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A paragon or hooligan, who knows depending on the viewer's point of sight The name misleads, I fear, but clearly shows I haven't yet but rest assured ...I might ! were I to meet such one as named as I I'd scarlet letter question her intent for surely sin would think to be so sly to hide the flame behind the smoking scent angelic motives save for higher wings this name implies exactly what it means

  • judging by the cover story......................r/r?

    for those of you who think you know the blonde

    I wear your false assumptions like a mask

    and snicker cuz you are so quickly conned

    too easily - it's hardly worth the task

    I'll play you for the fool until you look

    beneath my dumb blonde act and

    read the book !

    12 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • a love triangle....sorta...c/c?

    your cancer stalks you like a lover

    paused beneath a window to inquire

    with his

    intrusive and invasive nature if

    you have perhaps forgotten that you


    to him he has winnowed you out from

    your friends and co-workers

    to isolate you to mold you to consume you and

    i am a threat for i distract you.

    but like with all disfunctional relationships,

    you are both his victim and his cohort.

    bringing your lover with you

    to every meeting every conversation every encounter.

    we have lunch and the table is set for

    two but he is there,

    seated in a chair ,

    distracting you from life.

    my idle hands find my silverware,

    a fork and a spoon.

    i clasp the dull-edged butterknife in my

    unsteady hands and i

    lunge across the table at your

    unwelcome lover.

    i stab him and i

    stab and i stab and i stab and i


    but he cannot be incised from

    your existance

    and my arms grow


    from the weight

    of the knife.

    12 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • OKAY...about thoise nasty and unexpected sys passwords - is there a techy in the house?


    a few days ago i was ever so bored and I amused myself by tweaking the settings in my pc start-up. are ya with me? so...i thought how cool - i will set a system password. and so saying - i did. only...

    when i typed the password in to set it...the keyboaRD KEPT MAKING A ZILLION E'S AND Y'S AT THE SLIGHTEST TOUCH. AND I NEEDED E'S AND Y'S IN MY PAssword. so. i thoughht i canceled the password gimick but the next day - poof thewre i8t went n turned off for a reboot and yikes it asked for the passwored.

    no [problem.

    i made it 3e letters long to simplify matters. =D...

    so i typed it in and hit entyert and poof it worked. puter wanted to insist on an updsate reboot so i agreed aND WAS not TOO UNDULY BOTHERED BY THE PASSWOPRD REQUEST..

    .3 LETTERS...A NO-FAIL PLAN. just keeps yelling at me in caps and saying i aqm wrong wrong wrong and if you are wrong wrong wrong 7 timjes in a row it MAKES you reboot to try again. and it's still w2rong/..

    now - i remembner in my dos- learning days and my puter building days that i CAN clear the cmos and therefore t5he password by the handy use off a jumper - w2hat i dont recall is this - does that trik also wipe my haRD DRIVE AWAY AS IN UT OH THERE GOES MY LIFE?

    I am rather good at pc's and aM ABLE TO understand helpfull tricks and stuff and such if someoner out there wants to nudge my partied-out brain in the right directs.


    4 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • On Death..................c/c?

    A father

    A friend

    A relationship

    I am an arc

    The circle of life

    bends me

    I bend from the


    of the


    of life

    10 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • A poetic challenge...can you appease the Gods of Vanity? ....c/c?

    The Challenge...

    Write a poem that touts some feature of yourself or in the legend of your mind...that you are proud of and toss your ownership of it in the worlds face. yah...strut.

    here's an example

    I see the way you stare at me

    the envy on your face

    each time I swish swish flick

    my gorgeous blond hair there's a trace

    of jealousy you envy me

    pretend you're me

    with hair like me apparently

    you've got an envy case

    6 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • It's September... the proper month to repost the perfect poem. c/c?

    Your thoughts


    in my head


    second guess me

    You are

    over my shoulder

    a shadow

    This was to be


    the perfect poem


    I've tried to say it simple but

    the words they will not speak

    I end up

    always end up

    saying nothing that

    I mean

    who's to say your reading


    but just in case you do

    pretend I

    never meant...



    I still..


    I remember you

    12 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • is your bucket list empty? c/c?

    When time requires surrender of the clock

    I will not rue the shorter stroke of fate

    Though some may wish those hands to never stop

    I have not wasted time before the date

    Though destiny may find I'm running late

    It's certain that he'll find me at that gate

    And certain, too, that i enjoyed the walk

    14 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Sin unveils the mysteries of a woman's purse.....c/c?

    In the deep crevices of my familiar

    I find solace and hope

    I am brave and can conquer

    all manner of disparity and I am

    unscathed by humanity's refusal to

    grant me my crown

    That uncivilized beast called male

    scoffs at my familiar,

    my sagging and bottomless third breast that

    hangs from my chest like a

    shield against Poison arrows

    I bear this ridicule in silence,

    for I, and I alone,

    know the true purpose and importance of

    the contents therein...I have

    a pencil for speaking my mind

    and an eraser that lends me the

    strength to apologize if I

    spoke out of line. I have

    a compass for those times I feel

    lost and so alone and I feel I will

    surely never find my way again. There is

    my son's Captain Nero magnifying glass

    for when I, or another, need to

    clarify something. Emery boards to help me

    file away the important things in life as well as

    the trivial,several flashlights in a

    variety of shapes and sizes because God knows

    I'm trying to see the light, enough

    makeup to make sure my family are as

    equally fooled by this painted on smile and

    confidence as a stranger would be, and

    the list goes on. The most important tool though

    in my arsenal of power is the

    extra space one can always find in it.

