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Lv 4
Dare asked in Business & FinanceCorporations · 1 decade ago

Anyone heard anything good about Lukoil, formerly Kommineft?

They've got a massive 'Shareholders' Charter' page and all on their website, but what are they like with shareholders? I know a string of people who have shares but the company has not paid out- anyone else heard something similar? How can they me made to pay out-my friends been to Court and got the Court backing him and everything.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question!

    I was enticed to enter a few keywords in Y!A India, to achieve the answers that can accommodate your request.

    Well, I was surprised by how many and how much information you can gather about your problem.

    I suggest you do the same, given that only you can decide when you will be satisfied.

    Best wishes, and to reread you soon!

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