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GreyhoundAdopter asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What do you think about Oprah having Michael Vick as her guest tomorrow?

I always thought that Oprah loved her dogs and was and advocate for dogs. She never "rips a new one" on one of her guests. Will you watch the show Thursday - or send a message (and make the ratings go down) by turning your TV to another channel?

What are your thoughts on her inviting him to be on her show ?


This just came over the internet - Michael Vick was cancelled! Woo Hoo!!!!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't watch her show anyways.

    I am however interested in what her motif behind this episode is, I will likely read an overview of it sometime Friday


    Apparently he has backed out:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I very much agree with Borderline Collie.

    I do not support what he did one bit, I can not stand him. I feel that he only got a slap in the wrist. But hey, don't all famous people get that. I guess it's one of the perks to being a celebrity. Everyone knows, that if one of us average joes did what he did we would be paying hefty fines, jail maybe even prison sentences, and never allowed to own another animal for as long as we lived.

    For Vick, he pretty much got off scott free. He's still playing football, but of course they let him in, half the NFL players are criminals and have served jail sentences.

    I feel like if you're a celebrity and do something wrong and you apologize for it that people say, "Oh, they said they're sorry so it's ok." I feel like everyone forgot what he did, and now he is wanting another dog?!

    I am very thankful that out of ALL the dogs he had only 2 had to be put down. 1 because of aggression and the other due to health problems because she was being over bred so much and not being taken care of!

    I really want to watch her show just to see why she has him there and just what she has to say to him.

    I will read about it somewhere, which is the only way I will know what happened. I work during the day on the horse farm so unless it is on in the late afternoon or at night I will not be able to watch it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The only time I've watched any of her shows was when I was bored as heck at a hospital. The woman has done some good, but I don't particularly like her.

    Honestly, I don't care any more. I would really like it if the guy served more time and hadn't been allowed back into the NFL, but at least now he can't legally own dogs or any animal any more and he can't hurt them.

    I don't even know what the interview is going to be about anyways, so I really can't form an opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even if we all turned off our TVs when that episode airs, it will effect her in no way at all.

    She has built an empire.

    Do we know why she decided to have him on her show?

    I would be interested into knowing that. Will I watch it? No. Partly because I don't want to see it and partly because I work during that time anyways.

    She doesn't get aggressive with her guests but she does ask hard questions.

    You know what would be really interesting? If Oprah had one of his former pit bulls on her show during his interview. THAT would be interesting to see.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vick is pure garbage. He canceled. He probably wants to be out and about and spreading his genital herpes around. The only time that he probably has his pecker in his pants is when he is on the football field. The man is the scum of the earth and as dumb as can be.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I can't even answer this without crying. My dogs mean everything in the world to me, I have 2 toy poodles and a teacup yorkie puppy that are my constant companions and protectors. I am disabled (result of an assault) and without them I would not be able to live alone or even sleep at night. I have heard that sometimes the effing trash that breed and "train" fighting dogs will throw puppies, kittens and small dogs such as mine in to attack and kill--it's part of their demented pleasure of watching something helpless suffer and be killed. As the victim of an attack (human) I have become very bitter and full of hatred for that kind of mentality and feel that individuals who engage in any kind of abuse of any living creature need to suffer every bit as much themselves. As far as Oprah is concerned, I know she loves dogs and she will put this m f----r on the spot and make him very ashamed of his sick behavior. I consider any type of fighting humans, dogs, chickens, bulls, to be uncivilized and neanderthal.

  • 1 decade ago

    sadly that idiot has a house down here in the city I live in. Personally he should be in jail for what he did. He has NEVER done an animal cruelty talk to the kids here and most of them have pit bulls.. so much for community service right? Serve every community but the one you LIVE in.

    I wont watch her show, though I usually do.

  • Chetco
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I first lost respect for Oprah, when she began cramming her weird religion down our throats, and lost her temper in defending it..

    Then, she came to our little community to give a lecture. The women's group that brought her there, thought they were really doing something great, and knocked themselves out for her.

    She wrote a "letter to the editor", bashing our town! Complaining that we didn't even have a suitable hotel, restaurant, and airport good enough for her.

    Just a little community, that relies on commercial crabbing, fishing, and sport fishing for revenue..Gorgeous strip of coastline! But, it wasn't good enough for Oprah. Did she expect us to build a hotel and airport just for her royal butt?

    Well, she's not good enough for me to waste time watching.

    Source(s): Don't get me started!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think shes MORE of a pig than I thought she was .I USED to like her , BEFORE she thought she was all seeing and all knowing . Her and her OWN network BOTH SUCK .

    . SICK to death of this conceited cow with her god-complex being pushed down our throats .

    WAIT til I tell my husband , we cant stand her , one more reason to not like this woman . And she has DOGS !! OMG . , im going on her website . thanks for the info .

  • 1 decade ago

    - I think it's chick sheet as we all know what that savage and his cohorts did to all those poor animals and basically got a pat on the head and a slap on his wrist.Everyone on tv always forget what he did and always claim that he's done his time' and whats' more scary is he now whats a pet out animal control.

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