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♪ ♫ Well, I guess, it could be said that if my knowledge and wisdom were converted to wealth, I may humbly say, in all honesty, that I am not a millionaire. But if out of my two cents, you would agree to accept one of it, then, I could proudly say, in all modesty, that I have done charity.♥;_ylt=Aiwfnhcy9.Lgvk.MiU_NwCFwTAx.;_ylv=3?link=question#yan-questions-answers >..>.>>╗⁄∕‾‾‾‾)\_____ ____..╘OO―»»»O╛_ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ …....…..\‾‾‾\z──›____ >..>.>>╧OO―-»»»O╛_ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ .▓▓▓|x▓▓▓|x▓▓▀▄▄▄. ╘OO╛╘OO╛╘OO=oo\\\► ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ .......................W = 200gm(g) ................30.....| 0.▓▓ .......|.......↓.................100 ..▀▀▀▀▀↑▀▀↑▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀| ...............▐▒▒▐...................'.| ...............▐▒▒▐.........175gm☻ ........

  • Do you seriously want poems without rhyme?

    Poetry is a special way of saying. Why should it be no different from your ordinary way of speaking?

    4 AnswersPoetry5 years ago
  • "Love Sonnet 212" Care to Critique and/or Comment?


    Sonnet 212

    Did Happiness leave with the revelries?

    Or with the reasons to indulge in one?

    The smiles stamped on my face are forgeries,

    As nothing genuine I have now done;

    You’ve gone, too far, none of my thoughts have reached,

    And came back once, but only passing through,

    For ever since the love, its binds, were breached,

    Goodbye has made you grace my dreams for show;

    Your essence dwelt not in the substance shown,

    Like foliage without the rosy blooms,

    Or royalty stripped of the kingly throne,

    If not like ambiance of empty rooms;

    …..The world is round, the farther you depart,

    …..You’ll come around nearer, back to the start.


    2 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    "Sonnet 209" I almost forgot how to write anymore, please bear with this. Will you Please CC?

    Sonnet 209

    Love can give signs to hint of its presence,

    Like rain that may be augured by a cloud,

    Or speak mysterious of its essence

    Through lips so veiled, as though wrapped in a shroud;

    Or love may touch with token tenderness,

    That even doubting hearts may not dismiss,

    Or find cause for pretense at truthfulness,

    For even parting could bestow a kiss;

    But love shows colors, nice, when it is true,

    Like honesty that’s stripped off of the lies,

    Or sunset free of clouds that block the view

    As night is born and dimming daylight dies;

    ……But will I rightly read the signs this time?

    ……All indices for love has shown to climb.

    2 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Sonnet 208"?


    Sonnet 208

    The eastern gleam of daybreak streaks the skies,

    As new day peeps at the horizon’s edge,

    The night did pack the dreams before it flies,

    To leave at dawn that all tomorrows pledge;

    My love’s caress, away went with the night,

    Its music faded when distance increased,

    And might her form, so banished from my sight,

    Would leave an aura too faint to exist;

    And yet, I find my yearnings with her filled,

    I reminisce her touch with every thought,

    Our bridges, fallen, will, in time, rebuild,

    As if no Goodbye was upon them brought;

    ……..Now breaks a day like it has never since,

    ……..Next to a night whose dreams have left no hints.


    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Sonnet 207" How should you feel about lost love? Care to C/C?


    Sonnet 208

    Promise me not forever for tonight,

    Remind me not a thing from yesterday,

    Today has joys for us both to delight,

    And places where we will feel best to be;

    Pledge to me not the future yet to come,

    Nor blessings held on oath by swearing lips,

    So I’ll be spared the frustration and glum,

    Should your heart turns out to be one that gyps;

    Your side of Heaven wants nothing more,

    But where I am, of Heaven it’s bereft,

    And the few stars that in the blue would store,

    Have grouped themselves that all alone I’m left;

    ……..But should tomorrow I wake up alone,

    ……..I’ll still remember how your eyes have shone.


    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Double Curse" a lyrical poem, care to C/C?

