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Another great singer gone?

Has anyone heard that Ferlin Husky passed away today ? RIP.


For those who don't, I meant to say country singer Ferlin Husky. Sorry.

Update 2:

One more try. For those who don't know who he is, I meant to say country music singer Ferlin Husky.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ......Rest in Peace to a country legend. May your song "Wings Of A Dove" lift the spirits of the fans from the 50's and 60's that remember the songs of his.

    "Gone" , "Wings Of A Dove", " A Fallen Star" , "A Dear John Letter" , " Timber I'm Falling" were just a few of his songs.

    he also recorded as "Simon Crum". As Simon he recorded " Country Music is Here To Stay" and , " Cuzz Yore So Sweet" and " Stand Up,Sit Down and Shut Your Mouth"

    He also was a frequent duet partner with Jean Shepard .

    Another great "Traditional/classic" country star to Rest In Peace.

    Source(s): A Fan
  • 1 decade ago

    He'd been in and out of the hospital for a couple of years with congestive heart failure, and when he was released earlier this year they put him in hospice because of colon cancer.

    At least he got to see himself inducted into the Hall of Fame (last year) and got to hear the good news that his "A Dear John Letter" singing partner, Jean Shepard, is a new inductee this year.

    Favorite Ferlin song: "Gone."

    Favorite Simon Crum song: "Stand Up, Sit Down, Shut Your Mouth"

    Ferlin was a great impressionist, BTW. He did all the impersonations in "Country Music is Here to Stay," and one of his early releases was called "Hank's Song," where he impersonated Hank Williams with a song with lyrics that were titles of Hank Williams songs.

  • 1 decade ago Here is a link that will update everyone that wasn't familiar with this great country artist. May you Rest In Peace & Prayers to his family. He will be greatly missed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sad news,soon there will be no classic/traditional Country musicians left

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sad. I think. Now I'm going to have to look up his music.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the first I heard about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago




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