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Do girls look at guys the same way guys look at girls?

My girlfriend gets a little out of control when it comes to other girls and jealousy. If were in public and I look at a girl she flips out and i never( i repeat) never hear the end of it,EVER! and she doesnt just ask me about a couple girls. its pretty much every girl she sees everytime we go somewhere....For the past 2 months or so its been about every single day that she asks me if I think girls are hot or if I stared at their butts or boobs. I dont look often when im with her because i feel its disrespectful and if i do look i just kinda caught myself doing it. It has gotten to the point that she calls me a pig and she is completely serious about it. and she calls me a shi**y boyfriend and that i need to learn how to treat her. I see her look at other guys all the time and i dont say anything. However I brought it up in a recent argument and she completely denied it, unbelieveable! She said that shes only checked out one guy the entire Year and six months that we've been dating. I deffinately dont believe her. She said that theres nothing to check out because guys dont have anything to look at. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP, THIS GIRL IS OUT OF HER MIND! HELP ME!!!

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know you cannot stand her ,so don't hesitate, just f*ck her and dump her.

    Source(s): x...
  • 1 decade ago

    Sit down & have a talk with her about how she's not handling things with you in a way that works. Explain that you are interested in her, there is nothing to be jealous about - which works only if there really isn't. Then ask her if there is a way to work this out so she stops focusing on what you & other women. Stay firm & don't get into an anger match with her. If she can't response to the conversation reasonably or doesn't after a few days of sitting it, you really have little choice but to end it. She has an issue she isn't aware of & you can't fix it.

    Now if you are legitmately giving her reason for concern such as you do glance around & stare at other women... or if you are on the look out while out or even when you're not with her -- then you are the issue & fix it or find someone with less self-respect than her. I can't tell from here, so I included this possiblity, but it doesn't sound like it.

    Women don't have the same tendency to look that guys do. Women are less visual to begin with, & guys in our society have less showing. It's irrelevant that she looks at anyone else. If you try for the tit for tat approach, you're going to a less mature level & opening doors to lower level arguments that go nowhere. The problem isn't who she looks at. It's that she makes you feel uncomfortable & doesn't have a sense of trust & expresses it ongoingly instead of sitting down & working it out with you -- or with herself.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Speaking as a woman who is older and has experienced life, I can tell you she is feeling insecure for some reason. I have seen this with a lot of female friends I have. Plus I can also say from being young myself and also having a daughter, it usually resolves as a person matures. When you are a young girl you are faced with dealing with "boobs" being everywhere you look, it's a little intimidating for a girl until she gets older and just realizes that women are so exploited in the movies and such because it is too hard to exploit the wonders of a man's physic due to the obvious time limit it would take for the shot. (Not meant as a cut down, its just too costly to try to capture that moment. Believe me, we women would like tables to turn ) But it all comes down to feeling secure and being able to overcome sex in your face everywhere you turn around. It is too bad too because it makes it hard on men who are not trying to look. They often get the guilt when they are innocent because it is so out there everywhere. It's not you, and she does not mean to be crazy, she just probably had a guy or brother who put sex way out there and makes her uncomfortable. If you really are into her, you just gotta make her understand you are not like other guys and with time she will begin to ease off of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jealousy is one of the root causes of breakups in relationships.

    Everyone looks! Girls look at guys and guys look at girls. Its in our nature.

    Maybe you can explain to her that we as guys are visual and we look! It doesn't mean anything.

    She's fighting a battle that you both in the end will lose.

    Now, in her defense, if I were you, I would focus on her when she's with you. She seems very insecure!

    It's really not that difficult not to look. In return, tell her not to be asking you questions about other girls because, this puts you in a difficult situation and no answer is going to be good enough.

    You can always keep your eyes on her and give her a dose of her own medicine!

    One word of advice though. If you are looking at other girls in such a way that she's picking up on. Then you can't blame her if she's reacting.

    Words of wisdom! While your looking at all the girls walking by, be mindful there are guys checking your girl out!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, first and foremost, women in general do not look at men the way men look at women. However, your girl isn't normal. She's extremely insecure. You need to drop her like a bad habit, because the longer you stay with her, the worse she will get. Some people just need to learn how to mature before they get into relationships, and she's obviously a poster child for that.

    Secondly, it is important that you do realize men and women do look at each other differently. Men are visual creatures. You see curves, you respond to it. If a woman cannot realize that, then she isn't a very good study on male behavior. As far as things go, it doesn't matter where you get your appetite, as long as you are eating dinner at home. And for those who would argue against me saying that, I heard that very saying on three separate, isolated occasions from husbands who had their wives present and able to hear them saying it. And every one of those marriages has been long and happy, because they understand each other. As far as women go, it's a little different. Women like bodies, don't get me wrong, but what really gets to them is sincerity. The big reason so many women don't like porn is because it is so fake. They like real, passionate, un-adulterated love-making. Gay porn is wildly popular amongst women for a reason: those guys look really into it. And that's what it comes down to: women are emotionally charged. They enjoy the complexities of emotion that are drawn from sex. Yes, guys with hot bodies turn them on, too, but I can tell you a sad-sap-looking moron would lose out in a heartbeat to a mostly attractive guy that just looked like he knew he was hot ****. What you need to find is a girl who understands the things I said about men, and for you yourself to gain a decent understanding of the female psyche.

  • 5 years ago

    They don't look at each other the same. Most Wemen are more interested in te psychological aspects(intellegence, charismatic, gentlemen, etc), while most men are interested in physical attributes(hair color, breast size etc.). With that being said, some r interested in cleanliness, fitness standards(they factor in as well), but most r looking for someone who can love what they are, not what they look like...

  • 1 decade ago

    well..when im with my friends they always say "look at that guys ***" and Im like...''well thats an ***. poop comes outta there. ew. no thanks. '' haha you know? but still. Dont check out girls when youre with your girl. and when you see her do it when shes with you point it out. give her a taste of her own medicine. see how she likes it. it could be the only way. and tell ehr ALL the time how beautiful she is and tht you only want her. it'll make her feel good inside.

  • 1 decade ago

    Women tend to be more subtle about checking people out in public.

    Honestly, this girl sounds like a bad girlfriend. You deserve better.

  • 8 years ago

    So - how about if the situation were reversed ? Suppose she had the wandering eye and looked at other guys while she was out with you. Get it ??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol...dont do that in front of girls.!! they get jealous and they want to be spoiled by guys and loved. she just likes you alot and she doesnt like it when you do that.. id do the samee haha, i wouldnt freakk out though, but just dont do that or else shes gonna want to break up wit you(;

  • Eddie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    sounds like a straight up B-I-TCH!

    i wouldn't date a girl like that, dude you aren't married to her so it doesn't matter if you do or don't check out girls. tell her to calm down and not let her thoughts, ego or emotions control her...otherwise its bye bye to her...

    i don't know how girls check out guys, so i just want to see what that they are going to write...

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