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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

For the Pisces ....c/c?

A re-post

Pisces; the fast talking fish

They say I'm wishy-washy,inconsistent and duplicitous

and my pockets full of sunshine make them nervous and suspicious

but according to Astrology I'm simply sympathetic -

for I truly do desire to make the whole world copasetic

My boyfriend called me sneaky and decided I'd been spying

when I told him we were over, due to all his undue lying

perhaps he had forgotten Pisces insight seldom falters

for my eyes of intuition found out how much truth he alters

They say I have no boundaries to lend my rules cohesion

while my Pisces traits notates I'm empathetic beyond reason

I'm artistic and creative and adore all things relative

I'm romantic and reality to me seems too invasive

I'm a loyal fierce defender, I'm a healer and a mender

I'm a Pisces - I'm the child of Neptune's wondrous water splendor

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They say I’m too impulsive and reckless and distracted,

    that I’m needy and vulnerable, quickly irritated.

    But men like Lincoln, Darwin, Dean though were all compulsive

    T’were attractive to the ladies, none of them repulsive.

    My adage is acceptance, openness and tolerance

    so oft taken advantage of, yet still I take the chance

    It took some time for me, still I am, learning discernment

    I simply keep on going on, there’s no time to resent.

    I so love activity, I’m the flitting butterfly

    A rebel, non-conformist and the rules do not apply.

    I am consistent in one thing, I am affectionate.

    And stubborn in another, yet you won’t hear me debate.

    I’m the future of the Aryan race, the experiencer

    Aquarian just like Mozart and Edison, truth chasers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello there you def are NOT a Flounder cuz yjere's no flailing around in that write!

    But Sin, you didn't give your moon sign or your ascendant!

    Okay Ima try dis here thang:

    Aries, independently exploring steepest cliffs

    with a watchful eye on weather and a charismatic gift

    that some call passion and others say "she goes all in"

    she takes heed of the way she left the places that she's been

    and rams right into the undiscovered without stopping to look;

    she has a life that others only read about in a book

    not always right and will admit it when she's wrong, but no remorse.

    she moves from one stage to the next without using too much force.

    she sings quite loudly and off-key when she really digs the song

    and befote you know it you'll jump in and sing along,

    she's an able and skilled healer and a comfort for the dying

    and if you write a lovely poem just for her she will start crying

    she has a pair of stingerss that are above and to the side;

    moon of madness, high and pale in scorpio when wide-eyed

    she came into the place where the redwoods grow

    and ascending into heaven was another scorpio!

    Well that was fun but WTH am I in third person for?

    I love this:

    'They say I have no boundaries to lend my rules cohesion

    while my Pisces traits notates I'm empathetic beyond reason

    I'm artistic and creative and adore all things relative

    I'm romantic and reality to me seems too invasive '

    Because my first book of poems is going to be "poetry without boundaries" is that not the coolest!?

    glad you stopped by and Happy Birthday month. you made my night!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I like this Sin, I am a Libra yet I found some similar traits in Pisces

    My scales

    are not fishy,


    in a brewing batter

    melted matter

    knowing something smells

    in Denmark

    can get spidy senses reeling

    there are many ways to fish

    when you get that intuitive feeling

    there is a movement in the force

    causing an unbalance inside

    that fish who took my scales

    and threw them onto shore

    must gather me some feathers

    so I can fly once more

  • 1 decade ago

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay Pisces!!! And yeah, its all true, but from my perspective.....

    Pisces; the fast talking fish

    Who speaks with slurs to cover up their thoughts

    Cause righteousness is usually yelled over

    As they know it comes from a Pisces's mouth

    And can be buried away in wordy muck.

    My friends called me oversensitive

    To which I almost cried,

    For it is too true to admit

    And I tell them this is just me, just

    And they laugh when my eyes start to glaze,

    So I leave, tail between my fins.

    They say I have no limits to reach through the ocean

    They who know what a fish's potential really is.

    I say, I promise to always do my best

    And when my best isn't good enough for lions or rams

    I push my way upstream to prove

    My ant-like composure is what makes me so fighting.

    I'm a fierce defender, I'm a healer and a mender

    I'm a Pisces's'm the child of Neptune's wondrous water splendor

    Yours rhymes though, so it is better, flows nicer, but I justed wanted to put in my Pusan experience! thanks for speakin up for us!

  • doe
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I really love this and if I were more creative I would whip up a fine tune about the crab and the moon but all I can think to say is I'm a whiny azz (get it crab/moon whiny/azz)? Love your deep intellectualness but the boyfriend bit bothered me - hope it was poetic expression.

  • HD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I love your rhymes! I have tried (and failed , I might add) to work with rhyme lately and I am hopeless.

    I am so taken with "pockets full of sunshine".

    I would write something about my sign but with the advent of that new sign mine has changed , I think, and now I feel undefined.

    I also have had problems with boundaries.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great piece this, Sin.

    I'm a Capi, sigh, with lots of Scorp

    and Saggi blended in.

  • Regwah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is a fast talking poem, like it's written to read fast, way cool.

    This is Heidi with March Pisces, I like Heidi...

  • Joe K
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm a Libra, babe.. we get along fine.. mentally, that is. And I love the warmth of your words.

    Here I am proposing cyberly.. what you think?!!

    nice write, dais

  • 1 decade ago

    Its fine that truth he alters but Pisces how can you fault er You know that its not love that alters when alteration it takes place.

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