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Do you think our founding fathers would have allowed guns if?

...They saw what kind of guns we had available today? Back then, all they had was muskets. If the US only allowed citizens to have a musket as the UK does even to this day, do you think the arizona shooter would have killed as many as he did?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, the citizens should have weapons as good as the military. The reasons for the 2nd amendment have more to do with protection from the government than hunting and fishing. During our founding fathers time, the guns the citizens owned were the same as the army had.

    "When you give up freedom for security, you get and deserve neither"

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the Founders just fought a bloody war against a tyrannical ruler. A King that thought all of the Colonists must buckle under to his command and his throne. They knew what it meant to be a freed from the shakles that bound them. They would of have approved for all civilians to own weapons equal to that of the military because to them the civilians were the militia and in those days each man must provide his own weapon at militia meetings and know how to use it and if the man could not afford a weapon then the state or government would provide one for him. Most of the Anti-gun advvocates were and are progressive big government Nanny State people that don't think that the people have the right to defend themselves against government intrusions into the lives of private individuals.That is why we have such a Nanny style Police State in our current society. That is also why the crime rate is so much higher in states and cities that either ban ownership of guns for private citizens or make it difficult for citizens to own guns. it is a well known and established fact, that more guns in the hands of private law abiding citizens means less crime, less guns in the citizens hands mean more crime because criminals don't respect a man but they do respect a mans guns. I believe all citizens in America should not only own guns but also any type of gun they wish and they should be allowed to openly carry those guns if they wish to. Openly displaying gun ownership is a big deterrant to a crime happening. No type of guns should be banned.

  • 1 decade ago

    One musket ball is normally 50 caliber, any idea how may people a 50 cal will penetrate before it stops?

    This large and powerful weapon was a formidable killer. I believe the the fathers of our nation purposely made no restrictions or feared the arms..........only what a Government would do to WE THE PEOPLE without a well armed militia.

  • BruceN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The amendment comes from the English Bill of Rights which allowed Protestants to carry arms for self protection after the reign of Bloody Mary and the Glorious Revolution. It subjected them to reasonable restrictions. In Heller, the Court found that a handgun or rifle is the contemporary equivalent of the musket, without ruling on more powerful weapons.

    The first US cases in 1789 had to do with whether cities could outlaw sword-canes. There was no question they could outlaw private ownership of Artillery pieces. I have an 1890 history book that explains that the 2nd Amendment Right means "a gentleman cannot be deprived of the right to carry a sidearm." If all gun owners were ladies and gentlemen, I don't think it would be much of an issue.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Guns are not mentioned in the Second Amendment. It only mentions arms. The founders were smarter than most people today and did have forethought with this regard. We could all still learn from them if we only would. Some of us who can read can't understand the words we are reading.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He might have killed more. He had the intent to kill, and he would have found an alternative method had he not had access to a gun and the method most likely would have been a bomb which would have been worse. It's the intent of the person that causes these atrocities, how they do it is trivial. If there is a will, there is a way. A screw diver doesn't tighten a screw, but the person who wields is does.

    Source(s): Facts.
  • 1 decade ago

    "Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns."

    That's like asking if we should have restricted people to 12 channels on TV, and tube TVs. Technology evolves, including firearms. The UK has higher crime rates than the US, especially violent crimes, than the US, yet they have more strict gun laws. Switzerland has some of the lowest violent crime rates in the world, and they have the highest rate of gun ownership. There's something to be said for peace through superior firepower.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, as the Founders actually believed we all have a right to self defense.

    BTW, there was more than muskets. There were rifles and hand guns too.

    The right to own a gun is a civil right. Thank God they understood the necessity of them in a free, moral society. The operative word...moral.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they would have allowed us weapons up to a certain point.But obviously the idea of the average citizen being as well armed as the military is a delusional fantasy in this day and age.

    No one in their right mind are going to hand over grenade,flamethrowers,and rocket launchers to the average Joe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes because to be free to use firearms means you are not a slave like the Mexicans who are getting killed by the thousands because they cannot protect themselves against drug dealers and corrupt police and military.

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