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Shelley L asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Was this mother out of line?

My son is 15 and his best friend's ssiter asked him to Winter Formal. I know the girl, I know the parents and I thought it would all be smooth sailing. But, from day one, the mother didn't communicate ANYTHING to me. She didn't tell me when the dance was, never replied to my texts about what the plans were, didn't call when she told her son she would call me, didn't inform me of the transportation situation, the flower situation or what the kids were doing for dinner (she KNEW this was my first time planning a formal for my kid.). The final straw was the parents of this group (4 couples) apparently made plans to hang out, have appetizers at one of the parents' houses then getting pcitures of the kids before they left. My husband and I, however, weren't invited. I found out when this woman's ex hsuband - who provided the transportation - asked if he was going to see us later. I had NO idea what he was talking about. I ended up crashing because I wanted pictures of my kid and this mother looked surprised and nervous to see me. The other parents didn't know me and were prfectly nice, if not a bit confused by my presence so late - pictures had already been taken. I was completely hurt by this mother's treatment of me and I have no idea why she would do this! I provide ALL transportation for her son (at NO cost to her)! I thought we were friends and I seriously have no reason to believe I made her angry. She didn't seem angry at me - more nervous. Like she had just completely forgotten me or something! How wierd is this? I know she has some stuff happening in her life and I gave her the benefit of the doubt right up until I fould about about the parent get together. I felt completely disrespected by that slight. Plus, I go NO thank you for getting the flowers - from either mom OR daughter. Now, I wonder how I'll be able to deal with her. Should I say something or should I wait for her to do it? How wierd is this? Moms - how would you feel in my shoes? What would you do? I feel I'm owed an apology, frankly. Not to mention an explanation why she felt the need keep me away from this whole thing. I understand it's a bigger deal to the girls but this was my son's first Formal and she knew that. It was so hurtful and if she was a peron I never had to deal with again, I'd be able to get over it, but her son and my son are best friends. My son knows I'm angry but this isn't for the kids to be in the middle of. It's just so awkward.


I should clarify that the sister LIKES my son and the mom has often made comments about what a nice couple they would be. It creeps me out, to be honest (even before all this, when I thought she and I were friends). If my son likes her, great, I guess, but I don't get involved in that stuff. This mom is a wee bit TOO interested in getting her daughter together with my son.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's totally ok to be angry...she sounds like a completely entitled a$s, but I would leave it at that. Protracting disputes based on your kids sets a horrible example and does nothing but perpetuate negativity for ego's sake. And it would ruin your son's friendship...believe it or not, guys have profound emotions (even though we choose to not display them most of the time) and you do not want his bitterness directed at you for years over a destroyed friendship. Mama issues in grown men are nothing nice.

    As for this slagmom, I would maintain a frostily saccharine mask when you see or deal with her. Offer her nothing and take nothing- let it be only about the kids.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The mother sounds like a control freak but I can't help but feeling that she got the same vibe from you. You should have sat down your 15 year old, explained to him the things that he needed to take care of and then followed up with him. This was a great opportunity for him to take on some responsibilities. It sounds like a giant game of telephone, where the mom tells the daughter something, the daughter tells your son and then .... I mean, did the daughter say thank you to your son for the flowers? I'm sure my prom dates parents' paid for flowers but I thanked the boys not the mothers.

    I'm not saying this mother was right - and not inviting you with the other parents really shows that this woman was rude and was playing games. Nonetheless, she's likely not going to apologize and you're going to have to get over it, because it is likely not the last time that you're not included in planning events that your son attends.

  • Debdeb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The first thing I would do would be chill out until you talk to her. She may have thought that your son was just doing his friend a favor by accompanying his sister to a dance. As for why she didn't return your calls, it's possible she didn't actually get them. I forget things all the time, and maybe she just confused and forgot to do things she meant to do. Before you decide what her motives were, ask her. Right now you're just getting mad without knowing all the facts. Give her a call, and ask if there was a problem or did you not receive messages she sent you. Give her a chance to explain.

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