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Poetry Writer

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  • Kinda sad, and maybe out of season, but How's this?

    Mama told me ta

    Only play on the mountaintop

    She said 

    Please don't slip down.

    But, I like the ice crystals 

    That lay atop its surface.

    Its like a bed, soft and engulfing

    While laying in it, I even drift to sleep.

    I was just playing 

    On the Mountain's peek.

    I just wanted

    To slide away for a moment.

    I did.

    The freezing blanket swept me away

    And in an avalanche of laughter

    I let it carry me down

    Buried, but never reaching the bottom.

    Hiding in a white cave with no breathing space

    I waited for Spring to melt away the ice

    In the meantime I slept

    And I dreamed of Mama's cold tears.

    When all the snow melted away from me

    A woke up and looked about

    And found I was in 

    The Garden of Eden.

    A big voice told me I was home

    He said

    The mountain's gone

    It's all uphill from here.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you c/c on my little rant, if you will call it so?

    The breeze of an open school door

    Creeps up my shirt and lays ice over by body.

    Shivering, I put up my hood,

    Melting ice off of my head.

    The dean walks past

    Eyes narrowed looking for violators

    Of all his fairy-land rules

    That are believed in like the fairies themselves

    And enforced like so.

    I fall into the stone wall,

    Hood up, cold receding

    Those with shirts up to their middle

    Hats on, denim underwear

    POP like the cleavage from their shirts

    And he'll walk past them all

    Fairies dancing away on sugar tip toes

    But eating rotten apples.

    Hoods, they are a violation, worthy of In School Suspension

    He snarled, pointing

    Singling out me.

    Defenseless, I open my mouth

    But it is all stuffed up with bobbing butts

    That walk right by

    And stomachs with blinking signs

    to say

    I was just a little cold after a while

    Embarrassed, I rip it off

    and cast my eyes down

    Feeling more chilled than before.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Brown Lamb Curls, care to take a peek and C/C?

    Little lambs have dirty curls

    In their faces.

    Curls that have dusty words

    And bitter cherry laughs

    And brown whites.

    Little lambs sit behind fences

    And they watch the grass

    At their dried noses

    For grass is green and crisp

    And, it grows, like they don’t,

    Except for hair to long.

    Little lambs keep gazes down

    Because bigger animals can't be look

    Into the accusing eye.

    And little lambs have trouble dealing with

    eye spite.

    Little lambs linger in the background

    As backgrounds are safe and sure

    And they wait out their lifelong sentience

    Wondering how their curls

    Could have ever been made this dirty.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • C/Cs on my poem called14th 21st So Far?


    I reach a plateau.

    14, in counting.

    Pulling myself up, arm muscles bulging

    I loom over the rest of this rocky cliff.

    The summits have gradually become farther apart

    The rocks rougher, the foot holes more randomly spaced.

    And looking up, peering at the cliff face above,

    It is evident the trend will continue, the next plateau farther than ever

    And I realize that in a short hour, I'll be on the move again.

    Sitting on the ledge I think about going back

    Way way back, Plateau number 4

    But I realize that to get back down,

    One would need to fall, tumble, smash

    Miles and miles down.

    I want to prance in fruffy dress

    Pad around in little shoes that no one can hear

    I wanna climb with ease.

    Hoisting myself up with a deep-hearted sigh, I rise

    Stomach churning, nervous for the fateful climb into the obscured fog ahead

    I shutter, thinking how long, but short, it will seem

    And I take hold of a sharp rock

    Letting my callused hand bleed alittle before

    Struggling up.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • A poem to offer, c/c's?

    Empty Forest

    I stand, forlorn

    My branches vacant

    My leaves browned at the tips

    Swaying limply in quiet breezes

    My trunk firm, steady, never moving

    Many a storm it has stayed rooted

    Many a frost-bitten wind gust it has continued.

    Looking at me, I am not much

    A gray-barked tree

    Making up a forest of just one soul

    Linger a while, listen to the foretelling winds

    You may hear Tempest coming,

    Her winds wicked whips

    Her rain ice-bullets

    And I am just a lonely tree.

    I don’t know if you pity me

    Or if you sneer,

    You can only see my dying limbs

    Bobbing in the quiet before a hurricane

    But my bark is just a tough skin

    A callus all trees form

    But inside sap waits to ooze out of the cracks

    But, I am just a waiting tree

    Bark sealed

    Leaves wilting

    Branches hanging

    Sap drying up.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Can I substitute dark molasses for light/mild?

