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favorite_aunt24 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

i have an 8 week old puppy with parvo. what can we do to help treat it?

I just got back from the vet and they gave IV fluids and told us to keep her drinking and eating.

They said that she should stay but NOT required. we don't have the $60 a day right now or we would of just kept her at the vet. They told us to give her Pepto for the loose stools and give her Pedialyte.

And to give her baby food to eat. so we got Chicken and rice and beef and veggies.

My question : Is there anything else we can do to help her?

We have only had the puppy for 3 days. We cant seem to get a hold of the people we got her from.


for got to say the breed is Peek a poo

Update 2:

I gave the Vet the phone number of where we got it. They said that they would Call untill someone answers the phone. Animal control was my next thought.

Update 3:

Yes gave a shot to her at the office and gave amoxicillin to treat at home. I was wondering if there is anything extra that we could do at home?

They also said that if she makes it till Monday then she may get better. but she is in bad shape.

Update 4:

Other then what we are doing for her the Vet said Put her down. We don't want to do that if there is a chance she will get better. The Vet wouldn't do anything more for her because we don't have the $60 a day right now. And they said if she did stay it would be more then a week and they cant be sure she would live. They also said that she has same chance of living at home then at the vets.

Update 5:

The local shelter vet is the vet i go to.

Update 6:

We just called the police. they are running a puppy mill. The cop said that they will check it out and then call us back. the people we got the dog from just listed 10 more different kids of puppies for sale.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    get in contact with the animal control it is against the law for a breeder to sell sick dogs it takes 7-10 days for parvo to show so dog was definitely infected at breeders

    also was any contract signed

    there are laws in many areas you can check with animal control the breeder may be rresponsiblefor care of pup up to purchase price or a replacement puppy

  • Rayne
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    the puppy could have came from a puppy mill. you could call the Vet's office or the Animal Control and have them go check it out if you remember what the address is. since you can't get a hold of them they probably knew the puppy had parvo. if that's what the vet recommended then do that and make sure every 2-3 hours you check on her(even during the night) and treat her like you would treat a baby. make sure she doesn't get too playful.

  • trippi
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    8 Week Old Puppies For Sale

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a MUTT, not a breed, and this is the kind of sh!t that happens when you purchase a dog from an irresponsible backyard greeder, with NO health guarantee. No one here can help you out, nor are we qualified to give any suggestions, only your vet is. Shouldn't have purchased a pup if you cannot afford vet bills. Should find the money to leave the pup at the vet's, as her chances of surviving with home treatment are slim to none.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    parvo is a 50/50 disease. Sometimes the dog can be on the verge of death and pull thru but sometimes the dog can seem fine and die. It just depends on the pups willingness. I worked at a vet clinic where we treated the dogs and sent them home with antinausea meds and an electrolyte solution. We sent a dog home once that seemed to be doing pretty good and a few hours later she came back in shock. You just need to get your pup to the vet and pray he is going to get better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please ask a vet at a shelter for help - you need help fast, and DON'T give this puppy any Pepto bismol! That doesn't sound right to me - Pepto can cause central nervous system damage in an adult dog - you need some Tamiflu, and fluids - please ask at the local shelter for their vet contact information - a shelter vet will have more experience with this. The mention of Pepto just makes me really nervous.

  • 1 decade ago

    And, 'ya know why you can't contact the seller? Because parvo is VERY contagious and can be deadly. The seller doesn't want to refund hundreds of dollars to you and anybody else that purchased a puppy from them.

    Having said that, do what your vet suggested. Did the vet give the dogs any meds?

  • 7 years ago

    Hi my 8 weeks old puppy came down with parvo and I was just wondering did your survive

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, this poor dog is suffering for YOUR mistake. You have failed to consider ALL the aspects of responsible pet ownership before deciding to acquire your dog. And one of those responsibilities is being able to afford proper care which includes, among many other needs, QUALITY veterinary care!

    It is very likely that your puppy is going to die. The humane action to take is to return the puppy to the vet to be euthanized to avoid any further suffering before the disease kills it.

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