence to support it).

  • 1 decade ago

    Just going to say this before anything else agnostics are atheists who wont accept it

    I always felt that all this "God works in mysterious ways." Was really just luck.

    Also, Why would God give someone some sort of mental problem as their born? I mean, sure the parents may have "sinned" But why make the child suffer?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Alright you know what sinner, SHut up! Shut the heck up, you evil man, prepare yourself for hell, because your going there if you do not turn to Jesus!

    I dont know demonic logic, I know the truth, and hey you don't believe me, i hope you enjoy hot weather. :D I am a believer, and I will express my views but not in your logical manner. I'll play your game then. God is the creator of all, simply because for one the way the universe is set up. You cannot tell me evolution or some Big Bang theory is resposnible for this, it makes no sense. The way how earth is the only known planet capable of suiting life, as for the possibility of OTHER planets there are known so I won't bring that possibility in.

    Now then I believe there is a creator to the universe, and I believe that is God, Yahweh, Jehova ect, and I believe in Christianity the one TRUE Religion. The way earth is designed to support life, and how our bodies are designed, I do not believe the specific design we have could come from mere evolution or some explosion. Also when God created the world, how do you know his power wasn't generating big bang esque effects.

    That be, Fossils, I belive they are remannts from the Flood of Noah's time, and a majority of the Bible is actually history. Anyway I don't need proof for you, God is real, Jesus Christ, accept him into your heart, or you will suffer the consequences sadly. I'll pray for you. :)

    Source(s): The bible My Views.
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  • 1 decade ago

    This is a great question very well asked. Do i have the answer? No I don't. But i am waiting for it - much like the asker but at this point NOBODY had answered it ! Just the usual load of misled Bible punchers quoting crap from a book of fiction.

  • 1 decade ago

    Science is about evidence, courts are about evidence. Scientific THEORIES (Like Gravity and relativity) are models of a particular aspect of reality based on the evidence provided.

    Yes, there is a difference between the common usage of theory and the phrase "scientific theory."

    After all, if Eintein's THEORY of relativity were not fact, atomic bombs would not work.

    Educate yourself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    QUOTE: "So, to get back to the original question, can the religious amongst us please provide an explanation as to how religion can provide a logical debate to their atheistic counterparts?"

    If you don't regard as evidence what I regard as evidence, why should I be required to suppose that you have some kind of special insight into the nature of reality?

    Apart, that is, from the arrogance which comes for free with the new atheists.

  • 1 decade ago

    a lot of Christians, especially outside US, do believe in Big Bang + evolution, the only difference between them and atheists is that they believe God is behind those processes

  • 1 decade ago

    Remember Darwin was a Christian.

    There is no clash between faith and science

    As proved by Kepler, Jung, Newton, et al.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahh the old it's called theory for a reason thing.

    Source(s): If you haven't bothered to listen to anyone explaining why what you said is stupid then I won't bother, just go look up scientific theory before you make a fool out of yourself any more.
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