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moon asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

help! i found a very injured dog, she needs vet assistance but she wont let me get to her.?

a few weeks ago, i found a small dog in my backyard, it looked like she had an injured leg, i tired to get to her, but she ran away, i didnt know who she belonged to i just new she needed help, so i left to call animal control, but when i came back she was gone. i figured that she went to her owners and they took her to the vet. today i found her agian, and she is still injured. i found what her injury was, her harness was stuck on her skin, and ripping her skin, she has a very open wound on her shoulder and that is why she limps. i went to my back neighbors today, to ask them if that was their dog, because that is where she comes from, they didnt answer so i left them a letter asking them if they knew who she belonged to to call me. i havent heard from them and its been 5hrs. my friend and her boyfriend finally got her after hours of trying but she ran and hid behind the stove, she wont let no one get her. and i dont want to hurt her. i just want to take her to the vet. i dont have a crate for her, so what do you guys suggest i take her in? and how do i get her to come to me? animal control never came to get her. and now they are close.


please dont be mean, im really trying here. i just makes me sad that her owners just neglected her like that. her wound didn't happen over night, she must of had her harness tied to tight for a while.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you should call your local vet. When you call, tell them the situation and ask them what they think the best thing to do is. If you are lucky, they may com get the dog themselves. If you really care about this dog though, don't let it go to a regular shelter. Make sure she gets to a no kill shelter. And maybe, if you hope she can trust you enough so you can take her to the vet, try feeding her treats, sitting at her level (as not to seem intimidating, because for dogs its all about size), and only speaking in a soft voice. From what you are describing, this dog was neglected and possibly abused, so she may have bad thoughts associated with humans because of her past. Hope This Helps!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Ask your mum if she wants to be responsible for a dog's death. At least let the dog sit inside on some big bin liners so that the blood doesn't go everywhere, make sure she is warm enough and stay with her so that she knows that you're not going to abandon her like her previous owner did, they obviously don't want her any more. Get your mum to call an emergency vet right now and make sure that the dog has got enough food and water until the vet gets there. Treat her like she's a new puppy, and give her as much attention as possible so that she knows that she's safe again. Do all this right now. Also check if she'd got ID somewhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try to befriend her with some meat. When she gets close enough to touch, comfort her. Once she knows you wont hurt her you should try taking the harness off if you can but if it is embedded in her skin then don't touch it. Wrap her in a towel to keep her warm and bring her to a vet as soon as possible. If you cant take her tonight, call the vet's office and you'll get to talk to the on-call vet. He should tell you what to do next and will probably tell you to come in first thing in the morning. Also, for pain you can give half of an adult aspirin but NOT a non-aspirin. I hope this helps and i'm sorry to here about the dog. That is so sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aw, I think it should be obvious to everyone that you're really trying to help her. I would suggest calling someone from a local dog rescue. They should have a suitable crate and should be knowledgeable in how to catch her and bring her in. If they can't help, they might have a vet you can contact to come out and get her.

    You can try contacting an emergency vet and asking for their advice on how best to catch her and where to take her once you've got her. She's just really hurt and scared, but she needs to get some medical attention.

    Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When my dog was attacked by another dog, he was the same way- scared. I used a cardboard box, plopped it over the top of him, slid a piece of cardboard underneath and slowly rolled the box upright. He stayed inside and I was able to close the box over him, tape it once and put some holes in the sides to get him to an emergency vet.

    Be careful- since the animal is wounded and obviously scared, it may react violently. You don't want a bite. I never take chances with rabies.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would put some food and drink down for her and try to provide some shelter she might crawl into herself. Don't try to capture her, she's in pain and might attack out of fear. Try to call a vet and get some advise from the on-call vet. They might have access to animal control after hours number. Don't know if the local police can help ( try the dispatch number NOT 911)

    Sad as it is, you might have to wait one more day until you can get someone to come out.

    Bless you for caring for this poor creature.

  • 1 decade ago

    instead of calling animal control try calling the humane society. Or you could call a vet, explain your situation, and see if there's a vet willing to help you out. Some vets even make house calls.

  • As soon as you can find the dog and then call animal control tell them you know where the dog is tell them what is wrong with it and tell them you will wait near the dog until they get there to help her. Good LUck. You should not try to catch the dog yourself it could bite you. Let the professionals help her.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ask animal control if they will put a humane trap in your yard.


    Leave food out for her. Stop trying to catch her for now.

    Gradually make the feeding area smaller so that she has to walk into a pen with a door that can be closed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Call 911

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