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Patmua6 asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 decade ago

Hi, I keep getting Low Disk Space coming up on my Screen ,?

My C/Dive says 33.6 GB , All i have 35.0 MB , I've used Disc clean up every time , I was wondering has it got to do with the build up of Y/A answers I've got, For some reason i can't Delete them , Can anybody Help , Thank You

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have used up 33.6 GB, it's likely you have a surplus of files, such as: Music, pictures, movies and documents.

    Depending on your system (not stated), you can do the following as a short term measure:

    - Go to "My Computer"

    - Where it says "C Drive", right click and then properties

    - At the bottom of the new window, tick the box that says, "Compress this drive to save space".

    Note that this may slow down your PC.

    Regarding the usage of Yahoo Answers - IT WILL NOT HAVE CAUSED THIS PROBLEM. Appreciate that Yahoo Answers is a website with pictures and text that is downloaded to your computer TEMPORARILY.

    I strongly recommend to ask a friend with any basic knowledge of computing to help you. They should suggest a new hard drive. To make it easy, you can buy a new hard drive for approximately £30. The case of your computer would be opened and the hard drive slid in place. Cables would connect both power and a connection to the motherboard (the large circuit board).

    Once this is done, you will still see 'C' drive (where your information is stored), and typically a 'D' drive which is your optical drive (for CD's and DVD's).

    You will also see an "E" drive, which is the new hard drive recently installed.

    By right clicking the "My Computer" link via the start button, the location of the My documents can be re-located to the new drive. The new drive may need formatting, possible by right clicking the new drive.

    Note this is based on typical computer config'.

    I hope that helps.

    Source(s): Residential Computer assistance.
  • 1 decade ago

    delete or uninstall everything you dont use on a regular basis, to include cache and cookies,then do a disk cleanup,then defrag. as mentioned already music,video and pics,save these to a disc and delete from pc.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to delete stuff.. Delete pictures , music and files you don't need or use .. Some programs are huge .. Delete the ones you dont need and you will free up space .

  • 1 decade ago

    There are three solutions to "low disk space" warning. You can select the best one for your needs.

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