    I am sorry if you need the recipe to be able to answer my question, I am trying to find it on the web so I don't have to retype it. If it is needed, that please say so in an answer, and I will tell you. Also, it is for gingerbread, but an actual loaf, not the cookie! Thank you!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Will you read a short story about an amazing woman in my life? And, maybe even critique it?

    It is excepted by most and fundamentally known by all that, as we age, our oh-so-delicate minds begin to slip. Whether it is our memory, our feelings, our functions or our abilities, we begin to fail. Have you ever thought about it? Day to day, is this depressing fact of the utmost importance to you and constantly pestering your forethoughts? And your elderly loved ones, do your thoughts snap to them when hearing such information? I will say, for most of my life, I would easily answer no to each and every one of these odd, but linked, questions. Why? I had never been affected by such traumatizing events. Never had I been torn between logic and love in a heart- torturing situation. Not until Nana came up from Florida to visit. Not until nighttime. Not until she accepted death by her own hand. No, not ever had I considered such a plague could reach my resolute Nana.

    For all my life, Nana had taken up residence in Florida, the home of the elderly and retired. She fit the bill, and moved there with my uncle (which years later became my aunt and little cousin). In Florida, it’s sun-drenched and warm, which for wrinkly, cold, old people, sun is a nice friend to have all year round. As years increased, so did age. But Nana stayed strong, for she was a strong, fighting woman. She listened to her doctors and took all her pills. “Yes, Nana, you are an obedient patient,” age sneered. Age had yet to bite her.

    Summer would come, as every did. Nana would come, as she always did. “Nana, oh Nana, you’re here!” I would screech as her suitcase, and then her frail and slender leg would peep into the room. And a short, crinkle- face lady would hobble in with a small little bag full of a pearl necklace, old-lady makeup and memories. So, I would hug her, but gingerly as I was afraid I would snap her toothpick of a body if I squeezed too hard. Nana, well she squeezed back just as cautiously because soft touches are Nana touches.

    And then came summer like a train, impacting us with sudden and extreme force. They were whole summers full of sun-drunk laughs, little kid whispers, and CANONBALL bathes for a temporarily dry, guarding grandmother. Then of course, at the end of an exhausting day, Nana bundled up her warmth, love and care, and tucked it into the covers next to me with a good-night kiss. And before I could say the night in good-night, I was lulled to a deep sleep filled to the point of overflowing with sweet dreams of the next day.

    This summer, though, this summer of which I speak, was not like those ones. Nana was different. She metamorphosed into a woman I had never even met. Her wrinkles, a testament to her timeless wisdom and age, had seeped into her brain, and poisoned it. It rotted her memory, which it distroyed. They call it Sundowner’s Syndrome, and I can see why. When the sun said good night, left me all alone and all of those bright days abandoned, Nana became a tormented and confused animal. And she fought, every night with daddy, about what was keeping her alive. She renounced the offer (even though it was more of a requirement) to take her vital pills.

    Each night, the arguments amplified in heated screams and stupid logic that daddy defended, whilst Nana spat back empty and unguided reasoning. It was a drive, a force to be just as contrary as possible. But my poor Nana, so frustrated, battled back, only to gulp down her health at the end of fatiguing skirmishes every night. These little pity skirmishes were nothing compared to that of which was almost upon our family.

    That morning, we felt it in the air. It was coming like clouds before a storm. The air was weighted knowledge of that night, that stormy night of which it was about to be. Yes, my family knew. It nauseated me to see my sweet little nana, so innocent and meek, chew a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of a bite of buttered English muffin, as it would all soon be so different.

    “Good morning Nana,” I said, almost screamed, as she can no longer hear. But, the stubborn child she is whispers in her ear that she mustn’t were her hearing aids, hence forth she doesn’t.

    “Good morning sweetheart,” she beams back, content with just simply being. It didn’t quite matter where she was or what she was eating, doing or not doing. She patted my hand as I sat down next to her. Her skin molded to the form of my hand as it was saggy and flopped about, which sent shivers down my back. All I could think was, oh Nana, what happened?

    So we marched on through the day at gunpoint with fate at the control. Anticipation and paranoia were the two dominating feelings in the stiff air that drooped in the room Nana sat in. And she didn’t mean it. No, she was so innocent, almost too much so. It was painful, as there was no one I could point my finger at and blame, and so that homeless guilt chose residence in me. But it never patched up this open wound, as guilt is so incapable of doing. And so, in just a few hours, this gash began to bleed again.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • An outstretched hand, will you read?

    Hands are like scrapbooks, they are a testament of time...and easy to tell who owns them.

