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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationMaintenance & Repairs · 1 decade ago

1998 honda civic both headlights remains dim on low beam and high beam?

1998 honda civic both headlights remains dim on low beam and high beam, and also came with the high beam signal light on dashboard even high/low beam switch was not functional.

This happened once 2 weeks ago and the problem was wiring bad connection. I have cleaned those and replaced couple of screws to make it better connection.

I would be appreciate if anyone can help me about this problem .

many thanks.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it could be a bad wire

    if the hi beam signal is on with the low or hi then the wires must be touching it happened to me before

    also you may wanna check all the wires under the hood and maybe check the alternator just to bee sure

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Most likely the bulb. Your Honda uses a commonly available HB9004 headlight bulb, which has separate filaments for low beam and high beam. It's common for the low beam filament to burn out first, because it's used more often than the high beams. They're pretty inexpensive -- ten bucks or so ought to buy you a new one. As a recommendation, buy two and do the passenger's side as well, because it's probably within a few hours of burning out too.

  • 1 decade ago

    your going to have to replace the damaged wires could be as simple as part of the connection got wet and fried

  • 1 decade ago

    have the alternator and battery checked. the alternator brushes could be worn some and not charging the battery like it should.

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