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Why is Fox always trying to lie about Muslim terrorist when Christians are far worse?

Another Fox Fib! And they get nailed, using 2 examples, 1 a US Army major.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    why fox does anything: they make lots of money by exploiting the stupidest people in the nation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It makes more sense that fox would concentrate more on the possibilities of Islamic terrorism than Christian. Their audience are mainly Christians who are angry and scared when it comes to Muslims (and not without reason) - and it's people who are angry and scared that stay tuned through all the commercials. Rupert Murdoch's channels in the middle east are the ones that criticize Americans and other Christians.

    Everyone should have a channel by now that reflects their opinions back to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I viewed your link if you feel Maj. Hasad that murdered Americans at Ft. Hood Texas was a myth, and the attempted car bombing in New York was anything other than pure Terrorist Muslims and an act of Muslim Islam Jihads then you are not what you portray. Your a Piece of dung.This will sound familiar to you. The American that was bound and hogtied and beaten, had his head cut off with a dull knife. slowly, horrifically his life was taken by Muslims like you. Beheaded by a stinking, greasy muslim on video. These men were true cowards and their judgement will come.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why does Fox lie about EVERYTHING?

    The truth is that it is the extremists of every religion--Christian, Muslim and Jewish--that are causing the problems all over the world. It is up to the moderates of each religion to renounce the extremists.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The WORST fundamentalist people are those , who are eating u away without YOU knowing it!

    you think what they WANT u to think cuz they control EVERYTHING in ur world!

    some of the lies that were exposed are:

    How are arabs portrayed in the media

    YouTube - 911 Loose Change (full-length)

    9/11 - who did it?

    BBC now admit al qaeda never existed

    World Trade Centre Building 7 Video - how can 2 planes bring down 3 buildings?

    Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11


    wake up.

    things r NOT as 'black and white' as media portrays it to be.

    Learn about islam, for without understanding, u can't know what islam is!

    The purpose of life (a beautiful article by a former Christian pastor)

    Fundamental Beliefs of Islam: a comprehensive website

    Source(s): The Last Crusade - are christians planning for the LAST 'holy' war? The Truth: Gujarat 2002: Babu Bajrangi (INDIAN FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST) P.S. how many OF U know THIS 'fundamentalist' muslim? what would u be thinking if u saw him? would u think of him as a terrorist? or a social reformer?
  • 1 decade ago

    I think the difference is AMERICAN Muslims vs Christians. That's not including Muslims from other countries.

  • 1 decade ago

    When a person make an action with name of islam, it doesn't make it muslim. When a person make an action with name of Christianity, it doesn't make it christan. Terrorists are not from any religion. They are just ruthless.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your picture (Avatar) is with soldiers yet you make statements like a REAR ECHELON MF. Im sure your aware of a REMF.

    You sound more like a coward.

    Source(s): Great answers against this Jehadist, but WE DON'T FEAR YOU. your horor that Muslims bring to the world will soon end. Americans have a history of KICKING ASS.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don'tcha just love it when a rabid, anti-Fox moonbat hangs himself with his own example?

    Source(s): I hope "hangs" isn't considered violent rhetoric.
  • 1 decade ago

    When is the last time Christians flew planes into tall buildings?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    NO. I frown upon ANY generalizations of a religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

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