    Familiar Touches

    Just one outstretched hand,

    That same old bony thing,

    That veined and blue little hand.

    Afraid if I touch it, it may disintegrate,

    Into little bits of float-way dust.

    Scrapbooks, time capsules.

    Your novel of a tale to tell,

    The lines, the brown speckles and globs

    That have been painted there,

    Year by year,

    Day by day

    Kiss by kiss

    Farewell by wave.

    Your written book

    Bird bones that dare to break the

    Film of cellophane skin.

    The grip so light

    The strength so forgotten

    The real Nana so crumbled with

    The muscle.

    The independent, stubborn woman,

    Now forlorn in this sad shell.

    Your hand, so humbly existing.

    Your hands, what I always know.

    That touch of love,

    That silken feel,

    That bursts at the fingertips.


    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What to get for a 13 year old boy for Christmas?

    I am speaking of my brother, and he and I are the same age (if that has any value). He is a videogamealolic, and I would love to get him a video game, but each one costs alot more than I can spend on him (as each immediate family member will have $15 spent on them as this is all I can afford!). He also likes baseball... but I don't want to give him a pack of baseballs or something along those lines because it is unoriginal and has no WOW-factor. This is about all he is into, as he is only a 13 year old, uninterested in anything and hard to shop for boy. Any input would be great! Thanks!

    -Oh, and any ideas for a 13 year old sister would be great too! We are both very close, so anything would be great with her, but anything that you believe would shock her and make her really happy would be wonderful advice! Thanks again!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you get this poem?

    I don't know if the meaning is too obvious or too vague, so please tell me.

    Demanding Dials

    Planes, they are so complicated, you know?

    Beeping dials and buttons

    Demanding lights and flashes.

    Pilots, some just can't fly them.

    Over the Atlantic, skys were cloudless

    and that vast range of blue

    opened like a chest of treasures in front of

    me,and passengers

    And then, it all went down.

    The dials, the buttons

    The passengers, the pilot.

    Thrown like trash to the sea.

    Pilot floats now, solitary on a her back

    Exposed to anger ocean, concealing its black bottom

    Passengers clung to debris

    And now swim to shore as a herd of migrating butterflies.

    Goodbye my wreckage of a plane

    Goodbye happy passengers.

    This is your Pilot speaking,

    I suppose you won't fly with me any longer.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Any comments or critiques? I'm talking to you, dear poetry section browser!?

    Things I cannot do

    I cannot whistle

    No matter how I try.

    I want to be able to

    tweet like a satisfied blue bird.

    I want to sing that high pitched

    little song.

    Oh, I hear, I hear it often.

    Such a happy little thing,

    like helium that lifts above the air,

    that I breath in to make me dizzy

    in spinning smiles that I can only remember as swirls.

    Yes, I want to.

    They come left and right,

    those who know.

    Nonchalantly flying away,

    they whistle eating the drug.

    I copy, but can't be follow.

    I want to whistle, long to.

    I crave that sweet, light tune.

    When I try though,

    Only owls' howl drags through.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A tribute to mothers?

    Please comment if you will? Any advice. This is just because I was in the mood, and I feel like I don't deserve to wonderful mother I have. I appreciate her too much, more than she knows. Maybe this expresses it? Anyway....

    I am lifted, by Gentle Hands

    Formally know as Mother

    With all the internal might that she can muster

    It all goes into one push upward.

    I don't know that

    It isn't just a lift.

    It is a save.

    She, she is now knee deep

    In mucky water.

    The mud is a sinkhole

    Swallowing her whole.


    She lifts hard.

    The extra weight is always

    Pushing down,

    But she push

    Up. Me


    Oh mama,

    I wish, you had

    Held your breath.

    Oh mama,

    I could have

    Swam to shore.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you please c/c on my poem?

    It's about a friend. So, ya know, give some advice and what not if you would please.

    Watching her

    Flames licking her cheek

    The room was getting hot

    Scorching all around her

    Demise murmuring in her ear

    I beacon, begging for her

    To follow me out

    Into the cool autumn air

    Nods her head

    Takes a deep breath in

    And exhales into the heat

    I yell

    I must not wait anymore

    No response

    I must depart

    No response

    I must live



    Watching her

    Burn in a fire

    She could not control

    Would not leave

    Leaving her

    And I never took a moment

    To turn my head on last time

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How do you let go of your anger?

    I'm not kidding you, I have a lot of anger in me. I mean about a week ago my karate master said to me, "You are a very angry person aren't you?" I will admit I am, but I don't like keeping all this hate and anger bottled up, so.....