    Long ago, in lands known only from tales we hear,

    When stars were not yet named for any myth or bear,

    There thrived two kingdoms, one by King so fair and just,

    The other by a Queen whose herd and lands were vast;

    These kingdoms merged as one, as were their rulers’ hearts,

    And it was said, the sun shines mildly on these parts;

    But not all hearts were happy in this paradise

    A jealous sorceress gave them a grave surprise,

    She turned the King each night into a hissing snake,

    While in the day, the Queen into a mouse, she’d make;

    Now, strange bedfellows are the snake and Queen each night,

    While in the day, the mouse makes for the King’s delight;

    Love took its course, although so strange, nevertheless,

    The Queen’s belly has grown, so as to curse or bless,

    And life it was that came into the light of day,

    With both the curse of each parent it now would lay,

    For in the night it coils about as would the snakes,

    While in the day, it turns into a mouse that squeaks;

    One fateful dusk, the mouse began its usual change,

    But something came about that proved to be quite strange:

    The part that’s snake devoured the other half that’s mouse,

    Joined head-to-tail, the snake rolled ‘round the King’s courthouse.

    And only when the night descended fully that

    The snake found out it was its tail, it was biting at.

    4 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Sonnet 206" of beauty, love and longing, care to C/C?


    Sonnet 206

    My rhymes now fill with mostly raving words,

    In lexicon of wonderment and praise

    Which heart with glowing adjectives affords,

    Where talks refer to how your charm portrays;

    No better attributes description holds,

    Than what admiring eyes could oft bestow

    As title for the beauty that unfolds,

    Which even when kept under wraps would show;

    Yet only open buds admit the bees

    For access to the nectar to partake,

    But scent may still be wafted by the breeze,

    Which can spread the aroma in its wake;

    …….That lent to having all my rhymes inspired,

    …….And spawned the love my dreamy heart desired.


    2 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Legacy" just a poem, care to c/c?



    This dawn, the legacy of nights before,

    Breaks from horizons of the distant past,

    In land so faraway, on stranger shore,

    Now gone, but not mementos that still last

    Carved in a lasting medium much more strong,

    To stand the test of both nature and time

    All to bequeath to sons, to hearts a song,

    In every generation, age and clime

    Find no memorials proudly hewn in stones,

    Nor citadels to champion this place,

    But where I trod, on dust or shards of bones,

    Lie brave brisk souls, the essence of my race;

    Their sinews bound the fillings of this ground,

    Their blood mixed with the water from below,

    From there are heard their battle cries still sound,

    For all these things, deep in my heart, I know.


    2 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Love Sonnet 205" can't write much about war, care to C/C?


    Love Sonnet 205

    Oh rose, in which sweetness evolve my dreams,

    Aspiring boldly, praying to find ways,

    To live ideals, that a heart esteems,

    Which may last longer than expected days;

    So let the thorns by your charms be out-shined,

    Your bony stems be swayed to shun the wind,

    By scent, your beauty in the dark I'll find,

    Deny God's art in you and I have sinned;

    But short a lease, the tenant Beauty keeps,

    Might Virtue fill the vacancy it left,

    Or else, without the dreams my poor heart sleeps,

    Of destinations, it will be bereft;

    ......As sweetness, too, departs from every dream,

    .....What values will be left which could redeem?



    2 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Love Sonnet 204" we can't help but dream, care to C/C?


    Love Sonnet 204

    Across dark thresholds sleep my dormant dreams,

    Inspired by aspects seen while I'm awake,

    Epitome of sweetness, my love seems,

    That nectar bees seek earnestly to take;

    A flower bloomed from primal buds of May,

    And nurtured in the sun, glazed by the light,

    Which even stars at night cannot display;

    I pity blooms which do not glow as bright;

    But comes a time when flowers cease to be,

    To be more than pleasures to the eyes,

    When beauty has become mere memory,

    When purpose was fulfilled with its demise;

    .....When in dark thresholds lie the sleeping seeds

    .....Formed in fruits, when flower to fruit proceeds.


    5 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • Who promoted poetry, was it Shakespeare or Bukowski?

    How is the Iambic pentameter of this quatrain? Care to complete the sonnet?


