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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsCancer · 1 decade ago

Can quarters really cause testicular cancer?

I just read this on a news site... Is this for real?

"Studies as early as November 3rd of 2010 have suggested that the Cupric Oxide that forms on the surface of copper coins over time could be a leading cause of testicular cancer in men. Using mouse and rabbit models, scientists were able to demonstrate that almost one quarter (23.5%) of the test animals developed this form of cancer with 4 months exposure to low amounts of cupric oxide. A team of Biochemists and Cell Biologists working in partnership with CRUK also observed that the constant friction between a human’s leg and old coins such as the US quarter in a pocket of leg-wear was enough to dislodge amounts of Cupric Oxide capable of posing a serious risk over time - the powdery substance can then rub into the skin of the thigh, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. Unbound copper at incorrect oxidation state in the bloodstream poses many significant threats to human health, and has been shown to accumulate in the testicles."

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been following this claim for quite a while now and there seems to be overwhelming evidence supporting it. The link in the source is just one website, I have seen literally hundreds of sources that say pretty much the same thing.

    I have been interested in this because my brother actually died in 2002 (may he rest in peace) because of testicular cancer. He had a collection copper coins that he would always hold on to for good luck. He did some weird things like swallow them, shaft them, rub them into his eyes (of course my family didn't mind because he was just being himself). I had no idea that his obsession with copper coins would have lead him to his untimely fate.

    It was very unexpected to see evidence for copper coins causing cancer. I just hope that the government will now put a ban on copper coins to prevent future casualties. Cancer researchers are doing a great job, with this we are one step closer to ridding the world of cancer. Unfortunately that step didn't come fast enough to save my brother :( I just hope other families won't have to go though the same pain.


    Actually, only my answers have traced back to that website because I have been linking to it in my sources.

    Don't be ignorant, there is overwhelming evidence for this. Some people like you are so quick to express their skepticism, you didn't even read the article, did you?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you folks don't want you quarters anymore just send them to me. How many got testicular cancer last year? 8,000? More than two million got skin cancer. That means you are 250 times more likely to get skin cancer from working out in the sun too long.

    And what do you know, decaffeinated coffee can cause cancer according to studies.

    Do you know how they check to see if something will cause cancer? They take the item and place it under the skin of some mice. If cancer forms in enough mice then that item is determined to cause cancer. You can stick a rock under your skin and it could cause cancer.

    What about studies before 1982? Pennies were still 95% copper back then. Much more so than the average quarter is.

    Source(s): Use your brains people.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is absolutely true!

    I have been healthy my whole life, but I read about this also and after being pressured into going to the doctor, I discovered that I had precancerous cells that would've morphed into cancer without treatment. I'm on a laptop in the hospital right now. We NEED to spread the word here, or this will just KEEP HAPPENING!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know about quarters or coinage itself, but my grandfather was an electrician, constantly working with copper wiring.

    He passed away when I was young due to crippling cancer throughout his body, and the doctors cited that exposure as a possible cause.

    Source(s): experience, Dr. Parhar
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  • 1 decade ago


    Imagine how much money the USG would have to pay out to cancer victims if its currency actually caused cancer. They have a vested interest in suppressing the truth.

    Any attacks on the credibility of this study are the work of government agents attempting to avoid liability for the cancer epidemic.

    They lied about 9/11- why wouldn't they lie about cancer from their quarters?

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow as someone who worked at a laundromat and worked with quarters daily I am going to see my doctor right away.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is completely true. The evidence is overwhelming, as pointed out by other answerers. Make sure to mention to your friends to keep change in their wallet--exposure from inside pants pockets could be risky.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to have a collection of quarters when i was young, good thing I spent them all on arcade games.

  • 1 decade ago

    God, unfortunately, it is. I'm so worried right now, I worked in the US mint for a summer and was exposed to (obviously) lots of quarters. Going to my doctor tomorrow.

  • 1 decade ago

    YES!!! I was involved in the study in London that they did because I was diagnosed. and it was due to the coins. Just Google it man. I was treated early enough so I'm fine :) but the governenment is trying to cover it up because, well just imagine how much money they would have to pay if they were responsible for so much cancer.

    Source(s): Survivor
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