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Lv 5

Can I propose some common ground between myself and God?

I am an atheist. However, I'd like to offer a logical common thought between myself and theists. Theists believe in an all-powerful entity who controls the entire world, apart from human decisions (free will). I do not.

However, through logical reason, I find that should such an entity exist, he would be in control of what conditions people live with. I am a member of the autism spectrum (not an ASD 'sufferer') and also very much in favour of neurodiversity. I believe that the future of people on the spectrum should be left solely to the decision (free will) of people on the spectrum, and therefore I am personally against research into a cure for autism and its related conditions. I reason that if a cure were found, the decision whether or not to use it would be taken away from the people directly affected, instead made by the parents before birth.

The common ground I seek is that where people continue to be born with autism spectrum disorders, this (in the view of theists) would have been either caused by, or at least anticipated by, God. Where he would have chosen to allow people to be born this way, and be required to (as things presently are) attempt to adapt to the difficulties autism presents, I too agree there that ASD is at least a partial benefit, even though life with it is laden with challenges.

So I theoretically agree with God, and would assume that those who believe in God would agree with him anyway, and therefore I think the verdict is already unanimous. However, I'm interested to hear more thoughts on this.

*fair enough, I'm an atheist, and don't believe in God. You may wonder how I reach an agreement with something I don't believe in. It's very simple, and the same way people relate to characters in films. People do not believe film characters are real, yet they can choose to set aside their beliefs and enjoy the film plot, because they find a small sense of realism in it. This does extend to sci fi and fantasy, which is far removed from realism. I see no reason why there is so much debate about the validity of the Bible, because it is my opinion that those who believe it give themselves extra momentum to learn from it. Those who don't should still really see there is much to learn from fiction. You could be a Jedi (yes, some people do actually follow the Jedi religion), or you could be a philosopher who watched Star Wars once and ponders what the Jedi religion is without wearing any robes :P


Joel: I made no mention of treatment. It was a potential cure that I was personally against. Treatment is both helpful and quite necessary. I know this as I receive lots of it myself, and thus have had huge improvements in my quality of life over the past year, and with effective research into treatments, a lot of progress can be made towards creating a better world.

Researching a cure, on the other hand, is like researching ways to counteract that which allows many people to achieve brilliance, and many others to hardly achieve anything but nevertheless still become wonderfully unique people.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If I am not mistaken, you agree with the conventional biblical interpretation of God and free will - that the omniscient God, fully aware of what each of us will do with our free will even before our births, never makes quality control to ensure that we make the right choices. He proceeds to create those bound for perdition much like proceeding with a project that is bound to fail. Sounds cruel and unbelievable, right? One reason why there are so many atheists.

    I am a theist, but I am not a friend of the world as far as these conventional interpretations go. The real common ground is not in what to believe in but in substance. We all have the substance of God, like droplets of water in an infinite ocean. We must be able to realize the oneness on our own or as guided by able teachers.

    It doesn't matter if you're an atheist now. Sooner or later, in this life or in another, you will be a theist because you cannot avoid your own substance. It doesn't matter if you don't believe in God, if you are kind, compassionate and charitable, you'll be fine.

    As to ASD, you could be right. It's just that our present society is not mature enough to let them be.

  • Joel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am a Christian. I don't believe in a God who controls everything, rather I believe in a God who is outside our understanding of control; our actions (free will) the forces of nature, the earth, even cosmic forces aren't directly controlled by God.

    I agree with you that people with autism should have the right to choose their course in life, with or without treatment, however I feel it is wrong to commit to one point of view only. Treatment should always be researched, no matter the condition. I could choose to live with an addiction, but if treatment never even got out of the suggestion box, I wouldn't likely use my time living a healthy life.

    I believe that freewill isn't confined to human interactions. It is a gift to the entire universe. I don't believe God is actively causing supernovas, colliding black holes, or forcing a dog to hump a cat. So it's up to us to determine our own destiny, God likes it that way. And to say that God is evil because of that, is more strange than it is blasphemy. God WANTS diversity, how we understand that is up to us.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It would seem that you blame the conditions of your life on a God you don't believe in, so please consider this.That which is 'you' in this life of yours is not the sum total of what you are but only an aspect of it, incarnated onto Earth for a brief period.The life you currently experience is the one you asked for,that was granted in Love,as an opportunity for you to learn and overcome.You are not the victim of misfortune but a spirit that has chosen a difficult path to walk so it may progress.All is known but not by us at this time.Feel free to accept or reject as you wish but please continue the search for your own truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    God expects us to heal wherever possible.

    (Though as an adult you have the right to refuse)

    If there is an all-knowing God is not 'proposing common ground' rather arrogant?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nope-you either get saved or perish.

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