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Skin picking wife...............?

Skin picking wife...............?

My wife is a skin picker and has been doing it for years, I have tried to get her to stop. She see's a therapist for other issues and has talked to her about the skin picking. Her therapist said that everyone has their little quirks and does not know why it bothers me so much.

I feel picking your face until it bleeds and having as many as 5 to 8 sore spots (she puts toilet paper them in the morning to stop the bleeding) on your face at any one time is more the a "little quirk".

Of course everything would be fine if I would just shut my mouth and not make an issue of it.

Should I talk to her therapist, keep my mouth shut or eventually leave her.


She does it mostly when she's in front the TV or reading, she has a spot on her lip she picks so much that a callus has developed and she trims it sometimes with a sharp knife.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    get some balls you mangina, tell her therapist if you love her you passive agressive bleached anus.

    Source(s): Divorce is the sweetest sensation...well next to a good ole' j1zz - DR. DIVORCE
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I do the same thing, mostly when I'm bored. Thing about treating the skin is that while doing the wash or whatever, you feel the little bump and you start picking it again. She needs stuff to do with her hands, like embroidery or quilling or crotchet or something like that, keep her hands out of her face. Then the skin will heal itself and there will be nothing to pick. It also helps if your diet isn't too oily. You mention other issues, if it's all one condition and it is addressed and treated correctly the skin thing should be minimized or stopped too. Now to you. It's been a part of her life for years, and you would leave her over it? Are you really that shallow.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds to me like she needs a new therapist. This one clearly is not helping her with her problem. Yes everyone has quirks but picking your skin until it bleeds is not just a little quirk and I would go elsewhere to find someone who doesn't think you should just keep your mouth shut.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ooo... thats a bit hectic to leave her over it? I do understand it's gross and unappealing. The best thing you can do is not make her anxious whenever she does it. If she starts doing it, don't sigh or moan or hum and haw. Pretend she isn't doing it so she doesn't get nervous and do it more. Get her to paint or draw or beading (making necklaces and bracelets) or pottery! Distractions are the best way. Switching to other habits may work like gum-chewing, etc. A library card may work too!

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  • 5 years ago

    Your spouse suffers from obcessive compulsive ailment or OCD. OCD is accessible in lots of types, yet has one factor in undemanding. All exchange into obcessive approximately one particular factor. some wash their hands as much as one hundred fifty cases an afternoon,mutually as others obcess approximately loss of life, and others like your spouse %. at their skin to the ingredient of becoming everlasting marks on themselves. She could opt to be dealt with by way of a therapist that specializes in this type of ailment. do not forget that that's in lots of cases a protracted technique with plenty subject to the affected person, in spite of the undeniable fact that that's treatable. that's uncertain that she is a junkie. those signs and warning signs are alot greater for sure defined. Are the black component of her eyes decreased to a pin length? Does she gently scratch her face (not %.) Is she thisty alot? Do her eyelids hunch like she is sleepy? If she does not exibit any of those signs and warning signs, then she is probable doing heroin. call your time-honored care physichian, and have him or her refer you to the suitable therapist. I choose you success my chum.

  • 5 years ago


  • Poppy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would think keeping your mouth shut is the best bet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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