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The Pope doesn't want his organs used after his death. Hypocrisy or what?

The Pope doesn't want his organs used by mere mortals (dunno what other kind of people there are) after his death. Does he want not to scupper his chances of coming back from the dead or what? Religions often claim the moral high ground, and behave as if they're entitled to pronounce on moral questions. But this sounds like hypocritical selfish nonsense, doesn't it? He won't be there any more - what's the problem? This is not fair on the rest of us who do stuff like donate blood, and have put ourselves down for being available for organ transplant, because we want to contribute something to humanity. What's his excuse? Voices in his head "told" him???

25 Answers

  • tina d
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The old nazi may have more concern about his DNA being obtained.

    With all the immoral things this disgusting person has condoned, it may very well be that he also had direct participation- there may be his own "little blue cassock" haunting him.

    Think of all RATsinger, defying jesus' message of social justice, has done against humanity:

    - denounced Liberation Theology, even though millions of catlicks in South America have been subjected to (US- supported) death squads, right-wing dictators, intimidation, unfair wages, land theft...

    - guided his predecessor, pope pedophilia 2, to whitewash the rapist priest issue, and to instead shuffle these criminals to other parishes.

    - worked with the archdioceses around the world to protect their 30 pieces of silver, and shield "the church's" wealth from lawsuit settlements

    the catlick church is a useless institution. like all xtian institutions, they should be destroyed for the hypocrisy and corruption they condone & promote. (Prop 8, "The Family", prosperity theology, dominionism, Manifest Destiny, slavery, Witch trials, Crusades, Reformation... what a xtian legacy)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think its a doctrinal question its probably a matter of personal choice or a political/public relations decision. As catholics almost deify their pope I guess it could be problematical for the person receiving the organ if it later transpired it was from the 'holy' father.

    I know several catholics that are organ and blood donors so its not a catholic thing, like it is, for example, with Jehovah's' witnesses.

    Also what you are talking about is 'common morality' not 'religious morality'. We, the people, have a sense of right and wrong and what is fair and this is often and increasingly in conflict with what our aging religions tell us.

  • Cheryl
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Hold on... People are saying it will save baby lives? Thats a load of crap! (for one thing, they aren't babies - they are unfeeling, unthinking bundles of developing cells) But secondly, you are aware that there are other Doctors that can perform abortions? This just means that they'll see a different person at the clinic, so no good came of this poor mans death. These fetuses are going to die either way... some mothers have in the past gone as far aas taking poisons in the hope of killing the fetus. Would you rather a clean, quick operation, or Women risking their lives, potentially killing themselves? (or producing severely deformed children) To Titus... "destroying the lives and sanity of their mothers" It's the mothers choice!!! Are you retarded? Oh wait, stupid question.

  • Mike K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Judas H. Priest people! This is all a moot point. He is very old and in his 80's and his organs would not be acceptable for transplants at that age. Until about 18 months ago you couldn't even give blood as a doner past 70 and the age limit is 75 for donating organs from a deceased person..


    Michael Kelly

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Congratulations for the biggest non-news story of the week. Joseph Ratzinger used to be a card-carrying organ donor. Once you get to 75, you can't be an organ donor any more. Pope Benedict was 78 when he became Pope and is now nearly 84.

    Where anyone came up with the idea that he "doesn't want" his organs used after death is beyond me - nobody wants them. It's as good as the Belfast Evening Telegraph's headline "No News of the Pope" (there was none)

  • 1 decade ago

    Stop ranting at an old man and wise up,I will not be donating my organs either and millions are similar,does this make most of the human population hypocrites,one thing you should not do though is to donate your heart or brain for they are both full of nonsense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    >>The Pope doesn't want his organs used by mere mortals<<

    Why are you lying? He wouldn't have signed an organ donor card if he felt that way.


    In 1999, the then-Cardinal Josef Ratzinger said he was on an organ-donor list.

    “I am available to offer my organs to whoever might need them. It is an act of love, of affection and generosity,” he said at the time.

    See also

  • From a practical point of view though, look at what age he is right now, and imagine what age he could live to. You think his organs would be any good to anyone at that age?

  • T Dog
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Dude he's old. Can you imagine putting an 84 year old's heart into a younger person's body?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the pope is full of hypocrisy- i mean look at jesus he was humble and down to earth etc the pope thinks he is the king, its amazing that he accepts people bowing to him and kissing his hand etc- he is satans most succesfull tool on earth

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