    There is always room for one more,

    no matter what it is or

    to whom it belongs. I have room

    in my familiar and will carry the additional weight

    as though it were nonexistent, if only to lighten another's load

    So laugh if you wish when I refuse to

    leave the house without my purse, but remember..

    in it is a phone booth and aSupermann cape in size 6

    11 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • For Tammy, ..still dulled by the morphine pumps and the indignity...c/c?

    when teardrops fail to fall real pain begins

    heart heavy, hurting, speechless sorrow sighs

    sometimes we pray the sobbing never ends

    for this alone cause lungs to fall and rise

    the deepest wounds are wordless - none express

    the depth of our despair when words forsake

    some heartache even tears cannot confess

    a fortress built for fear the dam will break

    and in the silence - torment, anguish, make

    a scream that pierces like a sharpened knife

    your flesh retracts beneath its razored edge

    a cut you'll feel for your entire life

    you walk a tightrope ..stand upon a ledge

    yet in your eyes the strangest calm resides

    so carefully concealed it's hard to tell

    where self-defence and disregard divides

    and then recalls the tears that never fell

    someday when overwhelmed by tidal waves

    of tears denied, and your defences fail

    and currents drag you down - one hope remains

    there is someone who understands the trail

    of unshed tears and torment silence tells

    11 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • About Breast Cancer.....a poem...c/c?

    My best friend grade..has invasive breast cancer and stage 3 and bad prognosis...full mastectomy coming...and this poem is a response her husband might be feeling...cuz he's a jerk. =)

    he crept in

    a thief and

    stole her while i


    smugly fit her into her

    woman role her


    no woman's libber

    she and he had to

    tear her rip her shred

    her female role from

    her rending flesh and

    femininity leaving

    in it's stead

    horrendously manlike


    and i

    forced to condone this

    new she this

    new her this


    feared it would


    me also

    11 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Are you up for a poetic challenge? October's daughter....?

    The phrase....October's daughter. Be it rhymed, formed, free-style, prose...whateva.

    Give me some POETIC verse that contains the phrase October's daughter....

    13 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • An "I am" poem....c/c?

    I am the center of my own attention in

    a world too suddenly devoid of a

    landmark with which to find my

    way. The terrain is alien to

    my comfort zone and I focus

    inward spiraling to an

    ever decreasing


    of reference. my horizon

    drawing nearer and my

    peripheral vision


    I am.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Stepping away from form and etiquette.......c/c?

    My complete sympathy and utter sorrow for the ongoing tragedy in Japan. While this poem may imply deserved retribution, that is not how I feel. The writing of it simply means to speak from a side that can offer no excuse for the chaos it has visited upon human-kind.

    I heard the distant rumble as you

    chewed through breathing trees with your

    technological teeth you ate

    the air I need to breathe and

    all the birds took off in flight with

    panicked wings that beat to flee while your

    civilized consumption

    dined on every pore of me

    Your cars your trains your

    engines poisoned lungs until I choked

    you tore black holes in

    atmospheric skies with

    what you smoked and

    I was running to repair the very

    air you need to live but I never will

    catch up because God knows

    you've more to give

    My skin is scarred by

    canyons of the tears

    I've cried in vein while my

    rivers wash your pesticides your oil

    spills down my drain and now

    the very earth you stand on is some

    holocaustic brew and God alone knows

    I keep running just so

    I can live here too

    but you are monsters of technology

    and you rape the hand that feeds

    making desperate predictions while

    the earth around you bleeds and

    mother nature earns your curses but

    it's you who plants the seeds

    that plant the seeds of your destruction

    can't you feel that I have needs

    And now you tremble at my anger

    at my vengeance as I wreak

    havoc on your homes with spewing

    breath You hear me shriek and I

    and I !! alone I tremble

    'neath your quickly running feet

    and send my stored up tears in oceans

    to your doors for you to meet

    In mindless pain I roar displeasure

    for so many years of harm and all my anger

    sends you reeling when

    I rush past mother's arms and now

    I'm drained of that emotion

    as I gaze upon your pain

    and I try soothing you with breezes

    but I know I went insane and all of you

    who are my children I have hurt you

    once again and I am sorrow I am

    rendered broken hearted by the death

    upon the creatures that depend upon my

    gentle, kinder breath I send you

    scarlet skies of shame to cloud the

    horror I created and the promise that

    for now, at least, my anger has abated

    and I mourn oh God I mourn this

    devastation by my hand far more than I

    have ever mourned your

    disrespect of all my land

    I see my breeze caress your

    tear-stained cheeks as eyes gaze to

    tomorrow as we all find hope to bridge

    the gap between our lives and


    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Inspired by Ducky's uncommon flower...c/c?

