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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Isn't this hurting the Conservative cause?

As an Independent. I have some very conservative views and some Liberal. The main reason that Libs are running things is because of stuff like this. Despite what conservatives think, it's the Independent vote that controls the next president. I have voted republican in the past, but with stuff like this, it is going to be hard to ever get a republican president if this type of rhetoric is being circulated. I'm surprised that more conservatives aren't against this type of garbage. I'm embarrassed for you. Just because like minded conservatives in your conservative state agree with what you think, that Conservatives are going to take over. Think again. It will never happen until the Independents think that your no longer insane. We made the house conservative, because we do that with every president. Whatever the president is politically, we surround him with the opposite party. A consensus among Independents, says that Obama will win the next election. Unless you guys stop this type of extremism, and can get a candidate that isn't going to bring in the supernatural into everything. I believe in God, and I am a Christian, but there is no place for God or person beliefs in politics.

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, according to some of your answers, Rachel Maddow made it all up.

    Somehow, she got Fox, Joel Richardson and Glenn Beck to go along with her, but she still made it up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully, people watching G. B. are doing so for the entertainment value he offers. I shudder to think folks might consider his scripts a source of cold, hard facts. Worse yet, do any listeners place credence in his conclusions?

    Unfortunately, this is not a Nation of thinking people anymore. (I blame the Television, primarily.) So I guess I am shuddering. In fact, to an observer, I would appear to have "the chills"! I am fearful that the likes of G. B. ARE many folk's source of "news". We have lost the skills of critical analysis and rational discussion, have we not! We have "backslid" into cults of personality, modern superstitions, shouting-down the bearers of truths, personal attacks instead of debate of the concepts, and faith-based decisions as opposed to measured, thoughtful, factual planning.

    IMHO, things will have to sink very low, times will be very bad, and disaster must loom over us all before we, as a Nation, re-learn how to cooperatively work toward common goals with respect and honesty and an eye to the futures of our children's children. Perhaps, we should all consider the concepts presented in the various versions of the Bible (whether one is a believer or not the concepts for living in peace are valid) and even some of the other "holy" books of other cultures. Only when our individual selfishness is "outgrown" will we progress as a people!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have this IDEA

    and I'd like to see as many people as possible get on-board with this.

    The idea is that in the next "election"

    ALL of the voters turn out 100% participation

    and we all vote for the candidates who are

    NOT Democrats & NOT Republicans

    Now what is the worst case that could happen

    we get REPRESENTATIVES who are inexperienced

    rather than the guaranteed for certain CROOKS that have been

    getting "elected" for decades now, and WE THE PEOPLE

    need to express our dissatisfaction with the fact that the

    Democrats & Republicans have both sold out to the dark side!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The Birthers and different nuts actually harm conservatives. as a manner to win elections, conservatives would desire to courtroom moderates, no longer tick them off. (that's one element to be organic, yet another to stay to tell the tale.) I left the Republican party final 365 days partly by idiocy of the perimeter strikes. i'm no Democrat, and that i'm honestly no liberal, yet I HATE what's happening to the Republicans. Making up crap isn't any thank you to courtroom people outdoors your center. element of my beef is that birthers (and different fringies) start up with the top, then seek for information to back it up, then refuse to think of heavily approximately what they locate. occasion: in case you have faith Obama is appearing non-American, then he would desire to be a foreigner, as a result he would desire to be ineligible and usurping the form. So birthers invent a clean definition of organic born citizen, and declare that the founders KNEW it meant some thing distinctive than it had meant for hundreds of years, then never advised all people what they have been doing. OR, they have faith nameless bloggers who declare that Obama's step-grandmother suggested she replaced into interior the transport room and held the newborn, with out ever investigating. (there's a tape of the interview, hear to it.) OR they have faith an nameless "expert" who claims he can instruct the COLB is a forgery in step with Maya Obama's COLB, extremely of named Republican Hawaiian officers whose job that's to manage Hawaii's necessary information, who say that they have got examined the unique information and Obama replaced into born in Hawaii. (Maya replaced into born in Indonesia, wasn't eligible for a Hawaiian COLB, and does not have one.) Then they proceed to weblog and unfold rumors, and the memories morph like a pastime of telephone. No, i do no longer have faith the memories are real. i do no longer have faith for a nanosecond that Dick Cheney and Carl Rove did no longer peek on the archives and make some calls mutually as they held the White homestead. I do have faith that Ted Olson or Robert Bork might have taken on a birther case in the event that they thought that a organic born citizen demands 2 citizen parents or that twin citizenship isn't allowed. i honestly have faith that Hillary tried to locate some thing and there wasn't something to locate. I do have faith that each and one and all events would desire to provide up attempting to discredit their combatants and could extremely concentration on coverage and fixing issues.

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all.... I think you need to distinguish the difference between conservatives and neoconservatives.

    And every 'group' of individuals will have its fair share of nutjobs. Independents are no different.

    I've run into logic in every party -- in every line of thinking -- but I've also run into wackiness in each as well (Maddow demonstrates her wackiness here, again).

    Don't be so generalistic.

    Ron Paul is the most conservative member of the Republican Party. Hopefully independents will rally around a true Statesman this election.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fox News supporting a World Net Daily resource summed it up for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maddow is just as crazy as Beck....she justs looks more reasonable cause she hardly ever makes funny faces or cries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How is a liberal loon acting like a liberal loon a reason to hate on conservatives? You sir are a nut and as such I would rather lose in 2012 than have losers vote for us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Beast is actually Rachael Madcow

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That was kind of weird. It was the left wing spin on the right wing spin.

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