    Oh Bard, in whose poetry toast the worms,

    One honor you could truly grant this space,

    As hero, pacify the raging storms,

    With your demise will come such needed grace;




    6 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Sonnet 199" Silence speaks between hearts and also silence denies, which is more true? Care to C/C?


    Sonnet 199

    Love dances in the glitter of her smile,

    Reflections of the promise in her eyes,

    Unfolding slowly, wishful to beguile,

    To give away what silence oft denies;

    Yet, words despoil the essence of the act;

    Is not a sigh enough to express bliss?

    For speech seems needless to discern a fact,

    As needless as permission for a kiss;

    But roses only need to scent the breeze,

    With not a sound, the nose will know how sweet,

    And be led to the flower source with ease,

    To find her there, the way how lovers meet;

    .....As all converge to where love calmly waits,

    ....Love turns the world and open up all gates.


    2 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Sonnet 198" Are your memories seeping into your dreams? Care to C/C?


    Sonnet 198

    Moonlights without love, just a waste of moons,

    Loose, empty hugs, apt tunnels for the wind,

    Sand castles built upon the shifting dunes,

    Such sorry wastes, I'm hapless to rescind;

    A showy dress of living contents, nil,

    A lovely face, to mask the lack of soul,

    Might Galatea all my dreams fulfill,

    If statues bear the charms that I extol;

    But surely soon, a love, some goddess brings,

    Much better though if decked with ancient gems,

    Such precepts on which olden wisdom clings,

    The best for any lass to wear than diadems;

    ......My fault, I yearn the past so much, it seems,

    ......To oft confuse the memories with dreams.


    4 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • Let me tempt you with a sonnet opening stanza, care to add?



    Moonlights without love, just a waste of moons,

    Loose, empty hugs, apt tunnels for the wind,

    Sand castles built upon the shifting dunes,

    What wastage, though yet trivial to rescind;




    4 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • " Sonnet 197" have you found what you were looking for in love? Care to C/C?


    Sonnet 197

    Her songs of love are just as what were known,

    None saw her eyes bespeak enthrallment felt

    Exuding from within as sparks have shown,

    That lent a warmth by which all cares can melt;

    As sensual marks her ways upon my mind,

    Nostalgia tints the venue of our tryst,

    Love's own quintessence I have there enshrined,

    Not to be deified, but to be kissed;

    But more that all this total sum she is,

    Endowed with love regards which angels speak,

    As in refrains where each of my songs says,

    Much about love which dreamy lovers seek;

    ......Not found yet if not in her lips so sweet,

    ......Or eyes, to fathom which proves quite a feat.


    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Wandering Off" a poet once wandered too far. Care to C/C?


    Wandering Off

    He was lost in reverie, walking aimlessly.

    Then he saw a sign: "You are entering Heaven"

    But he was jolted to reality all of a sudden,

    Stones have started falling like Hell.

    Out of habit, or plain inquisitiveness

    He noted where the stones are coming from

    And started towards that direction.

    And he came to a boundary sign: "Hell"

    And surely enough, he saw some devil.

    And the cartload of stones that it pushes.

    "So this is where the stones are coming, eh?"

    He shouted to the devil, with some reproach.

    "But we have to eat, sir" the devil answered.

    "You mean eat these stones?" he countered.

    "No sir." said the devil. "We throw these stones

    to the other side and they come back as bread."


    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • "Sonnet 195" where is tomorrow? care to comment and/or critique?


    Sonnet 195

    Her touch imbues my heart with so much joy,

    And heals the wounds without a graven scar,

    My mind, its usual questing wits employ,

    Confirms I may have stumbled on my star,

    That always, high among the blinking lights,

    Which shrouds in mystery the starry skies,

    Will hold in thrall a thousand dreamy nights,

    Or spy ahead for where tomorrow lies;

    But all Todays have sizzled well enough,

    Not caring if the morning ever comes,

    Or should the going soon becomes too tough,

    To every pain and sorrow this heart numbs;

    .......For with her touch, to joys would sorrows lead,

    .......And wounds to healing right away proceed.


    4 AnswersPoetry7 years ago