    The scent of flower, uncommon

    to the land on which I fed

    enticed me to graze further

    and I ate 'till the flower bled

    and in my mindless hunger

    I extinguished with lowing haste

    the scent of the bloom that drew me

    a flower of uncommon taste

    11 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • My Tsunami poem.......c/c?

    Tsunami's swells advance with speed

    anoint full-force and then recede

    And tremors deep within the soil

    alarm with motion's quick uncoil

    to spring upon the human race

    adjusting outlook, Nature's face

    observes the havoc, and the calm

    the aftermath, no soothing balm

    Though scars such demonstration leaves

    a stronger fabric, Nature weaves

    the impact changes every day

    Eternity is reached this way

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • For the Pisces ....c/c?

    A re-post

    Pisces; the fast talking fish

    They say I'm wishy-washy,inconsistent and duplicitous

    and my pockets full of sunshine make them nervous and suspicious

    but according to Astrology I'm simply sympathetic -

    for I truly do desire to make the whole world copasetic

    My boyfriend called me sneaky and decided I'd been spying

    when I told him we were over, due to all his undue lying

    perhaps he had forgotten Pisces insight seldom falters

    for my eyes of intuition found out how much truth he alters

    They say I have no boundaries to lend my rules cohesion

    while my Pisces traits notates I'm empathetic beyond reason

    I'm artistic and creative and adore all things relative

    I'm romantic and reality to me seems too invasive

    I'm a loyal fierce defender, I'm a healer and a mender

    I'm a Pisces - I'm the child of Neptune's wondrous water splendor

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • looking for suggestions to the end....c/c?

    Which I dislike

    I woke up far too late to catch my dreams

    The shadows of the sun grow long and I

    Have missed the chance that motivation brings

    Once Sol has moved so far across the sky

    I fool myself by thinking if I leap

    There might yet be a fragment I can keep

    On borrowed time haphazardly I rush

    Too busy to appreciate the worth

    Of sunrise in her glorious pink blush

    Or sunset setting warm upon my hearth

    Cold comfort are the colors of my sleep

    When daylight turns the shadows long and deep

    Too lulled by warmth and comfort to discern

    That ere the evening fell I'd feel a chill

    What use to me this knowledge that I learn

    With shadows stretched upon the windowsill

    The coal to fuel the flame has dwindled low

    And nightfall only hours more to go

    When midnight walks her fingers 'cross the land

    When droopy lidded shadows draw the blinds

    When hours slip away to grains of sand

    And darkness settles deep within my mind

    Let it be said, upon my gravestone write

    within my time now spent, I shed some light

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • An untitled celebration of stuff.......c/c?

    confusion lies beneath my breast, unbidden

    memories of drug-infested lust

    my sign held high enough to keep me hidden

    with a message stating "end-of-road or bust"

    and a finger pointed sky-ward ever thrust

    Reality intrusive upon laughter

    my lipstick smile slides crooked on my lips

    exposed, my tracks define my soul - the after

    math of needles broken tips

    and denial frozen ever on my lips

    escape relies on circles to continue

    instead I'm faced with walls on which I'm pin'd

    defense against the censor as I'm seen thru

    my addiction like a grave that's falling in

    with the dirty knowledge screaming "you can't win"

    confusion cries beneath the lies I'm wearing

    my silver spoon a voice I can't ignore

    the fabric of my body frail and tearing

    I sew my arm behind the bathroom door

    my tourniquet a snake upon the floor

    no one two three step program mends the broken

    this tendered flesh I wear has been hard won

    and all I ever was now seem a token

    or a tribute to a way of life now done

    but a milestone on the road on which I'm flung

    I raise my arm - the scars all blinking neon

    my wrists too bear the wounds but they are mine

    discarding all the crutches that I lean on

    I chose a path that helps me redefine

    like a rising star - whose planets re-align

    sometimes the snakes still slither, fangs extended

    I dodge the lethal pinprick of their teeth

    my silver spoon a vessel now up-ended

    where a puddle of it's poison lies beneath

    and my tourniquet, just an empty hollow sheath

    around my neck, the victor's fragrant wreath

    7 years and counting....just sayin'

    13 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • The Phelps Rap ... it is what it is....c/c?


    you preach on the leg of religious decree

    telling all of God's children you truly believe

    they're unworthy - the scurvy - of air that they breath

    if they wear sexuality out on their sleeve

    so you paint it and pick-it where soldiers have died

    claiming gay is a sin with American Pride

    while our Nation is rotting and drops to it's knees

    from that twisted agenda you spread like disease

    but your mask is a malice of self-serving greed

    and you drink from a chalice that fills as we bleed

    seeking fortune and fame for your own selfish need

    and then name it God's Mission but all that you seed

    is a field of your hatred I will not concede

    to your pressure your censure your stab in the back

    from an unwieldy knife that you twist in attack

    with your words your absurdity all that you lack

    is the love of true christians you fill in the cracks

    with your blasphemous ranting and raving of hate

    is it's own just reward you'll receive at the gate

    and the judgment - well-earned - when God hands you you fate

    13 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago