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Spiritually And Historically Speaking, Why Do People Think Constantine Compiled The Bible?

First, I'd just like to respectfully request that all answers remain civil and to the point. This does lean more towards a historical question, though it does have connections to religion, but it is more about history.

Why Do People Think Constantine Compiled The Bible?

I've heard people say "Constantine did it to unite the empire" or that "he did it to make Rome look good." Do any of you know the slightest bit about the history of the Roman Empire?

Who here has heard of "The Western" and "The Eastern" empires? Can anyone here tell me who Diocletian was? Did you know that in the fourth century, the Emperor Diocletian *willingly* divided the empire into four so it could be managed properly and to limit the power each ruler had?

Yes, Constantine the Great would reunify the empire, but civil war was already on the horizon, so it was either him or Licinius. Both wanted to rule the empire, but Constantine gave the empire to his sons to jointly rule as separate parts as it was before. If his goal was to "unify the empire" he did a poor job or it. Unless you mean, by splitting it up again, after quelling a civil war.

And why would anyone think that The Bible was written by Constantine to make the Romans look good, when passages of the New Testament (Mark 5, Luke 8) are naming demons after the Romans? The New Testament had a *very* poor view of the Roman Empire and identified it as one of the persecuting empires (Revelations 17:10). If Constantine's goal was to make Rome look good by using The Bible, he fell short there too, wouldn't you agree?

How did this silly notion of Constantine start, and why to literate people believe it?


Edit : to "Mr.Blue Light" you are wrong. The New Testament canon was decided in the third century, over 100 years before Constantine was even born.

And if you mean the Edict of Milan, that was not regarding The Bible, but the declaration that everyone should be allowed to worship freely.

Update 2:

Edit 2: Concerning First Council of Nicaea, that was not a meeting about Th.e Bible, but several others issues of faith. This was also *after* Constantine ruled as sole emperor. He had already achieved his goal of all the empire under his rule.

5 Answers

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The chief contribution of Constantine to civilization was making Christianity a legal religion. Even atheists like the idea of religious freedom, and so everyone should celebrate Constantine.

    As a friend of Christianity who was to eventually convert, Constantine supported the Council at Nicea to hammer out crucial disputes within the Christian community, and he helped distribute copies of scripture. That is the extent of his work for Christianity. The scriptures were all written over 200 years before Constantine, and though the final canon wasn't authoritatively established until about 400, Constantine had nothing to do with those decisions.

    Why do people imagine Constantine founded the church? They don't want to believe the record of Matthew 16:18-19, where Jesus conferred power on Peter to lead the church, which forces them to recognize that a single Catholic church existed continuously from Jesus to the present and still carries the authority Jesus gave the apostles.



  • 1 decade ago

    this is what i have been Taught to Believe since the early 80's

    however, only recently have i heard of a different group of people in history that had a different bible than what Constantine canonize at Nicea

    and of course i have heard from Glenn Kimbal that there was a "bible" before the "bible".

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He took the many books of Jewish and Christian Texts the books in the bible and had people decide which books to put in the bible and which not to and anything he didn't like or wasn't important enough he threw out

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe it is by Ignorant people who never study the depth of bible and just based on hear says of other ignorant people as well. The blind leading the blind.

    Source(s): JML
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  • 1 decade ago

    He called the council which established the Bible's canon.

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