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How can I get hold of my P45?

OK, so I finished working for a company about three months ago now, and they reckon they sent out a P45 some time in January. About three weeks ago I called up and asked them to send me another copy, as I hadn't received it, which they said they would do. I still haven't received the P45, and now when I call up the woman in personnel is getting all angry and saying they've already sent a copy twice, and am I sure I haven't go it etc. and they don't really want to send another copy. I really need it, as I'm applying to get back the tax I paid (as I hadn't yet reached my limit for nontaxable income, and so shouldn't have been paying tax on those earnings - I've agreed this with the taxman, but can't get hold of the money until I send them my P45), but I wondered if there was another route to go down that didn't mean dealing with really irritating, unhelpful pencil pushers down the end of the phone?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Employers cannot issue copies of P45s - I'm not sure why they would have told you that they could. If you have not received it you will have to ask the tax office what you need to do instead. If you start a new job you will need to complete a P46 form.

    Source(s): I work in HR - also see this site:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did the 'Taxman' confirm that they had received the P45 from your previous employer?

    This time write to HMRC explaining that you believe you are due a tax rebate and that you have not received your P45 (basically exactly what you have said here about employer etc)

    Unfortunately the HMRC may have to wait until the employers end of year returns are sent to them which should be by Mid May legally until they will pay you the rebate.

    good luck

  • !
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Employers are not allowed to issue duplicate P45s (that's why there is a statement on the front to this effect, telling you not to lose it!).

    I wonder if it was ever sent at all...?

    Contact ACAS, the employment law experts, for anything to do with employment queries and problems. They will give you free, impartial and confidential advice. Masses of useful info, plus contact details, on their website:

  • JL
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You can go higher in the company and ignore the personnel people altogether - make a formal complaint to management and tell them that you intend to take legal action as they are required to provide you with this. You can go to your CAB to ask them what to do, or call ACAS who are the employment people. Also get in touch with HMRC to let them know what's going on.

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  • Dan M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i feel for you on this matter as it happened to me. Instead of asking them to send you it ask them to let you know when it will be ready and pick it up. If you get no joy from that report them to the inland revenue.

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