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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 1 decade ago

My friends treat me horribly?

I have no idea what to do. All my friends treat me like an outsider to their group and don't treat me with respect. I have done so much for them that I can't even count. I have helped them with their homework, cheered them up when they were sad, remembered their birthdays, and got them Christmas presents or thanks for being my friend presents. I get nothing from them! The best present I had got from them was a used pencil box and a mechanical pencil that was broken and that was for my birthday. In fact I have to remind them when my own birthday is each year! Not only that but, they even say that they don't like me. A couple of weekends ago I was invited to go an amusement park with them and when we were in line for a ride one of my friends said, "why did you come here anyway?" I replied, "Because you asked me." Then they said, "Well you are too scared to go on rides and get annoying at times." I said nothing after. What they said was a lie. I always go on rides with them despite if I am scared or not. I feel so small around them! This is not the first time something like this has happened. I am sick and tired of this! Even today, after I asked for days to go with me to this place they never replied to me and when I looked on FB they were there! I feel so crushed! They always do this and I don't know what to do! I try to make other friends but I am ignored. They are the only friends I have. What do I do?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    what you should and need to do ... is dump them & get yourself some new friends! you don't need people like that in your life. why would you ever want to waste your time dealing with people who make it clear they don't want you around? you deserve good friends, ones who will always be there for you & treat you with respect. & even if you have trouble finding friends, i still think you're better off without the ones you have now bc all they're going to do is keep attacking you and making you feel crappy about yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Answer is Easy, make new friends! And if you don't know how than here are some tips:

    1) Join Extracurricular Activities ~ This way you can meet new people who have the same interests as you, something in common, and you could even find a special talent of yours that you didn't even knew existed.

    2) Social ~ Talk more with others. Give a simple Hello or Hey to some people you come in contact with or happen to know but just didn't bother to talk to.

    3) Attitude ~ Don't talk to people like they're below you. Actually listen to people when they talk to you and be a person others can rely on and be a shoulder for others to cry on.

    There are probably way more than that but that's all I can think of at the moment. Best of LUCK!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really think it's time for you to make new friends. Friends who abuse their friends are NOT friends at all. I understand that they're the only friends you have, but I think you'd find it much better not being friends with them. It'll take a while finding new friends to hang out with, but it will happen. You will meet a new group of people who will accept you, so do not loose hope. Don't be afraid of being alone. Maybe this transition between finding new friends, you can learn more about yourself!

    I understand where you're coming from as well. I've had a rough life with friendships, and finding a new group of people who will respect you will be worth the period of time you spent alone, without these terrible 'friends'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mom would always tell me there's no such thing as friends. It came true for me. Even people who seem to really like you could easily betray you at the drop of a dime. It's even more hurtful when you've been good friends for years. The truth is everyone is susceptible to hate. About 80% to 90% of people are never really going to like you. That's just the way it is. Some things just don't change no matter what you do. But don't beat yourself up over things you have no control over. My advice is to get rid of these "friends". They are not your friends. That's not the way you treat people much less a friend. Be very cautious of who you want to call your "friends". I was done very wrong by some of my closest friends. I went through some extremely painful experiences because of them. Better alone than with bad company. I don't have friends only acquaintances now. Think about it....... Cain killed Abel in the bible! His own brother! How much worse do you think it is for someone who isn't even related to you. Maybe your lesson here is to learn to be your own best friend than hopefully the right ACQUAINTANCES will come. Don't give to much importance to having friends. It's really over-rated. Until people learn how to be their own best friend than maybe we will learn to be better friends to others. The truth is, very few people know how to be a good friend. Sometimes your best bet is your family.

    Good luck with everything.

    Source(s): Life
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  • 1 decade ago

    Those people are most definitely not your friends, if they were they wouldn't treat you this way. It sounds as if they're only taking advantage of you. As far as finding new friends go, don't "try." Be yourself and if that isn't good enough for someone or they have a problem with you, they aren't worth your time. You'll find people that respect and like you for you, but make sure you like and respect yourself as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell them how you feel. They might under stand but, if they don't there not true friends. Find a friend that will do what you do for them. I had friends like that till I became friends with a 2 girl that was there for me. We became very good friends and their the best I've ever had.

    Source(s): My friends when I was in 4th grade
  • 1 decade ago

    They aren't your real friends. I would litarlly cut all ties from them. They are one mean group of girls. Trust me, become friends with some other people, that will respect you. That's what I did, and I've been much better off. They really seem like big jerks to me.

  • nate
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They are not your friends. U should go find new ones. I feel bad how they treat u.

  • 1 decade ago

    Friends? Are you kidding? They sounds like bitches to me. I know its hard, but find other girls to be with and don't be such a pushover.

  • 1 decade ago

    people are so mean. be yourself and you will get true friends. i didn't have much friends at first but when i showed people who i was they said i was funny.:)

    good luck and ignore mean people

    Source(s): me
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