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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 9 years ago

judging by the cover story......................r/r?

for those of you who think you know the blonde

I wear your false assumptions like a mask

and snicker cuz you are so quickly conned

too easily - it's hardly worth the task

I'll play you for the fool until you look

beneath my dumb blonde act and

read the book !

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Blondes are stereotyped as dumb, as what people say. Not exactly my opinion.

    Okay, do not make your being a blonde be the discouragement for people not to know you better, for the intellectual that you know you are. It was just circumstantial that the cover of the book was blonde.

    A s for me I will read the book.

    Nice thought -- or philosophy --- you got in your poem.

    Oh Yesu, that "flea bite" how did you come to notice that?

  • 9 years ago

    the blonde is one mistake I'd want to make

    an oversight for one who's been too long

    in comatose, a field of dreams opaque

    that's kept me bombed by fears of being wrong.

    If that miscalculation's you, all right

    I'd rather be imperfect than precise:

    a flawless derma 'cept for one flea bite

    is worth not reading the book, for its price.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the respond is obvious, pass to a library, you asserting your going to snatch each and every e book there and study it? no, you %. the only that appeals to you. like one with an appealing conceal. even even with the undeniable fact that ive realised the e book relatively isnt what the conceal is like. if i had a call i wouldnt supply books front covers, yet then human beings might only grab ones that call looks exciting. yet nevertheless interior the comparable factor, its like judging a e book bye the front heading. your no longer likely to study the 1st 5 pages of each and every e book, yet then i ought to declare "you havnt study sufficient to get into it" so back to the start lower back. the respond is easy, human beings dont opt to waste time except they think of its going to be stable, you ought to open the e book for them and coach its respectable of their eyes. see you later.x

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Let me tell you a leetle blondie story...

    There is a 20 something year old blonde who is a cocktail waitress at one of the casinos here in Vegas and she is going to my school to get a degree in entertainment personnel management so that she can get a better job. She told the story of how people tried to dissuade her at school Thursday, how they knew people with lots education who had masters degrees and could not get better paying jobs and she asked what they had chosen for careers

    one was business law the other was healthcare management.

    She said that one look at the criteria and the policies for those choices would have stopped her from continuing that line of education in Nevada. In fact all she did was google good job for girls sick of waitressing' and the first thing she saw was entertainment personnel get your degree in 2 years and be working with fabulous las vegas shows, blahblah blah it was for a coordinator. but being smart enough to see the big picture, she thought now who is hiring the coordinators. She went to her boss at work and asked, got lucky and has a management job waiting for her to finish school as long as she stays with them as a waitress and gets a certain gpa. in the required amt of time. Then she tossed her pretty blonde hair over her shoulder and left school for work. I stood up and applauded her as the only other blonde in the room, and she got it, that I knew she faced underestimation of her mind all the time and that she did not have much of an opportunity to have her say and be HEARD. It was a blonde moment of victory.

    Source(s): ACTUALLY we are so far superior to you all that we just say like duh, and communicate complex concepts telepathically. Thank you. Now I will reveal my true identity. I am Spockrates. Live long and prosper for the betterment of all mankind.
  • Oh, if only I still had hair! (Yup, I was a true blonde, long and way...but I digress.) This is spot-on, to the point. Great read, and written in an interesting style. I really like this.

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Sin, always good to see you here and the piece was a reminder to me of jokes made about hair color. I get that too. But you've proven to us you are in no way dumbing down.

  • doe
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Oh what fun to be a blonde - I would have a blast with it. This is a great poem - fun as you always are!

  • 9 years ago

    Blondes have more fun and this is a fun write.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    wise-crackery and wit is how you're styled

    (most likely since you were a teeny child)

    we've never seen a silly simple Sin

    (ask any YA Poet who peeks in)

    but now you've stroked our curiosity

    please play el blonde del dumb

    we'd love to see!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Okay, I just finished typing a rave about you and saying how you don't bother with YAP anymore, and you are here writing this drivel (I want to say unmitigated crap, but I am being nice today.)

    You have made me look completely blond.

    -See, when I use the joke I sound like a stupid jerk. Why would you do a poem making yourself sound like I just did?

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