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Americans why are you still asleep at the wheel?

So people,$4.11/gallon gasoline does not piss you off. President Obama's regulatory assault on domestic oil and gas production has spiked energy prices.In 2008 Obama stated "somehow,we must figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels of europe.Well gang..europe is paying $9.00 for gasoline.Are you loving it so far..we are being screwed by our own government that is promoting the "green agenda" fraud.Time to drill for our own oil..drill baby drill.oh by the way..for all you dopes out there..we cannot(our western economy) survive without oil ! here is a link that will bring you up to speed(assuming you can have an open mind)

Update: soung like a typical lib ...

Update 2: got it....

Update 3:

"our future is history" we can still recover if we get rid of the parasites in power...

Update 4:

"oneday" dude,I am not elian.that poor kid is now probably a faithfull brain washed little commie...

Update 5: are clueless...

10 Answers

  • Dusty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    3 cheers!!! As a Korean vet, Tee Paty member who spent 2 days a week manning the phone bank last year for the Ohio Republican party as well as getting out and maintaning yard signs, I will continue to do all I can to inform and educate those around me. It isn't just his policys against this countries lack of an energy plan. It's his entire agenda that we need to put a stop to and reverse the damage he has done to us and our children.

    Source(s): been there... done that... can't remember
  • 1 decade ago

    WOW! looks like your question is a Liberal magnet.

    The last $4.50/gallon gas brought us the housing bubble.'s this simple: If you work, you must drive to work. If you drive to work you must buy gas. If you live on a tight budget as most every American now does, spending $200-400 a month extra on fuel makes things such as mortgage payments a little hard to do (remember the housing bubble anyone?). High fuel prices go far beyond the pump as well. Ask your moms what they now spend on groceries.

    This current spike in oil prices is reported to be primarily caused from unrest in Libya. Libya supplies less than 3% of the worlds supply of oil. If America drilled it's own domestic oil, which would add at least 10% to the world supply, you really think that wouldn't make a difference?! You people are insane.

    For those scared to death the world will run out of oil...In the 1940's Nazi Germany was making synthetic gasoline and diesel out of coal. This technology was proven, and utilized over 75 years ago! America has enough coal to last 100's of years. If you don't want to use up 'all the oil' then why don't you support this? We also have the technology to make synthetic oils (I know it's unbelievable, but take a trip to the auto parts store).

    If you greenie lib's want $9 gas then bring it! Eventually the history books will tell the story of Civil War II.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, we've been through this before,with Bush, and with less reason.

    Maybe you noticed the Arab world is in turmoil. And did you pay attention when that BP spill occurred?

    We only sell the leases to other companies, the US doesn't own its own oil.

    It doesn't drill oil, and we don't have the capacity to do that.

    And so when you chirp Drill baby Drill, you are only allowing other corporations to make money off the oil under our land or sea. OPEC and other markets determine the cost of oil, not Obama, not allowing for more than the thousands of rigs in the US.

    The only way to make our oil 'ours' and reset prices is to nationalize the oil fields and rigs.

    And that would mean in the honest sense of the word we would be socializing a private industry.

    Making us on par with Venezuela. A socialist country.

  • 1 decade ago

    So rather than it being because the Middle east has gone absolutely nuts in the last ten years, and because China and India are experiencing massive hikes in consumption, it's all a massive gubmint conspiracy.

    You know how much that makes it sound like you wear a tinfoil hat?

    The US has oil reserves to last 8 years. Prices may fall to something like $60 a barrel, sure. And after that, when the US is 100% dependent on foreign markets and everyone knows it? You'd be bent over a barrel backwards - $150 a barrel would be peanuts. Or doesn't that matter?

    And then what happens when worldwide oil runs out? Is the plan to carry on driving SUVs until every single drop of oil is gone and then revert back to horses?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey Elian! How's it going? You must be about 18 or19? Hope things are going okay for ya in Cuba! Boy Ill never forget them coming to get you when you were hiding in the closet at your cousins house in Fla. You looked scared. I hope things turned out good for you young man. How much is gas in Cuba?

  • pmc123
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If American oil companies can sell gas for $9 a gallon, they will do so. They will not restrict their sales to the US - they will export it. Since the US cannot sate the world's appetite for oil, that will not significantly improve prices in the US, and it will expose us to further damage like the BP spill.

    Global demand for oil is way up - and political instability in the Meddle East is driving speculators to raise prices. That is how capitalism works.

    'Drill Baby Drill'' will not have a major impact unless you ban exports and/or legislate prices. I doubt that is your intention, and I seriously doubt that would improve the overall price of oil.

  • 1 decade ago

    "green agenda" fraud?? guess progress and innovation isn't ur cup of tea, no wonder 3rd world china is kicking our *** in building 21st Century technology while we are still 19th Century "drill baby drillin" and hopefully i'm not alone, but the faster we can get away from the rule of the middle east over our country, yes i mean RULE, the happier i will be, and that means using less oil and using more domestic renewable energy. one arab throws a rock in a random country in the middle east and it sends our economy and stock market in a freakin panic. are you rightys really ok with that???

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Drill all you want it won`t change anything. And quick looking for father figures to make things better, the problem is bigger then Bush or Obama.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't complain about gas prices because i understand how prices are set (which judging by your question, you have no idea)... and being that i work in the oil industry, big oil companies are what pay my salary

  • 1 decade ago


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