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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do you feel more or less safe with our current prez as opposed to W?

I should know better than to ask a simple question, but i am just curious.

I wish there were a way to poll everyone in the US.

20 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I feel far less safe. Obama does not seem to understand, appreciate or even admire our country and its role in the world. He therefore does not seem serious about defending America - seeking to apologize for us instead. Our allies, and our enemies, are taking notice.

    I fear it is a very, very dangerous time for the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sheeple have a tendency to feel safe whenever another war is started. It created the illusion that something is being done to prevent terrorism. The problem with the Iraq war is that Iraq had no WMD's and they weren't harboring terrorists. The sheep all felt safer knowing a war hawk was in the white house but people who actually think for themselves realized this didn't really accomplish anything other than rile up the hornet's nest in the middle east even more.

    I feel safer with the current president who won't start wars just to make the sheep feel safe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel less safe under Obama.

    He is anti-America.

    He is open boarder.

    He is pro illegal alien

    pro entitlement state

    He runs down christians and gun owners while he is courting the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran

    He is against Israel.

    He has bailed out on all of the US's Allies

    He can't make his mind up about what he believes.

    At least Bush stood where he stood. Obama can't stand on what is in his heart because it has nothing to do with the Land of the Free.

  • 1 decade ago

    Far less safe. Showing weakness to our enemies is, in itself, a provocation.

    "At any given time, 2/3's of the World is up to something." Dean Rusk

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    nicely to be effortless no, while ever Clinton's strikes have been puzzled, human beings died or dissapeared, and now it sounds as though that every time one reads approximately Bush's strikes being puzzled the outcomes are extra taxes, extra troops being sent to their deaths, no dismiss for the financial harm he's doing to the country. it is meant to be the land of the unfastened, it is your land, your usa, the 1st modification, freedom to assemble in a public place to voice your perspectives if I undergo in innovations top, nicely you basically attempt to try this fairly while you're against abortion or in case you think of the government shouldn't tax our retirement you basically attempt to voice your opinion and you will see basically what share rights you have, how lots "freedom" you have. Sorry approximately that i grew to become into attempting to respond to this for the duration of my lunch destroy, could no longer end so the place grew to become into I, Ohyes! nicely I could desire to declare that confident I do experience i'm no longer able talk out on many subject concerns for worry from being persecutated, jeered at, arrested, harrassed, etc., etc. Why by way of fact nicely basically look on the way issues are, we had a demonic President for 8 years did something advance no, we've got a nitwit for president and he's basically getting our companion and young little ones killed, he has led to the fee of oil and because it each little thing else to sky rocket, so I could desire to decline I donot experience risk-free, nor do I have confidence our government, our presidents, no person, we as a human beings could desire to place self assurance in ourselfs. Oh by using the way, why are you so worried you look extraordinarily lots off by using the sounds of your prof.

  • Evie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Less, I live in southern AZ where we Americans cannot go into a state park because drug lords have taken over it. Secure our border, don't brush off our concern for safety in the name of political correctness.

  • 1 decade ago

    much,much, much safer under President Bush. he had issues on spending but in knowing the enemy and taking the fight to the enemy he is head and shoulders above our current fraud-in-chief, Neville Chamberlain II

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Way less. I have very little confidence in him over the Egypt crisis. Obama is WAY too much of an appeaser and a Muslim-lover.

    The world may 'love' us more, but 'respects' us way less.

  • LESS, the Omoron has no clue of what he is doing. Janet Incomeptano is lost too

  • About the same. If there is any difference at all it may be that I feel a bit safer. After all, America's world image has improved somewhat.

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