    How do you let go of such a powerful emotion?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • A poem, that I hope you will c/c on?

    Simply put, I wrote this poem in the middle of class (I hate math sometimes) and would like to know of ways in which to improve it. Specifically, do you like the repeated lines/ words (I am not sure whether I do or not) and the last line in it. I wrote it because, well, I want to stop wallowing in my sorrow and move on with my life. It is getting old *wink wink*, and I'm just sick of being negative. On that note.....

    Drowning in a river,

    Tearing down the river bank.

    White water and rapids

    And freezing misery.

    Drowning in a river,

    Held down by force.

    Sucking in this sorrowful water.

    Letting it into my body,

    Letting it chill my blood.

    Drowning in a river,

    Lungs stabbing at my ribcage

    And while in agonizing pain

    I grin a sick smile

    Drowning in a river,

    Held down by my own hand.

    Clenched around my throat,

    Letting go at only my command.

    Of which, I will not give.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • C/C on my poem, will you not?

    *She shrugs*, this just came out today. I guess it came from my past, well, I suppose that's it. Any advice would be excellent.


    Held tight on leash

    We are by Master.

    Guide, tugged and pulled.

    Commanded, steered, told.

    Talked to, yelled at, admonished

    Walk this way, turn that, jump here, around the bend, back flip now and maybe even hop on one foot


    Master holds the rope.

    But through it all

    I am not alone.

    Comrades at all sides.

    Stumbling with, bowing also.

    Through the cold are

    Their warm bodies.

    Familiar essences constantly present.

    A shield from the world at forever

    At my back

    A feeling of recognition among my equals

    When quick with wit.

    But avoided and penalized when acting

    Not as mirrored as they all are.

    Of course, all tied together

    Never alone…

    Tired of such an existence

    I find the choice quiet apparent.

    As Master will not renounce control

    And my pack acts as one, and takes me as

    Just another, when I

    Am not even a part.

    And yet, for these companions I must be.

    I find I may

    Chew through this harness,

    Run away into unknown freedom

    Accompanied by loneliness, starvation and

    Attack… but a neck not strained

    Or, to gulp down my pride

    And be as another.

    They all nag

    Master tugs

    Independence beacons

    Oh, decisions decisions.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Just a small poem for you to read?

    Not the best of them all, but not my worst either. I feel the need to share, though. If you would be so kind as to give me some constructive criticism, or of coarse just comment, I would be immensely happy!

    Though the black

    He tried, he did


    To reach the earth.

    The light he had,

    Never saw but a trace of light.

    The storm,

    Stifling his beams

    Snuffing them out,

    Letting not one pass.

    Sun, he finally prevailed.

    Rays breaking through the tempest.

    Hitting a man strait in the eye,

    Blinding him.

    Discouraged, Sun retracted

    All he had to offer.

    And for all he could muster,

    What use is there in trying again?

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do you get the point/ message of my poem?

    It is based on a personal experience, but I was wondering if anyone could relate or understand what it is that I am talking about. Thank you so much!


    Are an interrogator

    Finding all my crimes

    That I did not


    But telling me

    To plea the fifth

    Cause they are as bad

    As the lies you spin

    To convince me so

    9 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in life after death?

    Also, what religion are you?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Feeling angry, care to read?

    Feeling quite dark tonight. Care to take a look?


    In this cage.

    Iron doors locked

    Shackles strung me up

    Spectators to laugh.

    And what enjoyment

    You sick twisted being,

    Do you get from this?

    My rage, endless energy empowering me

    My tears, burning a hot trail down my face

    My shrieks, stabbing away at your ears

    My blood, pools of pure prejudice at your feet

    My dignity, tucked in your back pocket.

    What fun, it is

    To poke at me.

    Throw your rocks of

    Names at me.

    Stab me with sabers

    Of lies.

    Chain my dirty arms up

    With links conjoined with malevolence

    The utter joy

    It brings.

    Oh! how fun to hear me scream,

    Why don't I do it again?

    As you gather your crowd

    Of sinners and the wicked,

    I sweat and bleed and spit

    The foul thoughts that corrupt my mind.

    I wish you no more than dead

    No more than lifeless at my


    I wish you begging me for mercy right before I.....

    .....I am no better.

    How discussed a thought

    To really ponder.

    Though you have drove me

    Quite insane

    With all the debris

    Thrown at my head.

    The sick twisted irony,

    That I should be incarcerated

    In this prison.

    When in the reality of it all

    You are the tainted, ugly beasts.

    9 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago