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Lv 55,608 points

Ski -- Idaho Веселый и Гордый

Favorite Answers30%

Not much to say about me... Peter Frampton long blond curls are now Sergeant Schultz' Graying stubble... with lots of head showing through. Built like a basketball player (who's swallowed a basketball), I've been asked "When is it due?" Big feet add to my necessary understanding of the rest of the real world, which I feel I am only visiting-- at times. To all of you, I can only say Спасибо! (Спасибо! = Thank You!)

  • New attempt at poetry for a while; pls c/c?

    (just silly ramblings from a silly old man)

    what, where, why and how...and who...

    isn't that what journalists want to know?

    what is going on in my life?

    very little, except for a few bruises

    where is it happening?

    only in my apartment

    why is anything happening?

    only the light knows

    how is it happening to me?

    that's what I have asked myself

    who is the reason for all of this?

    I don't know, if it isn't myself...

    then I realize that all of this comes from me

    and it returns to me....

    it kinda proves that a human being is a sphere;

    anything can go out...but it will surely come back to you.

    2 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • just a silly christmas poem...c/c, please?

    ‘twas the night before Christmas

    And I lay there asleep

    Something in the apartment

    Started to beep.

    I held my breath and

    Reached for my weapon;

    (just a very old golf putter--

    not even a gun.)

    I jumped out of bed,

    And ran without thought

    But when I tripped on my undies,

    I turned and my glasses I got!

    I peeked ‘round the doorframe

    for the intruders I’d heard;

    it was only James Bond!

    Wanting “shaken, not stirred”.

    So only in jammies

    I stood and I stared…

    He went for his gun

    And said not to be scared.

    “St Nick has been watching you;

    Seems you’ve been a bad boy!

    I’m here to tell you, son…

    For you, there isn’t a toy!”

    At that moment, I know

    I went into a faint!

    (I only know that now

    Because of the wallpaint).

    I woke to a wonderful smell

    And a prod and a poke;

    a fat man with a pipe

    was having a smoke!

    I looked up at him,

    With wonder in my eyes.

    So am I dead?, I asked…

    or is this another surprise?

    “No it isn’t, young man,

    It’s only a dream.

    You’re only as bad as other

    people think you might seem.”

    “I have a list you know,

    And you know I check it twice.

    YOU are definitely in the column

    That is listed as nice.”

    “Is there anything you want

    For this Christmas I can give?

    Or do you really wish me to continue

    This monotonous narrative?”

    I slowly sat up

    And at him I looked…

    Well maybe, Santa, I do…

    Are you fully booked?

    I then listed off addresses,

    Names and that stuff.

    Wishing St Nick to do all

    At least part; that’s enough.

    I believe in my heart

    That all I’ve asked—he has done…

    For I’m now saying Merry Christmas

    And sending much love to you all….EVERYONE!

    (and yes, I woke up!)

    honest opinions are greatly appreciated, and I mean brutally honest.

    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • I ask your opinion on my poem.?


    Dmitriy, sweet man

    Do I do too much or too much less?

    Your letters make me smile

    Your thoughts make me almost cry

    For all of this, I am so glad...

    For this, I want you as a best friend

    I hope you feel the same...

    I am your Bret...

    Hope you are my Dmitriy

    Hoping we meet soon!

    From Your Bret

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Did y'll think I died? a new one, please c/c.?

    (Untitled so far)

    Earthwardly slowing drifting

    weaving to and fro

    just as leaves or feathers

    are caught by gravity's

    inexorable hold.

    Such is the dedication

    I have shown to friends

    and loved ones;

    for that I can only try to apologize,

    and hope that I'll be forgiven.

    Friends and family,

    and loved ones,

    one and all!

    They don't deserve the treatment I've given,

    nor do I deserve forgiveness.

    But I beseech thee,

    one and all;

    Forgive this poor old dunderhead

    for his faults and flaws...

    asking on bended knee.

    So with this plea I send

    a hope of friendship and love


    I'm still alive; I doubt I'll die...

    Because, well,

    Heaven won't have me,

    and Hell's afraid I'll take over!

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Does anybody know about the ME POEM?


    My name is Brandon

    It means strong

    My grandma taught me to not talk out loud

    My hobby is bike riding

    My nickname is Bulldog

    it means strong reliable and intelligent


    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Do you have a standard morning routine? Please c/c and help finsh?



    Every morning,

    I perform the "S" routine:

    Shave, shower, shine and smile.

    (There is another one,

    but as a gentleman

    I will not mention.)

    Shave my behind into something that fits,

    stumble out to the computer and

    start my morning chat.

    With a pattern set like as this,

    I may seem to have OCD.

    But it keeps me awake, alive and aware

    and from just staring out into space,

    like the zombie like of which I feel!

    Some say that routines like mine

    are the sign of a small mind;

    I tend to disagree.

    Such routines set the pace

    for the remainder of the day.

    What if I were to forget to shave?

    I'd look like someone who sleeps

    in a dumpster.

    So if you're ever made fun of,

    explain to them exactly why!

    Ask them if they'd rather smell you

    unshowered or seen unshaven,

    then smile and turn away.

    OK...I need help finishishing this...hopefully with lines starting with "S", if possible. Thank you all!

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Update for my last question, please?

    Some said I should update this, and have tried quickly. Maybe the state will like it!



    'America the Beautiful'

    could have been written

    about my home state...

    "For amber waves of grain"

    should be

    "green leaves standing proud".

    "For purple mountains majesties"

    would work.

    "Above the fruited plain"

    would be

    "above the evergreens or sagebrush"


    "America, America"

    would be

    "Idaho, oh Idaho".

    "God shed his grace on thee"

    "And crown thy good with brotherhood"


    "From sea to shining sea"

    We're landlocked...

    "And here we have Idaho,

    winning her place in fame.

    Silver and gold in the sunlight blaze,

    and romance lies in her name".

    NEVER forget your home;

    nor how you feel about it.

    Love is always there

    sometimes you just have to look for it!

    Hard to write; even harder to re-write the little bit I did.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Praise for my home. c/c, please?



    'America the Beautiful'

    could have been written

    about my home state...

    "For beautiful and spacious skies"

    Thats a state near us.

    Except "amber waves of grain"

    would be

    "green leaves standing proud".

    "For purple mountains majesties"

    would work.

    "Above the fruited plain"

    would be

    "above the evergreens or sagebrush"


    "America, America"

    would be

    "Idaho, oh Idaho".

    "God shed his grace on thee"

    wouldn't be changed!

    "And crown thy good with brotherhood"

    couldn't work...state split thoughts.

    "From sea to shining sea"

    We're landlocked...

    "And here we have Idaho,

    winning her place in fame.

    Silver and gold

    in the sunlight blaze,

    and romance lies in her name".

    Never forget your home;

    nor how you feel about it.

    Love is always there

    sometimes you have to look for it!

    Always an Idaho boy, I'll never forget my roots! (Who could? That's where our spuds come from!) Just a quickie that hit me as I was typing.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Somebody explain why questions get deleted?

    I asked a sinple, innocuous question; then found out it was deleted (or whatevr they call it). Why should something be deleted? I used no foul language, innuendoes, or anything i thought was foul. So what's the story?

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Doctors' orders -- do you follow them?



    "Don't eat too much fat,

    and smaller portions more often.

    Quit drinking and smoking.

    Cut down on the refined sugar."

    When I asked him what I had left in my life

    (for entertainment),

    he replied, "You're still young and good-looking;

    you COULD go out on a date."

    I nearly laughed in his face.

    "Hey doc" I said to him,

    "I've been out 4 times in a year and a half,

    and those people that intrigue me

    don't want an old man."

    He pushed and prodded,

    and prodded and pushed

    until he left me furiously swearing

    under my breath.

    The point behind this story is only this:

    Grab for the brass ring as often as you can.

    We may only have a short time on this earth,

    so we chould enjoy ourselves as much as we can.

    It's been a while since I've written much...but I'm learning to enjoy life a whole lot more!

    12 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Very different type for me, but c/c please?


    It's been a long time

    since anybody has wondered or

    worried about this royal family.

    Not exactly

    But their ideas we must think

    possibly, maybe they might be.


    other things happened

    that we couldn't expect or predict.

    All the family were sent away

    to glorious Siberia,

    in there they'd stay.

    A few months later,

    they were moved to the infamous

    House of Special Purpose.

    Several months there they

    lived against their will;

    still striving to live any way.

    One night, a guard came

    to have them pose for a photo

    for their family and friends.

    Nicky, Alex, the Tsarevich

    (and the girls I can't name)

    sat down for photo...but not what they thought.

    Their photographer and help

    came back with many guns;

    they shot them by one.

