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MJ fans : who knows the true story of Neverland Ranch?

i asked the same question in fanpop, but i felt unsatisfied with the answer. could you give me your answer?

and is it true that prince, paris andblanket will buy the Neverland back?


oh my god ! im sorry. i forgot the questions. :D

i want to know when and why neverland being raid? and the sec ques is it true that the children will buy their home back?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I only heard that the family is thinking of turning it into an amusement park and tourist attraction, more like Elvis Presley's "Graceland".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prince, Paris, and Blanket already own Neverland. And what do you mean by the True Story of Neverland?

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