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Vampire Knight - Kaname or Zero? and anime recommendations?
OMFG Vampire Knight was the first anime i watched :'D And it first i was like "Kaname!" But, now i watch it again (with more anime knowledge) I realized Vic did the voicing for zero..and now im REALLY stuck. How can the voice actor change your opinion on the voice characters? :S
So - who do you choose?
Also : Any anime like this i can watch? (dubb if you can)
here are some others that i've q
Ghost Hunt
Chibi Vampire
Fruits Basket
Death Note
~If you havnt watched any of these - please try them!~
Thanks a lot! ;D
3 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
You said some good ones. The only ones I haven't seen from yours are Blood+, Ghost Hunt, and Chibi Vampire. Since your list is good, I'll have to try those too! I just finished Kuroshitsuji (loved it!) and Kuroshitsuji II (2 was not as great by far, but the ending is pretty good). I'm not going to be one of those people who give you a list a mile long of anime. Here are some that I love and I think you might like.
Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (these are required viewing!)
You just have to adore them. I love them to death! and Vic is Ed's voice, so that is always a huge plus. This is probably his most well known role. FMA is amazing! Perfect balance of humor, serious plot, and action. Two brothers try to bring their dead mother back to life using alchemy. Human tranmutation is a taboo among alchemists for a reason. Edward (older brother) ends up with half of his limbs ripped from his body and has to have a metal arm and leg, while Alphonse (younger brother) is left as nothing more than a soul attached to a suit of armor. In order to get back what they lost, they embark on a journey to find the legendary philosopher's stone. It's so amazing that they made two series out of it! Oh and I have to suggest FMA before FMAB, but either first is fine. FMA was made before the manga was finished and so it has a completely different plot than FMAB, which was made at the completion of the manga. Both are beautiful so see them both!!
Hetalia: Axis Powers (Ok so this is in a bit of a different direction, but bear with me. This is quite possibly the best way to learn history. It is amazing! Personified countries, stereotypes, humor, and above all amazing voice actors! It's dubbed and it's said to be one of the best dubs because each country has a different accent!! Seriously...check it out. It may sound strange, but I promise it's amazing. Quite possibly one of the funniest things I've seen). Vic is Greece, but he's not in it much... I think he will be in it more when Hetalia: World Series when it is dubbed. Find this one on because I think it's the only place it is dubbed.
Soul Eater
(it will take maybe a few eps to get into and the authors knew that... that's why the first 3 eps are called "prologues." ) In the "Death Weapon Meister Academy" there are weapons and meisters. Each meister is paired with a human-like being who can transform into a weapon at will. Their goal is to turn the weapon into a death scythe for Lord Death himself by eating 99 kishin eggs (pre-kishin souls) and 1 witch's soul. After defeating a pre-kishin - a human whose soul has gone evil - the weapon eats the soul inside it. The story follows Maka and her partner Soul Eater; Black Star and his partner Demon Blade Tsubaki; and Lord Death's son Death the Kid and his partners the Demon Twin Pistol Thompson Sisters. Oh and Vic is in it too... as Maka's dad Spirit (aka "Death Scythe")
Ones I am in the process of watching and are good so you should check them out too:
Black Blood Brothers
Kaze No Stigma
Oh and I am a Zero girl :)
( I love Vic too!)
- RossLv 41 decade ago
some anime i have tried:
rash-tail III
syndicates of lyings
N.S. Sabre
cantica * (**)
california inside-out
you should also try duck futomaki
hope this helps!
Source(s): - sarah-roseLv 41 decade ago
the wallflower....,,.>u gotta love it=D
oh and i preffer zero (i read the manga 2) i recomend u to read the manga of it ==D