    The Tsar and Empress were killed

    immediately, as were the daughters

    and tsarevich....but one.

    We're told that Anastasia

    survived this awful struggle.

    To me; it seems just an odd buggle.

    I wonder and I worry

    about this royal family...

    since some could be related to me.


    Hard to write, because I have a grandparent who was from Russia.

    I've always been fascinated about the end of the Romanovs in Russia.

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Will you answer this, Jr?

    The reply didn't work; try As of Monday, it will be different.


    Bret (or Ski...your choice)

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • comparison...Polls vs Poetry?

    I'd like to see what everyone else thinks!!

    Which one do u have more?

    friends or enemies?

    intelligence or foolishness?

    girl friends or boy friends?

    wise or stupid relatives?

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Help writing about my guy...but not saying anything other than flora or fauna about him (his request)?

    I really am working at this, but I only know a small bit of the flora and fauna of Australia, but I promised I would try. It's darned well killing me; I need some help, please?

    He's about 6'1", tight muscular body and a great (but shy) smile.

    Any ideas about comparing him to the Australian flora/fauna will help.

    THANK YOU!!!

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Just my attempt at helping someone else here. Please c/c?

    Another bit of oddness from the mind (?) of Ski -- Idaho.


    Please don't send me cut flowers...

    I am a superstitious guy.

    I consider them a sign of impending doom.

    Beauty cut down in its prime, you know.

    Don't say Macbeth in a theater

    (Unless you're performing that play).

    It will bring nothing but bad performances,

    Bad reviews or worse to your show.

    (I've heard that once, a theater

    Burned down on opening night!

    Throw salt over the left shoulder when cooking

    (If you spill any).

    Don't walk under any ladders.

    Don't let a black cat cross your path.

    A broken mirror means seven years of bad luck.

    Friday the 13th is a day to just spend in bed.

    (Although it's always been good luck for me).

    Humans are a superstitious lot,

    And though it may seem strange...

    It's never hurt anybody yet,

    Our beliefs are our beliefs.

    They keep us sane and happy.

    And, insanity is trying the same thing

    Over and over...

    Hoping for different results.

    8 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Helpful ideas on this attempt for my family?

    I feel that I could treat the rest of my family better, and plan to change my ways. But I need to tell them, in my own verse; no structure nor rhyme...unless it happens.


    How do I truly tell you that


    Yes I've been hurt by your lack of interest

    In my pride of my talents

    Without sounding like the biggest braggart

    That you will ever know


    I know I embarrassed you

    By not being a sports star in school

    But what I did I hoped you

    Were somewhat proud of me


    I never twirled baton as well as you did

    And I let you down in scholastics no Latin

    But what I did I hoped you

    Were somewhat proud of me


    You were and are the barrier between

    My rock and a hard place with love

    But what I did I hoped you

    Were somewhat proud of me

    Lil Bro

    I know that being what I am embarrassed you

    And you got beat up defending me for that anyway

    But what I did I hoped you

    Were somewhat proud of me


    I know Im not what you would have asked for

    Had you truly had the chance

    Basketball star champion baton twirler

    Stronger for myself being able to defend myself

    But what I did I hoped you

    Were somewhat proud of me

    I think its too late to change

    My past indiscretions

    But I can sure try to make you

    Proud of me sometime soon

    Were family and I can sure

    Try to be better for you

    Because being me I might let you down

    But we will always be family

    With much love to you all


    You all don't know how hard this was to write, admitting only a miniscule fraction of my faults to my family, let alone you: my friends! Thanks for taking your time to read it.

    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago

    To all you "Yahooligans" and Y!AP

    You make me feel very special

    for remembering this special day.

    I'm not older now; just wiser,

    and 52 years young makes me want to just say YAY!

    It's been a year I've been here with you,

    and you have always made me feel special;

    I've never felt boring or annoying

    because high or low, it's never been dull!

    So thank you all; you've all become friends.

    I wish I could thank you each, name by name.

    But I doubt there is room enough to type you all,

    And I know there isn't room enough to fit you in this frame.


    I really do wish to thank everyone for remembering me today,

    because even though 52 isn't really a milestone, it's proof.

    Proof that I've had some strikeouts, and some home runs,

    and with friends ike all of you, I may have another 52.

    Isn't THAT a scary thought?

    Thank you again,

    Ski - Idaho

    aka Bret


    8 AnswersPoetry9 years ago