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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

Stepping away from form and etiquette.......c/c?

My complete sympathy and utter sorrow for the ongoing tragedy in Japan. While this poem may imply deserved retribution, that is not how I feel. The writing of it simply means to speak from a side that can offer no excuse for the chaos it has visited upon human-kind.

I heard the distant rumble as you

chewed through breathing trees with your

technological teeth you ate

the air I need to breathe and

all the birds took off in flight with

panicked wings that beat to flee while your

civilized consumption

dined on every pore of me

Your cars your trains your

engines poisoned lungs until I choked

you tore black holes in

atmospheric skies with

what you smoked and

I was running to repair the very

air you need to live but I never will

catch up because God knows

you've more to give

My skin is scarred by

canyons of the tears

I've cried in vein while my

rivers wash your pesticides your oil

spills down my drain and now

the very earth you stand on is some

holocaustic brew and God alone knows

I keep running just so

I can live here too

but you are monsters of technology

and you rape the hand that feeds

making desperate predictions while

the earth around you bleeds and

mother nature earns your curses but

it's you who plants the seeds

that plant the seeds of your destruction

can't you feel that I have needs

And now you tremble at my anger

at my vengeance as I wreak

havoc on your homes with spewing

breath You hear me shriek and I

and I !! alone I tremble

'neath your quickly running feet

and send my stored up tears in oceans

to your doors for you to meet

In mindless pain I roar displeasure

for so many years of harm and all my anger

sends you reeling when

I rush past mother's arms and now

I'm drained of that emotion

as I gaze upon your pain

and I try soothing you with breezes

but I know I went insane and all of you

who are my children I have hurt you

once again and I am sorrow I am

rendered broken hearted by the death

upon the creatures that depend upon my

gentle, kinder breath I send you

scarlet skies of shame to cloud the

horror I created and the promise that

for now, at least, my anger has abated

and I mourn oh God I mourn this

devastation by my hand far more than I

have ever mourned your

disrespect of all my land

I see my breeze caress your

tear-stained cheeks as eyes gaze to

tomorrow as we all find hope to bridge

the gap between our lives and


8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I swear that was only your true stream of consciousness all the way through, no pause to work words to make them sound were exhaling this like a final breath as, sinking, you know the water will fill your lungs upon next inhalation. That is how I perceived it, like a compulsion beyond your willpower to control. Reflex probably held in check since the knowledge came to you, and guess what? It is the only poem about the whole horrific sad situation that actually honors the PEOPLE GOING THROUGH IT...we aren't.

    Michael asked a question about Hiroshima right before we got the news. This one isn't our fault but I bet it will also be forgotten by the mainstream media society as quickly, just like the Gulf spill, just like Katrina. But Pearl Harbor, Nazis and the horrors that people of Jewish faith endured? Still subjects talked about often. And THAT is because of money to be made and other things being covered up.So what I will leave here in conclusion is this:

    Hiram had(has?) a dream or goal or wish of getting people to help at sites of the Gulf spill damage THIS SUMMER because, he said then, "people will have forgotten except those still coping with the foul mess in their environment. The help would actually be given for no reason but because of the need. I wonder if he will be there? I believe he certainly will.

    Sin, I truly consider you one of the few that has always kept it real. Kudos to the 10th power. You RAWK!!

    Source(s): EDIT: I did not mean at all to invalidate any of the events that I used as examples, I felt I needed to clarify that. It is only the 'trendiness of todays media oriented society and what disasters are popular and that is that! Pffffft!
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is an asteroid far off in an elliptical orbit that will one day cross paths

    with our chaotic planet. In time we will have three moons and no humans

    to witness and compose poems about. If humans continue their present

    course, a hit from an asteroid will be the ultimate tree

    falling silently in wasted forests, no ears to hear or eyes to witness.

    The odds are not in our favor, as 99.99% of all species to inhabit this

    planet have gone extinct.

    A very interesting and poignant poem you have written.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are wise. Seeing it from the "other" point of view is a thinker's process. But I don't think Mother Nature is sorry for what she did. Justice is simply reacting in a blind way. Injecting emotions into nature is something only a true poet can do. Excellent pen!

  • 1 decade ago

    Outstanding, message Sin, even if you were standing outside to share it with us. Kudos

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oh, but my! you have put into words what I would have wanted but my mind is about as berserk as mother nature

    I felt this to my core, and we will feel much more before we ruin the world forever..

    thank you!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I Loved It!!

    ..Sin...I remembered something as I read....

    "This is going to hurt me..more than it hurts you"

    You rocked it girl!

  • DAWG
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think it has captured all th right motions!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is amazing - truly.

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